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Twenty years ago today, demonstrators gathered in Miami, Florida to oppose the ministerial of the proposed “Free” Trade Area of the Americas. The brutal police response was unprecedented for that time. Nonetheless, the FTAA was ultimately defeated. Anarchists are the real opposition to capitalist globalization, not mendacious autocrats like Donald Trump.

Our report at the time:

The Miami Model, a documentary:

In 2003, the Chief of Police in Miami was John Timoney, a notorious bully who loved to do physical harm to protesters. He later helped the Kingdom of Bahrain suppress social movements. He died in 2016—not a moment too soon—and we got to write his obituary:


Revisiting the Smash EDO Campaign

In response to the genocide unfolding in Gaza, some activists have set out to target weapons manufacturers like Elbit Systems and Raytheon. As these campaigns gain momentum, it may be instructive to look to previous such efforts for inspiration and ideas.

Two decades ago in the UK, a campaign known as Smash EDO set out to shut down an arms factory in Brighton. Over the course of a years-long struggle, they experimented with a range of strategies. In one case, activists broke into the facility and did hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage to it—and then were declared innocent by a jury at trial.

In this text, we review the movement from its inception to its high point in 2010.


Shutting Down the Port of Tacoma: Reflections from the Salish Sea

On Monday, November 6, several hundred people showed up at the Port of Tacoma in Washington State to block access to a shipping vessel that was scheduled to deliver equipment to the Israeli military.

In the following text, participants review the history of port blockades in the Puget Sound, share their experiences at the November 6 protest, and strategize for future transoceanic solidarity.


Strategizing for Palestinian Solidarity: Expanding the Toolkit

A collective of Jewish anarchists involved in the struggle to #StopCopCity in Atlanta explains why they are committed to solidarity with Palestinians and what they think it will take to halt the assault on Gaza. They explore the protests calling for a ceasefire, arguing that solidarity movements must shift from presenting demands to taking direct action.


We’ve prepared a poster expressing support for Palestinians, who are currently threatened by ethnic cleansing.

“Contrary to the promises of Israeli politicians, neither the apartheid policies of the Israeli government nor the brutality of the Israeli military have brought safety to anyone in the region. There is no way to stop to the bloodshed without putting an end to the colonial oppression of Palestinians.

“In any struggle, those who have the most power and access to resources have the most leverage in determining what form the conflict will take. The Israeli government has exponentially more arms and funding than any Palestinian group; across the course of decades, it has inflicted exponentially more casualties. Some of its staunchest supporters are Christian nationalists and neoliberals seeking leverage in the oil-rich Mideast. Any effort towards change in the region must begin by confronting their support.”