Showing posts with label The Big Bad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Big Bad. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Book Signing: Phil Beloin, Jr.

This past Saturday Phil Beloin, Jr. signed copies of his book The Big Bad at an independent bookstore in Naugatuck, CT. This was Phil's first signing for his debut novel, which was published in July by Hilliard & Harris. I drove down to CT. to attend the signing with my friend J.W. Phil, J.W., and I were classmates in film school, and the last time we were together was at my wedding almost eight years ago. So on top of the signing event, it was a mini film school reunion.

The signing was in at Tina's Cafe & Bookshop, a new establishment off the town green. Phil was their inaugural author. Tina's is more cafe than bookshop, but hopefully the townsfolk will rise up to demand more books in their town.

Phil's friends, family, and other supporters turned out for the signing, and a few passersby stopped to check out the stack of books Phil had out on display. J.W. bought a copy and had his signed, and I picked up a second copy that I'll give to some deserving pulp fiction fan as a gift.

If you didn't get a chance to drop by for your copy you still have a chance because Tina's got a shelf devoted to The Big Bad, and Phil just placed more copies in an independent bookstore in Shelton.

Phil tells me he's working on the sequel to the The Big Bad, tentatively titled The Bigger Bad. The second in a trilogy. I don't have any plot details as yet, but as Phil says about Nick Constantine, his main character: "There's no way Nick's not getting into more trouble."

Read an interview with Phil here.
Read my review of The Big Bad here.
Read an article on Phil here.
Buy your copy on Amazon.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Out This Week

This week is a busy one over here at Unreliable Narrator headquarters. First, while it was scheduled for August, issue 56 of Fiction hit the stands this week. It features my story Casey, about a young man's relationship with a waitress during one Cape Cod summer. And just because I grew up on the Cape and worked as a prep cook in the summers as a kid does not mean this is an autobiographical piece...Mom.

Liz enjoying the issue:
Elsewhere, Becky Tuch over at the Review Review posted my review of the lit mag Inkwell to help celebrate her website redesign and launch. As a bonus, this issue of Inkwell features a story by E.B. Moore, who you may know from her affiliation with Beyond the Margins and Grub Street. Find out what I thought of her story.

Then, if you haven't yet read my new interview with Phil Beloin, Jr., click here to learn more about the inner workings of a crime fiction writer and his experiences publishing his first novel, The Big Bad.

Oh, and go order it from Amazon while you're at it. You can read an earlier interview I did with him on this blog here.