Showing posts with label RaHoWa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RaHoWa. Show all posts

Monday, March 02, 2020

February 2020 Bits and Bites: (Fake) Posters, Win Nay is Embarrassing, Robert Jones Escalates, and Tim Jones Goes Mask Off

February has been a ride. We're still working on collecting the worst of the worst with the far-right's response to Wet'suwet'en, which we'll publish in other article(s) as it deserves. For now, here are some highlights from the last month.

A video was posted to YouTube by Hamilton Ed (last name unknown), who is a staple at the Yellow Vest and other far-right rallies around the city. The posters were promptly ripped down by some stellar Hamiltonians, and police were called, who advised Ed that people had as much right to rip them down as he had to put them up.

Screenshot from YouTube comments

"Diversity hire," huh. And about those posters Ed...

* * * *

Leigh Stuart found some rather silly posters in Kitchener-Waterloo apparently attributed to Kitchener-Waterloo Against Fascism, which seemed a little strange.
 Here they are in full view: 

These posters are exactly what one would expect from someone who 
was anti-antifascist pretending to be antifascist. 

If this strikes you as odd, you'd be right. 

We reached out to folks involved with Kitchener-Waterloo Against Fascism and confirmed that they did not produce or put these posters up. In fact, they scoffed at the poor workmanship and design of the posters. 

Now, we don't know exactly what transpired, but these are obviously fake and it's possible someone took a cue from Ronny Cameron

* * * *

Everyone's favourite hate group hopper Win Nay continues to be...interesting. We thank Edmonton Against Fascism for their tireless contributions. 
 This led to a bit of a feud: 
Where a ...duel?...was discussed. 
 * * * *
Robert Jones, former Proud Boy Grown Ass Man, has upped his extremist ante, re-joining Twitter to share some siegepilled garbage and describing himself as a neo-fascist, with a skullmask and a sonnenrad. 

Jones, who would increase the average age of Atomwaffen by 7 years all by himself, has evidently become further radicalized since his days with Proud Boys, Northern Guard, and Soldiers of Odin

Boomer Division reporting for duty. 

He's gone full antisemite. We're wondering how Meir feels about this, given his previous relationship with the JDL

And is engaging George Burdi's (RaHoWa, Heritage Front) new folk music partner, Cat Weiss:

It's safe to say that the radicalization pipeline worked on Jones. 

 * * * *

Tim Jones, of Nova Scotia and previously/currently of Northern Guard, has recently showed off his fancy new vest from yet another "motorcycle club," Rogue Brothers, that features some interesting patchwork: 

And that's a wrap on February, 2020. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Former Aryan Guard Member Bill Noble: Allegedly Harassing Commuters and Canadian Nationalist Party Support

This past weekend ARC received a disturbing report out of Winnipeg:

When the individual posting this message was contacted they were sent a photo of someone who appeared to fit the description. That individual was Bill Noble:

This photo was taken recently in 2019
This photo is roughly 7 or 8 years old I believe.
Noble is of course a figure who we at ARC are well familiar with as he was an early member of the Aryan Guard in Calgary. Prior to his involvement with the Aryan Guard Noble had spent 4 months behind bars having been convicted on hate crime charges (upon release he almost immediately violated the terms of his parole for which he received no sanction). He also appears to have been the individual who helped hide Aryan Guard leader/founder Kyle McKee in Winnipeg when he fled Calgary facing charges of attempted murder; McKee was eventually taken into custody and put on trial where he eventually plead guilty to lesser charges of possessing bomb making materials.

Aside from acting as the moderator for the mostly moribund Canadian section of Stormfront, Noble has been relatively quite in Winnipeg so this escalation is a cause for concern. In fact he had been so quiet that I had stopped keeping an eye on him however this news resulted in a check of his social media.

Perhaps not surprisingly Noble has found a new cause to support:

Of COURSE the unreformed neo-Nazi would be drawn to the Canadian Nationalist Party! In fact Noble has been promoting the CNP quite frequently since learning of their existence:

Noble also took note that ARC published the list of CNP members so in an act of solidarity that, if CNP wishes to continue to deny they are a neo-Nazi party might charitably be described as "not helping", he has reached out to members on the list in Winnipeg:

That's right eagle-eyed readers, that IS former Rahowa lead singer George Burdi commenting on this thread. Burdi himself had claimed to have rejected the racist movement, but a few years ago quietly reinserted himself into it and is a full-on "white nationalist" once again which certainly calls into question his initial defection.

