
Best place to sell used furniture? by taleniekov in lafayette

[–]taleniekov[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I see. I need to dismantle it before I get it out of the house. There are 4 major parts - it's an L shaped sofa bed that's in very good condition. I'll need some help getting it out of the house and one floor downstairs though.

TIFU by ignoring my high fever and almost dying while home alone. by Function_Bulky in tifu

[–]taleniekov 180 points181 points  (0 children)

Oh I had almost the same experience about 15 years back. Caught dengue when I was on a work travel but did not know it. Had a high fever for three days and kept suppressing it with fever meds. It was almost the end of a two month assignment and I flew back to my home still carrying the fever. I was shivering throughout the flight back, and even requested the air hostess for a blanket which unfortunately they didn't have.

I somehow got through that 2.5 hour flight, took a one hour cab back home in the middle of the night, popped some more fever pills and collapsed into my bed. Woke up a couple of hours later, puked my guts out, had bone-jarring body pain but somehow convinced myself it would pass. Come morning, I still couldn't bear the pain, so dragged myself to my housemate's room and promptly collapsed in front of him.

He luckily did not panic, kept his calm and rushed me to the ER. I was barely conscious but could hear the nurses' highly concerned voices as they punctured my body and started pumping fluids.

Oh, did I mention I'm epileptic? The high fever reached a tipping point and I started seizing on the ER bed. Doctors rushed in, started pumping seizure suppressing meds and after another round of seizures, managed to stabilize me. I don't know what happened after that except for waking up two days later with my dad by my bedside in the hospital ward.

I'll always be grateful for the series of lucky incidents that saved my life that day. Somehow surviving the three days of fever while alone on a work trip, managing the long journey back home. The fact that my housemate was not at his girlfriend's place that night (he spent over half his nights with her leaving me on my own at home). And finally his presence of mind in reacting so quickly and calmly to the situation.

Kids, never ignore what your body's trying to tell you! You may be 23, feel on top of your physical powers but things can go very wrong at any time.

What's your favorite movie that does not take the hero very seriously? by taleniekov in Chennai

[–]taleniekov[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks guys! This is a super cool list of movies I will get to watching!

iMovie update killed my projects! by taleniekov in iMovie

[–]taleniekov[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh I can open any new project that I created on iMovie 3.0.

My problem is that my older projects were created on iMovie 2.3.3. When I export these older projects, in unable to open them on my Mac

If no one else is wearing a mask, should you? by D-R-AZ in Coronavirus

[–]taleniekov 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you!

Harry Maguire & Luke Shaw Have been called up to the England Team by nearly_headless_nic in reddevils

[–]taleniekov 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He's going to score, isn't he? And come back with an even more swollen ego!

Does anyone know why I keep getting this ridiculous set-up when making bus routes in towns, please? by [deleted] in TransportFever2

[–]taleniekov 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Your bus is taking a u-turn a little ahead because the game builds roads in segments and that particular segment ended a little ahead from your station. You can see this by deleting the road near your station. It'll knock off a small segment that ends ahead of your station.

One way to solve this is by partitioning that road segment. Create a perpendicular road just in front of your station, then the game will realize that it can take a turn there instead of heading to the end of the segment.

Early game doldrums (still a newbie, but playing at harder levels, now). by chacomer1955 in TransportFever2

[–]taleniekov 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes, and a variety of lines spanning the entire continent to get these delivered to each town.

Early game doldrums (still a newbie, but playing at harder levels, now). by chacomer1955 in TransportFever2

[–]taleniekov 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I fully agree!

Also, in real life, a lot of companies take on debt as over 50% of their balance sheet and still do very well. It's a matter of perspective, I guess. Somehow, the game has given an impression that debt is bad. It doesn't help that almost all the streamers of the game focus on getting rid of debt as soon as possible.

Early game doldrums (still a newbie, but playing at harder levels, now). by chacomer1955 in TransportFever2

[–]taleniekov 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Why is debt a problem, and why do players try to pay it off asap?

Imo, it's just a small additional cost. In fact, I like taking more debt as my company grows and I'm investing heavily in creating complex supply chains.

The year is 1850, what train route would you make to maximize your early game profits? by EunByuL in TransportFever2

[–]taleniekov 5 points6 points  (0 children)

My current save has all the farms and a food factory at one town, which is at the corner of my map. I built a rail line to transport the food to a central town, which I was planning on keeping as a hub for all my goods and passengers.

My first bread train was a wonder. It took ages too reach the centre of the map from its origin, just to break even. I added another train to get some profits in the low millions. Next I started building out my 'spoke' trains to deliver food to nearby towns from the central hub. Needless to say, by 1860, I was almost bankrupt. Every train would push my balance above 0, just for costs to push me into negative immediately.

I was on the verge of quitting, but decided to give another shot by selling a few trains and culling some passenger buses. 10 years of running just the two bread trains brought my balance up to 10 mil... And then I built a couple of crude-oil-fuel trains... my empire boomed!

Now I'm sitting in 1922, sipping champagne and swimming in my Billions, watching my beautiful oil trains crisscrossing the world, and my loss making charity food trains feeding the hungry masses with premium bread. I haven't even bothered with other industries yet. It's just so satisfying sitting in my Central hub and watching trains pass through every couple of seconds. Ain't that the life!

Tldr: food is for paupers, go pump the crude to fuel your empire