
don't be fooled by Akihabara and maid cafés by TalkOk3370 in memes

[–]Kakarot_faps 42 points43 points  (0 children)

A little bit different given that in Japan tourists also go to places regular Japanese people go, while in Cuba it’s basically just foreigners on beaches

This took me by surprise. (I mostly work with mums and they were shocked as they discussed hentai) by kennystillalive in memes

[–]Kakarot_faps 4 points5 points  (0 children)

“Who doesn’t understand the concept of animated porn” you’d be surprised how sheltered a lot of people are, and how little people keep up with new developments after they have kids. A lot of us probably have never heard of some e-celebs and concepts every gen z kid knows about

This took me by surprise. (I mostly work with mums and they were shocked as they discussed hentai) by kennystillalive in memes

[–]Kakarot_faps -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I doubt that a little bondage with their boyfriends is equivalent to a tentacle orgy

This took me by surprise. (I mostly work with mums and they were shocked as they discussed hentai) by kennystillalive in memes

[–]Kakarot_faps -34 points-33 points  (0 children)

OP said moms - a lot of women don’t and didn’t watch porn or at least more “out there” porn. 50 shades of grey is as edgy as they got - let’s not forget before they were married the internet was in its infancy

What’s with the Disney Adult hate? by JerryMouse05 in WaltDisneyWorld

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Parks like universal and six flags aren’t adult but they’re certainly geared towards older audiences, and they’re not family vacation destinations. Lightsabers, guns, and action are pg-13 mainstays which is why avengers and Star Wars are rated that way without language or sexual content

What’s with the Disney Adult hate? by JerryMouse05 in WaltDisneyWorld

[–]Kakarot_faps 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sadly? It’s still primarily a destination for kids and families. It’s their house, adults without kids are just welcome too. Just like you shouldn’t be mad that the Mario movie lack cursing. Plenty of content on the rides is literally from movies that are themselves pg-13 including guardians and avatar, so yeah it has some pg-13.

What’s with the Disney Adult hate? by JerryMouse05 in WaltDisneyWorld

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

True… but the movies I mentioned have tons of toys and video game’s associated with them, and they’re all pg-13. I think calling rides like dinosaur or avatar pg-13 is fair. Deadpool and joker aren’t the wide ones

We Aren't Putting Too Much Pressure on Today's Third-Graders, are We? by slcrook in AdviceAnimals

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don’t really think people consider the little swab of cotton attached to some tape/banding a tourniquet, especially not in the context of a gunshot

We Aren't Putting Too Much Pressure on Today's Third-Graders, are We? by slcrook in AdviceAnimals

[–]Kakarot_faps 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Good luck determining that. You’d have to breach the internet privacy and texts of people who usually don’t have a record of violence. A person who wants available guns isn’t going to like the government decide who is or isn’t a problem

We Aren't Putting Too Much Pressure on Today's Third-Graders, are We? by slcrook in AdviceAnimals

[–]Kakarot_faps -14 points-13 points  (0 children)

They’re interested in it if it doesn’t involve removal of guns or making guns more difficult to get. We all know it does involve that. Same as how fighting obesity will require the removal of unhealthy foods somehow

We Aren't Putting Too Much Pressure on Today's Third-Graders, are We? by slcrook in AdviceAnimals

[–]Kakarot_faps 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Torniquets aren’t much of a thing in medical care anymore… that’s old school

What’s with the Disney Adult hate? by JerryMouse05 in WaltDisneyWorld

[–]Kakarot_faps 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Still amazed that the mentality can exist when the only two movies that cracked 2 billion in the past decade were about comic book superheroes fighting on a moon of Jupiter and space battles. Easily as “childish” as a rollercoaster.

Ron DeSantis' old debate prep videos leak, reveal views on Trump by HeinieKaboobler in politics

[–]Kakarot_faps 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I mean the idea that the younger generation is anything but accepting of lgbtq seems ridiculous at this point. Plus we all know who will have the money, it isn’t rural

IBM chief says employees' careers could suffer and promotions may be harder to achieve if they work from home by [deleted] in technology

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That’s a ridiculously important part of being promoted and work. Sure, a bunch of huddled away analysts might not understand how leadership works, but people who make decisions do. Leaders work with other departments constantly

TIL in 1283 King Edward I of England had the last Prince of Wales executed and started the custom of giving the title to his first born son instead. by dontstoptellmemore in todayilearned

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Maybe if Leopold was the exception. But nearly every European country had colonies they oppressed. Even heroes like Charles de gaullre and Churchill did that

Don't get me wrong, I like Afroman, but I doubt he could be a good president by bluntologist1291 in AdviceAnimals

[–]Kakarot_faps 3 points4 points  (0 children)

She also was a professor at notre dame law for years, worked at a firm and clerked for federal judges. Still a good deal of experience

Don't get me wrong, I like Afroman, but I doubt he could be a good president by bluntologist1291 in AdviceAnimals

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Alito - appeals court judge from 1990-2006.

Kavanaugh - appeals court 2006-2018, bush staff secretary 2003-2006

Barrett - 7th circuit 2017-2020, notre dame law professor over 10 years, 4 years law firms+clerking for scalia.

Gorsuch - 2006-2017 appeals court, 1998-2005 partner at kellogg Huber

That’s a shitload of law experience. All had multiple years in appeals, clerked for federal judges, barrett being different but law professor at a highly reputable university definitely counts as experience

IBM chief says employees' careers could suffer and promotions may be harder to achieve if they work from home by [deleted] in technology

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Objectively measured metrics are not even close to the only thing that drives a company’s success. If they were, the only thing recruiters would look for was your GPA and coursework in college.

Don't get me wrong, I like Afroman, but I doubt he could be a good president by bluntologist1291 in AdviceAnimals

[–]Kakarot_faps 6 points7 points  (0 children)

You mean except for them all having law degrees from Ivy League schools and prior decades of experience in the legal system?

TIL in 1283 King Edward I of England had the last Prince of Wales executed and started the custom of giving the title to his first born son instead. by dontstoptellmemore in todayilearned

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think what the Europeans did to colonies was worse. It certainly was bad but they weren’t keeping the welsh and English as slaves or cutting their hands off for not making rubber

Debt ceiling: Janet Yellen warns US could run out of cash by 1 June by I-Am-Uncreative in politics

[–]Kakarot_faps 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That’s exactly what the problem is. The electoral college gives republicans an advantage, so the polls need to have biden ahead by a decent percentage - a tie or even a margin of 1-2 million votes probably means a trump win.