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Indianbro commented on
Posted by
47 points · 2 months ago

It looks like a 90s computer game rendering

Indianbro commented on
Posted by
2 points · 2 months ago

If you're choosing luxury over performance, than I would say a high end 3 series (330i or 340i with m sport packages) or 5 series is your best bet.

Indianbro commented on
Posted by
9 points · 2 months ago

Girl friends keep other girls in check from promiscuity due to a social hierarchy, when a girl has no girl friends but ONLY guy friends, then she is basically free of other girls judging her she is given a free pass to slutty behavior. Guys can judge her but will probably overlook this because of her looks and she can just jump to another guy friend

Indianbro commented on
Posted by
0 points · 2 months ago


Indianbro commented on
Posted by
13 points · 2 months ago

Maybe its for your Heart of Azmerloth…see what i did there?

Indianbro commented on
Posted by
1 point · 2 months ago

Neither one. Until Blizzard fixes group finder item level discrimination. Im ilvl 350 and cant even get into a measly mythic0 as DPS. There needs to be more thought process behind item level significance, queue times, and boring world quest grinds every week. Otherwise this game is starting to feel like Shadowlands 2.0 all over again! Boo.

0 points · 2 months ago

if you're that far behind the curve of the average player you can't expect the game to be catered to you, make your own group, get some friends or guildies to join your m0. or just play when everyone else is doing the same content level

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1 point · 2 months ago

I was away with family during launch. So yes, I am 1-2 weeks behind everyone else. So what? I'm punished for it? That's absolute nonsense. But this speaks to a larger problem, like I originally stated. Blizzard shouldn't be punishing players for being "behind the curve" of the average player just squarely based on item level recommendations. Its completely unfair for them to want players to return but punish people based on this. I noticed the item level disparity to be the worst going from Heroics to Mythic0. People shouldn't discriminate on 1-2 ilvls.

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Indianbro commented on
Posted by
75 points · 2 months ago

New ones are reflective so they can use laser to check your speed.. they just shoot the front plate. See also: why we're required to have front plate now

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-31 points · 2 months ago

We are? Where did you hear that. Ive never heard front plate to be mandatory in ct

14 points · 2 months ago

“[T]he law now requires only that any vehicle for which the DMV issues two plates must display both of them.”

From the CT General Assembly:

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-13 points · 2 months ago

That was from 1995…you made it seem like it was a recent change. Theres no way you will find me drilling into my front bumper to appease authorities from something people still dont follow to this day lol

Indianbro commented on
Posted by
9 points · 3 months ago

Why are American garages often unfinished? I've noticed that in most pictures I've seen from the US, the garages are the bare drywall. Just assuming that this is in the US as well.. Please correct if wrong.

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1 point · 3 months ago

not just garages, basements too


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