
I was going in for eggs. All chickens were safe, thankfully. Eggs probably not. by Boring-Maintenance98 in BackYardChickens

[–]bonbam 31 points32 points  (0 children)

They are actually incredibly important in keeping an ecosystem healthy. They feed on many other nuisance pests and help clean up dead & decaying remains.

It's always important to remember that we are the foreign invaders in these animal's homes. We are the ones who have artificially changed the natural order of things. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but you can't blame animals for following their instincts.

I was going in for eggs. All chickens were safe, thankfully. Eggs probably not. by Boring-Maintenance98 in BackYardChickens

[–]bonbam 46 points47 points  (0 children)

I have a padlock on my coop door and I'm still worried they're going to lockpick it. Clever little bastards

Is there a version of PDXBuyNothing for Vancouver, WA? A place to give things away for free within the community? (No selling) by Bigfat_Sweetie in vancouverwa

[–]bonbam 4 points5 points  (0 children)

There are also local neighborhood ones. Mine is on the west side of Vancouver, super active and friendly. Just search "buy nothing [neighborhood]" and they should come up.

I think they just ask for your cross streets to verify you're in the right group. Helps so you don't have to drive hither and yon haha

This will be a night to remember! by Th31R1ng13 in lotr

[–]bonbam 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You're just meme'ing, right? I have seen that scene dozens upon dozens of times and it never elicits more than a "dude wipe your chin!" response. Really can't understand why people find it so off putting.

Cuts like this are happening all over washington schools and not only the arts. Kids have the strongest voice stand up against the cuts. by Glum-Membership-605 in Washington

[–]bonbam 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You're a freshman so it may be a long shot, but do you know anyone who has graduated from the band/choir/theater programs who would be willing to speak up about how the education impacted them? It may help to remind the school board of the lasting impacts these programs can have years later.

It's been over a decade since I graduated from high school but I still think fondly of Lee, my theater director. I am not an actor but her direction helped me unlock a new side that has since served me well in a customer service based career.

I so hope y'all are successful, this is so heartbreaking :(

I bought Barred Rock pullets, but the middle hen has a definite lacing pattern and I'm not even sure what the far right's pattern is. Ideas? Possibly mixed breeds? 9 weeks old by bonbam in BackYardChickens

[–]bonbam[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oh wow you know your chicken genetics! Thanks this is such a helpful reply!

I haven't seen any colors besides black, white/light grey, and what I'd describe as an oil slick sheen on the black parts. I am SO excited Íseult has the lacing pattern, I've always thought it super pretty. Can't wait for them to mature!

They were advertised as pure bred barred rocks at Wilco and certainly looked just like BR chicks from what I could tell.

So if I read right the barring is a dominant gene, so if they are BR mixes dad would be a BR and mom maybe a silver laced wyandotte?

What did you achieve this week? by Aoifa in irishdance

[–]bonbam 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Learned my grade 5 reel in one class this week, fastest I've learned choreo yet!

My iliopsoas/hip flexor muscles are getting a lot stronger too, instructor gave me a really challenging exercise that I was finally able to nail after 3 weeks!

3 weeks until Emerald City Feis 😍

When you die, the bulk of your stuff will be scattered. Be mindful of the physical space you want to occupy in your descendants life by NeoToronto in simpleliving

[–]bonbam 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I'm so sorry you have so few keepsakes from your mom :( i can sympathize, I lost most of my childhood keepsakes, i flushing heirlooms from family, in a barn fire over a decade ago. I still think about the necklace from my grandmother who has passed away that I'll never see again and the old kids book in Irish from my great grandpa.

Sentimental keepsakes are ok to have. It seems like a lot of people here don't agree though and it makes me sad

When you die, the bulk of your stuff will be scattered. Be mindful of the physical space you want to occupy in your descendants life by NeoToronto in simpleliving

[–]bonbam 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That gingerbread ornament probably brought a smile to your parent's face every time they saw it. They still could enjoy it while alive, no?

No one has to live like they are going to die at any second and get rid of happy memories for the sake of making your life easier. I hope that's just my misunderstanding and not what you meant. Very sad, otherwise

When you die, the bulk of your stuff will be scattered. Be mindful of the physical space you want to occupy in your descendants life by NeoToronto in simpleliving

[–]bonbam 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I'm inheriting my parents fully paid-off 3 acre orchard when they pass. I 1000% want that over any other "gift" them could give me whilst still alive (besides their love, of course).

Especially as the housing market continues to be crazy? Yeah, us millennials and younger definitely would appreciate a house.

When you die, the bulk of your stuff will be scattered. Be mindful of the physical space you want to occupy in your descendants life by NeoToronto in simpleliving

[–]bonbam 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Great advice!! I learned the value of sentimental attachment the hard way A barn fire burned about 80% of my childhood collectibles, including heirlooms from family and my entire trophy and medal collection from my days as a competitive dancer.

There is a hole in my heart that can never be filled by that loss. I agree, absolutely take the time to consider what is important to you and what your family may view as reminders of you when they inherit them.

