By Invitation

COP28: climate finance

Mark Carney argues that finance needs to go where the emissions are

Helping heavy-emitting sectors to decarbonise is key to reaching net zero, says the UN’s climate envoy

COP28: climate action and trade

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala says open trade is crucial for decarbonisation

Trade amplifies environmental policy action, argues the head of the World Trade Organisation

The war in Gaza

Andreea Manea on the legal complexities around Israeli attacks that hit hospitals

They are not always unlawful, but the exceptions are narrow—and involve meeting several conditions

The fog of war

David Enoch argues that much of the public discourse on the Israel-Hamas conflict is depressingly simplistic

Intellectuals should be more honest about the uncertainties, says the legal philosopher

Trade and democracy

Mathias Döpfner argues that the global trading system needs a shake-up

Free trade and freedom should be linked, says the businessman and author

British constitutional arrangements

The United Kingdom’s political constitution is under severe strain

Relieving it requires stronger checks on power, say Jess Sargeant and Hannah White

British constitutional arrangements

Think twice before shaking up the House of Lords, says its speaker

Lord McFall of Alcluith makes the case for incremental change

British constitutional arrangements

Ed Balls and Dan Turner on the long shadow cast by political centralisation

Reversing it will help reduce regional economic inequality, say the former minister and policy adviser

China’s Uyghurs

Jewher Ilham on how policymakers can stand up to the Chinese government’s mistreatment of Uyghurs

Start by banning imports made with forced labour, says the daughter of an imprisoned scholar

The war in Ukraine

The commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces on how to win the war

Technology is the key as the war becomes “positional”, says Valery Zaluzhny

War in the Middle East

Steven Simon thinks that Israel may be able to avoid a regional escalation

But continued hard-right rule could foster dystopia, argues the academic and author

War and law

Marc Weller on what international law has to say about the Israel-Hamas conflict

Military advantage must be balanced against the risk of civilian casualties, even when vital interests are at stake, says the law professor