Showing posts with label Bitter Springs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bitter Springs. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2022

Friday's Playlist #27 (For real this time . . . )

That's hilarious. Turns out I'd had an earlier notion to revive the Friday Playlist on the blog. The post below has been hiding in drafts since 2011! Half the bands listed I don't have a scooby about. I don't even know where I might have stumbled over them. By 2011 MySpace was long gone as an online space for finding new music, and the wonderful  PBS/WNET 13 New York Noise had been cancelled fours years before. Maybe I was sniffing around Pitchfork 11 years ago, and just 'liking' what was in fashion. I'm being a bit harsh on myself; the Holy Ghost and The Suicide Commandos' tracks are both top notch, and I love Ivy's cover of the Steely Dan classic.  The only track on the playlist that I couldn't find on Spotify was The Polyamorous Affair track. Click on the link below to find it on YouTube.

. . . And there's only 9 tracks listed. Maybe back in 2011 the door bell rang and I never got back to the post. Think of the missing 10th track as a John Cage tribute.

From Sep 30, 2011

Only a three and a half year gap between numbers 26 & 27, but when you've got as few readers as I have, who's counting?

Please don't let me be misunderstood. The revival of the Friday Playlist isn't a late attempt to revive the flagging fortunes of the blog's sitemeter . . . or even to dredge up that old notion of turning the blog into a music blog. Just me taking advantage of Spotify recently launching in the US.

What was once 'ongoing series'

  • Holy Ghost!, 'Do It Again' (Holy Ghost!)
  • The Suicide Commandos, 'She' (Make A Record)
  • LCD Soundsystem, 'Drunk Girls' (This Is Happening)
  • Dr. Feelgood, 'Roxette' (Down By The Jetty)
  • Thunderclap Newman, 'Look Around' (Hollywood Dream)
  • The Bitter Springs, 'Big Sweaty Dad' (Poor Trace)
  • Ivy, 'Only A Fool Would Say That' (Guestroom)
  • The Polyamorous Affair, 'White Hot Magic' (Bolshevik Disco)
  • The Ark, 'Patchouli' (We Are The Ark)
  • Spotify Playlist Link. 

    Sunday, April 11, 2010


    Not the nicest thing to discover on the way to the market this afternoon: finding out that your personal technology has done a Hal 9000 on you and erased five years of songs from your iPod.

    I don't know what was worse. Losing about 24GB of music in one fell swoop or having to listen to my own thoughts for a mile and a half. I would feel suicidal about the matter, but my Red House Painters albums were part of the music that was lost to the electronic aether, and you can't sit in the bath slitting your wrists if you don't have the appropriate soundtrack coming in through your headphones.

    I guess I'll have to start all over again. 27GB of free space on the iPod. I had been thinking about changing up the music on there, but I'd been too bare arsed lazy to shake things up despite my constant cursing at the iPod for its insistence on shuffle presenting me with a Guns and Roses album track every third song.

    Turn a negative into a positive. Fresh start. Maybe I can dip my toe into uncharted musical waters and finally find out what 1982 looks like. I've always wondered.

    One song at a time. I think the first song to be uploaded to the empty iPod will be 'Benny Hill's Wardrobe' by the Bitter Springs. Start as I mean to go on . . . obscure but tuneful.

    Friday, March 16, 2007

    Friday's Playlist #9

    An ongoing series:

  • The The, 'This Is The Day' (Soul Mining)
  • Fad Gadget, 'The Box' (Fireside Favourites)
  • The Undertones, 'Hard Luck' (True Confessions - Singles = A's + B's)
  • Randy Nerve, 'Spray Paint'
  • Autokat, 'Shot'
  • The Violets, 'Seen It On TV'
  • The Yachts, 'Suffice To Say'
  • Kaiser Chiefs, 'Thank You Very Much' (Yours Truly, Angry Mob)
  • That Petrol Emotion, 'It's A Good Thing' (Children of Nuggets)
  • The Bitter Springs, 'Benny Hill's Wardrobe'
  • Update 11/11/ 22
    Found the Randy Nerve track on Bandcamp.  Well, I think it's the track. It does not ring any bells. Doesn't even sound like a song I'd like. Maybe it was a demo version on MySpace that I liked. Or maybe I was just being a contrary prick that week. The Violets track was found on YouTube. It does sound like the sort of thing that I'd be into  . . . for about 10 minutes . . . and those 10 minutes were up a long time ago. That's enough saltiness from me.