What did you achieve this week? by Aoifa in irishdance

[–]bonbam 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Noticeable improvement on my goals for my slip jig (straighter legs, more graceful heel twist, sharper whip) and my Blackbird is nearly perfectly on beat without music!!

Getting ready to go back to my first competition after being away for over 15 years. At my best I was a regional qualifier and placed in the Oireachtas at 10, so I have really high expectations but I'm trying to temper them 😅

Wish me luck the last weekend of April, I'm sooo excited!

For the second year in a row, India’s government has ordered the nation’s coal-fired power plants to run at full power. But this year’s order is even more sweeping than last year's — all coal and oil-fired generators will be maxed out for the entire summer by DoremusJessup in environment

[–]bonbam 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I see this argument a lot surrounding developed nations using fossil fuels and this is my biggest issue with it:

you are effectively telling them "hey guys, we know you need energy to develop, energy that we are now forbidding you from making because it comes from fossil fuels. So, sucks for you guys but we already got ours!

I'm sorry but you can't do that, you cannot tell an entire country that they are destined to stay where they are because they didn't have the good luck to start developing before we understood the consequences of reliance on fossil fuels. It's just another way that the wealthy countries perpetuate their wealth and keep developing and poor countries where they are.

Climate change and energy use/sourcing is an extremely important topic that we need to figure out, but we also need to understand that we cannot keep countries from developing and stagnating where they are.

We are all in this together and it does no use pointing fingers when, let's be real, the US emits almost eight times as much carbon as India currently does. So really, who's the one who needs to cut back on their carbon output? Who's the one that is polluting this planet more? I don't think it's the country that is still developing, I think it's the country that is addicted to consumerism.

Expensive Birthday Dinner by nicobean89 in Frugal

[–]bonbam 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Screaming at my produce clerk that's she's a fucking bitch for not opening a line because, and i quote "I have to be at the airport in 30 minutes so hurry the fuck up" is absolutely entitlement at its worst.

I promise you if you want to see how ugly people can get over food, just work grocery retail for a few months.

Expensive Birthday Dinner by nicobean89 in Frugal

[–]bonbam 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Right, that is standard procedure for almost any grocery store. My manager would also jump in, assuming someone was out to fix issues. You can't have all members of management behind the till, that's a horrible idea lol

and it doesn't matter how nicely or rudely someone asks (to be clear, you're not asking, you're complaining imo) because most of the time we are aware of what is happening in our store. I'm sure that's not the case all the time, but dang I'd you think you're the only one "asking" and are then surprised at our reaction i have a bridge to sell you.

Whether you see it or not, retail employees deal with soooo much shit that even your seemingly innocuous request will be met with disdain. Don't tell us how to do our jobs, that's how it comes across.

I'm not trying to bash on you but you triggered a very sore spot from my retail days. At the height of COVID i was seconds away from commiting felonies every single day at work. Life sucks for everyone right now and lines are a fact of life.

Expensive Birthday Dinner by nicobean89 in Frugal

[–]bonbam 187 points188 points  (0 children)

As a former grocery store shift lead - please don't do this. It just pisses everyone off. People think that we could just magically make more cashiers appear, or would literally cuss out my deli employees, WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A REGISTER, simply because they saw an employee not in a checkstand.

It's entitlement at its worst. I literally 86'ed someone from our store because they made a produce clerk cry after corning them and screaming at them to open a lane.

We know how bad the lines are, employees have eyes too. Rather than taking your anger out on the employees, contact corporate and management and tell them to hire more people.

I'm not saying you're like the person i had to 86 but just... don't say anything? Patience is a wonderful virtue.

The happiness you feel when doing something small and mundane is the same happiness as when you’ve achieved something big by Symonie in simpleliving

[–]bonbam 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yeah I'm not entirely sure what the point was supposed to be, people find enjoyment in a variety of things.

The guy said he found happiness hiking local trails instead of travelling - that's great! But as a competitive dancer, winning only local competitions means nothing to me when the national and world stage exists. Those are my goals and that brings me infinitely more happiness to win on those stages than it does to win a local competition with 4 other dancers.

Happiness is a scale, imo

(supposedly) had the last of our below freezing temps so I kicked the chickies out to the coop. They survived their first night and are already happily scratching away. Doing laundry will now be 1000 times easier without the brooder in the way 😂 by bonbam in BackYardChickens

[–]bonbam[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Mine are 7 weeks. They still have a little fluff on their bottoms but are just find with our windy days and temps into the high 30s at night. I'd say yours are more than ready to go out tbh!

Question about telling your chickens apart by newtsdaisies in BackYardChickens

[–]bonbam 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh super different! I have 3 barred rocks and i can tell who is who by personality alone

One pullet hops down from her roost to greet me anytime i go see them. That's Annie, she's so sweet and my favorite by far. She also has a small white circle by her left eye.

Iseult will quickly follow after Annie to come day hi and she insists of jumping on my shoulder any chance she gets. Iseult has some brown on her face.

My third one is very shy and will let me grab her if needed, but she has never once jumped on my arm. She tolerates me at best haha. She has much more white on her neck than the other two.