
Poll: 67% of Ukrainians are against any compromises with Russia; 82% say Putin new Hitler by KI_official in geopolitics

[–]aybbyisok [score hidden]  (0 children)

How? Even if some country brokers a deal, Ukraine can still say no. That happened like five times in the Balkan region.

People who stayed single. How did it turn out? by BlizzWizzzz in AskReddit

[–]aybbyisok 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's wholesome. The plot is easy to understand you can cuddle very comfortably.

me_irl by UltraDS in me_irl

[–]aybbyisok 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, I think this is what people call "find your own meaning". I think just being in a loving relationship would do it for me. But I like isolating myself too much lol

me_irl by UltraDS in me_irl

[–]aybbyisok 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I feel like what I'm doing is trying to make my brain feel happy, and it does work, but feels very fake.

Egg🧔🚫irl by lelysio in egg_irl

[–]aybbyisok 0 points1 point  (0 children)

if you're going to do laser don't do this, you'll fuck up your skin

What do you say to that? 😅 by scooby_doo_sr in IndianBoysOnTinder

[–]aybbyisok 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What? Of course everyone wants to be with pretty and fit people, you don't go around screaming how you hate fat people. You just look like an absolute dickhead and no one will talk to you. You know what's great about dating apps? You can choose who you swipe on, crazy, huh?

Guy walked up to me at a restaurant… told him I’m trans AFTER and things went crickets hahaha by Mommy-sluggy060522 in trans

[–]aybbyisok -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Nope, romantically no one owes you anything. If someone doesn't want to date trans people it's perfectly fine for them to make that decision. It's literally your choice.

TIFU agreeing to watch my friend have sex by [deleted] in tifu

[–]aybbyisok 25 points26 points  (0 children)

my friend's flaccid penis and said "erecto patronum!"

And this is made up.

Guy walked up to me at a restaurant… told him I’m trans AFTER and things went crickets hahaha by Mommy-sluggy060522 in trans

[–]aybbyisok -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Being into someone is a feeling, if you think you won't catch it with trans people, why would you try? Why would I even want a dude who isn't into me to keep talking to me?

Guy walked up to me at a restaurant… told him I’m trans AFTER and things went crickets hahaha by Mommy-sluggy060522 in trans

[–]aybbyisok -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Some people are not attracted to certain genitalia. And in the end, it doesn't matter, a person might like you a lot and not be attracted to you, even if they want to. Don't do this to yourself, there are so many beatiful people who will be into you, there's no point in delving into why someone isn't into you. They're not and that's absolutely normal.

Daily Discussion - April 30, 2023 by AutoModerator in popheads

[–]aybbyisok 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And I thought that I was kinda cringe, jesuss almighty.

Anūkas dirba. by Ok_Feedback4200 in lithuania

[–]aybbyisok 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Yes we want Russia to get absolutely fucked.

Anūkas dirba. by Ok_Feedback4200 in lithuania

[–]aybbyisok 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Read the image again you absolute dumb fuck. Ukraine isn't agreeing to the demands Russia would set out, it's up to Ukraine to accept a deal, not US, not us, not anyone.

2023 Azerbaijan Grand Prix - Pre-race Discussion by F1-Bot in formula1

[–]aybbyisok 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You think so? This race almost always delivers, with the degradation it might be a 2-stop, even during qualy there were so many crashes, during a race it multiply them.

Kas nutiks jei atsisakysiu PUPP kalbėjimo (nekalbėsiu)? Ar gausiu atestatą jei turi 1 pusmetį 3, šito pusmečio 4 by [deleted] in lithuania

[–]aybbyisok 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Absolučiai nesutinku, surandant tinkama profesiją, gali daug anksčiau pradėti dirbti, ir kol kiti pabaigs uni, tu jau turėsi kelioliką metų patirties. Tiesiog rask ką tau patiktu veikt, arba nors gerai pakenti.

Kas nutiks jei atsisakysiu PUPP kalbėjimo (nekalbėsiu)? Ar gausiu atestatą jei turi 1 pusmetį 3, šito pusmečio 4 by [deleted] in lithuania

[–]aybbyisok 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Į kalbėjimą dažniausiai jokie mokytojai per rimtai nežiūri, mano mokykloje visad visiem po maksimumą surašydavo. Tiesiog kažką paruošk ir tiek.