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Army Ouchie: 1942

September 1942. "Fort Belvoir, Virginia. George Camplair getting his injections at the reception center." Acetate negative by Jack Delano for the Office of War Information. View full size.

September 1942. "Fort Belvoir, Virginia. George Camplair getting his injections at the reception center." Acetate negative by Jack Delano for the Office of War Information. View full size.


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That brings it all back.

Jan 2, 1963 I went through the gauntlet gantlet at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO through 2 lines of "shooters". A few needles and several pneumatic shots. Really sore the next morning. They told us not to flinch when they used the high pressure air guns or it would tear our skin.

Smallpox Vax?

My eyesight is bad but I don't see a syringe. Maybe making small skin punctures on his arm for smallpox? I got mine in the 50's. I remember a nurse tapping my arm with a small, sharp glass stylus placing the vaccine in my skin.

Turn back the clock

What a great picture !

More than 80 years ago there was a need to help Russia - How the world has changed when you look at where we are now

I really like the clock on the right of the photo - (Postal Telegraph) Years ago I bought one in California and it now hangs on the wall at my home.

Very few injections with the syringe and hypodermic needle

Back in my military days mostly air injections one corpsman swabbing alcohol next one wielding the 'gun' saying don't flinch. Some flinchers results cut bloody arm guy behind them passed out. Air injection phased out due to hepatitis concerns. Those were the days my Shorpy friends.

[Commatose! - Dave]

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