In any case, if you come across Noble in Winnipeg ARC would advise you to act cautiously. He's still skinny as a rail but that doesn't mean he isn't a potential danger.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Joey Deluca of WCAI Planning Rally in Edmonton on March 29. He Should Be Prepared O Be Laughed At.... Again

Sometimes I come across information in a rather round-about way. For example years ago I found myself reading an article on Wikipedia and realized that I had forgotten how I had gotten there. I just started clicking links from the original piece I had been looking up so I had to backtrack. FYI, one can get to an Asian warlord of the 13th century by originally looking up information on an actor who starred in a 1990s medical drama in 12 clicks. 

Such is the case with this:

But lets start and the beginning which was about three weeks ago.

I hadn't been looking at posts on Stormfront in some time so I decided to see what was new. Truth be told, not much. A few of the usual suspects remain posting in the Canadian section, but for all intents and purposes it is a bit of a ghost town there. Still, one post by Bill Noble caught my attention:

I had known that George Burdi had come out as a white nationalist after close to two decades of claiming to have rejected the ideology in part due to his stint in prison. I was genuinely saddened when I learned this because a big part of the reason I do this is because of the hope that people can change. I still believe this to be true, but one has to want to change and I don't think Burdi really did despite his claims he did.

In any case, it didn't take long for Kevin "No Show" Goudreau to offer his $0.02. (incidentally, he appears to have failed to show up at a March 21 rally he claimed to have organized; I know you're as surprised as I am).

Where No Show earned his nickname.

Goudreau is a narcissistic nobody who likes to present himself as the nexus of the white nationalist movement during the past 30 years based primarily on his 4 second appearance in the documentary "Hearts of Hate" and decades later an appearance in the "National Post." And of course in his response he Goudreaus all over the place:

Goudreau was called out by someone on the forum because even some boneheads know a bullshitter when they come across one:

We also had an appearance from Tom Trenerry:

Trenerry hadn't posted on SF for at least 10 years by by count, but back when he was hanging out with the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour he was a frequent posted using numerous usernames as he was frequently being banned for threatening other forum members. He hadn't been in ARC's sights for years until his association with the reactionary Yellow Vests protests and shacking up with Dara "Nazi Mom" Graham:

Still, it was funny to read this since not long ago Trenerry and Goudreau seemed to get along:

It goes without saying that Trenerry also isn't a fan of ARC:

However his post on SF mentioning Joey Deluca and the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam and this post on Twitter reminded me....

.... what IS Joey up to lately?

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Eric Brazau: Islamophobe, Racist, and Liar

On June 21, the following flyer was found on the notice board of a Toronto public library:

The person who posted the flyer did not have permission from the library staff to do so. The flyer itself was also a bald-faced lie:

Edited to protect identity of the individual who
posted this and the group where it was posted.

The person responsible was Eric Brazau:

Eric Brazau has been discussed a number of times on this blog as well as in the MSM with regard to what can be described as blood libels directed towards Muslim-Canadians and Islam in general:

He is also an associated of other hate-mongers including Ron Banerjee, Kevin "Poodle" Johnston, Lynn Redden, and formerly Sandra Solomon before their falling out:

Brazau tried to justify his lie when challenged by James Sears' associate Lawrence McCurry:

First, when Lawrence McCurry appears to be the rational person in the discussion, that says a great deal about the character of the other person. Second, what?!?! 

I could go on and on about Brazau's Islamophobic antics, but it should suffice it to post only a few recent examples for those who aren't familiar with him. First regarding the attack in Toronto that left 10 dead and 16 injured, Brazau posted the following:

When challenged....

.... Brazau didn't respond.

Probably because the attack was perpetrated by someone more in line with Brazau's ideological viewpoints.

He also posted the following criticism of the British and Canadian governments regarding their respective immigration ministers:

What is clear is that Brazau is anti-Muslim and that he views every Muslim as an extremist.

But don't for a moment think that he rejects religion playing a primary role in government decisions so long as it is the religion that he subscribes to. 

As Brazau writes above, he was a candidate in the most recent Ontario election running as a candidate for the fringe Cultural Action Party:

Brazau wrote the following (and repeats himself, incidentally) regarding his plans should he be elected to office:

Suffice it to say, he performed poorly:

However his post on June 4 also hints that Brazau has embraced racial animus. Other posts seem to confirm this:

Saga is a white nationalist singer from Sweden.
This is her cover of a RaHoWa song.
Lana Lokteff is a white supremacist who is found on YouTube.