
Did I make a mistake? by Beranasquanch in malehairadvice

[–]StairwayToLemon [score hidden]  (0 children)

I refuse to believe the 2 pics are the same person

I've been holding XRP since January 2021 by strawberry2nd in XRP

[–]StairwayToLemon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Weird to be moaning about being a holder for 2 years when the majority of people in this sub have been holding way, way longer than that.

'Premier League should stop transfers to Saudi' by SaraShane in football

[–]StairwayToLemon 29 points30 points  (0 children)

This coming from the guy who took Qatar's World Cup money? Ok.

'Premier League should stop transfers to Saudi' by SaraShane in football

[–]StairwayToLemon 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Now you will feel what its like having your best players taken away.

Mate, Saudi are taking has beens/shite. They're not taking the PL's best players.

How does everyone feel about this? by Reverie05 in StarWars

[–]StairwayToLemon -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Yes please. It's what the show should have been since day 1.

Is David Beckham overrated or underrated? by Kilgore2887 in football

[–]StairwayToLemon -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

When he still played he was rated rightly. Since he retired however he is severely underrated.

Thoughts on Windows 11? by Nikushez in buildapc

[–]StairwayToLemon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Wow, fuck that. I have a triple monitor setup and stick the taskbar on the right side of the left screen. It's so clean and crisp. I don't ever want to lose that.

Did I fuck up? We texted on Monday about plans to meet on Thursday and I left the convo at that for a couple days. by x2-SparkyBoomMan in Tinder

[–]StairwayToLemon 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I just gave you an example of a basic response, the conversation had not been exhausted. The conversation ended because OP didn't reply.

Jesus christ. Replying with such a nothing response as "looking forward to it!" is simply beating a dead horse. There is no conversation there. The girl OP was talking to would be in the exact same situation where if she wants a conversation she would have to start one, which you are so against her doing.

Lol "secretly", as if she has some obligation to let op know when he couldn't even respond.

You what? They had set a time and place for a date. Normally when you do that you are obligated to tell the other person if it isn't happening anymore, yes.

Did I fuck up? We texted on Monday about plans to meet on Thursday and I left the convo at that for a couple days. by x2-SparkyBoomMan in Tinder

[–]StairwayToLemon 11 points12 points  (0 children)

It ended because he didn't respond.

There was nothing to reply to. The conversation had ended.

If its not a disproportionate amount of effort then he should have done it.

Should? No, he could have. But he didn't want to, as stated in his post. She's the one who wanted more conversations so she could very easily have started one herself. Instead, she chose to secretly make other plans. OP dodged a bullet.

Even just a "Great, looking forward to it!" would have been sufficient.

Wow, what an amazing conversation that would have been!

Did I fuck up? We texted on Monday about plans to meet on Thursday and I left the convo at that for a couple days. by x2-SparkyBoomMan in Tinder

[–]StairwayToLemon 11 points12 points  (0 children)

The conversation had ended. Starting a new one isn't a "disproportionate amount of effort". Especially when you've just set a date ffs.

Did I fuck up? We texted on Monday about plans to meet on Thursday and I left the convo at that for a couple days. by x2-SparkyBoomMan in Tinder

[–]StairwayToLemon 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Do you understand that if you're strangers then you need to be consistently building rapport to maintain interest?

What does that have to do with you thinking she can't send him a message because she sent the last one?

That's how 12 year olds think.