Thursday, July 20, 2023

Gone fishing...and maybe sinking to the bottom of the lake.

For the foreseeable future, and likely beyond, let's assume that this blog space shall be dormant with no new posts forthcoming. Links will be active until the server they are on determines that they aren't. So, things that are gone, are gone, but the blog itself will stay here where we are leaving it. Until somebody decides they don't want to pay to host it. Which could be whenever.

Thanks to all who contributed.

Cheers to the founder Jeremy, aka Ipecac. I kept it going in his memory as long as I could, but know.

Thanks to all who who took the time to read what was posted.

- Gray


DaM07 said...

Well, thnaks for all the great music posted over the years.
This blog turned me on such great bands when finding noise rock albums on the net was not so easy : Crust, Cherubs, Pains teens ...
Wish you the best

meanhippy said...

shit, man. end of a goddamn era.
no matter what anyone said or thought, or how much it seemed pointless at times, you/y'all were doing god's work....

Anonymous said...

From one ex-blogger to another, cheers!

-Analog Loyalist, The Power Of Independent Trucking

Chris said...

This blog introduced me to so many great band that pulled me through some pretty dark times. Thanks for the efforts you put it in for all of these years.

FiveGunsWest said...

Love's labours lost. To Ipecac and you, thanks for all the wonderful music and interesting insights. The world will be a dimmer place without you. As another commenter said, "The end of an era." and indeed it is.

Happy Trails

Captain said...

Well, shit on a dick. SGM has been a daily visit any time I've had 10 minutes to open my computer. Y'all were one of the real ones. Salut!

middle aged man said...

thanks for all the great music, you will be missed

adgy said...

Sad to hear, but thank you so much for all the amazing music over the years!

Alessandro said...

That's sad :/

Thanks for everything you did over the last couple of years and all the best!

timojhen said...

Thanks for the effort put in, appreciated!

Anonymous said...

so long, and thanks for all the fish

Anonymous said...

hail gray. hail ipecac. hail sgm

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the uploads and re-uploads and re-re-uploads and loads of really important info and some really great writing. "Shout at the devil, and then continue shouting at everything and everyone else ever. Forever."

SxPxDxCx said...

Its been a hell of run. Thanks for all the posts.

Media Hits said...

Thank you thank thank you

Nacho said...


thuglifebaldwin said...

There will be a big hole in this space……followed the ‘tone since I was active on my own blog… will be missed

machine a sous en ligne gratuit avec bonus said...

Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful posts

Anonymous said...

Damn... RIP SGM, you will be missed.

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