Showing posts with label Lou Reed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lou Reed. Show all posts


Lou Reed- Metal Machine Music (1975)

Passion--REALISM--realism was the key. The records were letters. Real letters from me to certain other people. Who had and still have basically, no music, be it verbal or instrumental to listen to. One of the peripheral effects typically distorted was what was to be known as heavy metal rock. In Reality it was of course diffuse, obtuse, weak, boring and ultimately an embarrassment. This record is not for parties/dancing/background romance. This is what I ment by "real" rock, about "real" things. No one I know has listened to it all the way through including myself. It is not meant to be. Start any place you like. Symmetry, mathematical precision, obsessive and detailed accuracy and the vast advantage one has over "modern electronic composers." They, with neither sense of time, melody or emotion, manipulated or no. It's for a certain time and place of mind. It is the only recorded work I know of seriously done as well as possible as a gift, if one could call it that, from a part of certain head to a few others. Most of you won't like this and I don't blame you at all. It's not meant for you. At the very least I made it so I had something to listen to. Certainly Misunderstood: Power to Consume (how Bathetic): an idea done respectfully, intelligently, sympathetically and graciously, always with concentration on the first and formost goal. For that matter, off the record, I love and adore it. I'm sorry, but not especially, if it turns you off.
One record for us and it. I'd harbored hope that the intelligence that once inhabited novels or films would ingest rock, I was, perhaps, wrong. This is the reason Sally Can't Dance--your Rock n Roll Animal. More than a decent try, but hard for us to do badly. Wrong media, unquestionably. This is not meant fo the market. The agreement one makes with "speed". A specific acknowlegment. A to say the least, very limited market. Rock n Roll Animal makes this possible, funnily enough. The misrepresentation succeeds to the point of making possible the appearance of the progenitor. For those for whom the needle is no more than a toothbrush. Professionals, no sniffers please, don't confuse superiority (no competition) with violence, power or the iustifications. The Tacit speed agreement with Self. We did not start World War I, II or III. Or the Bay of Pigs, for that Matter. Whenever. As way of disclaimer. I am forced to say that, due to stimulation of various centers (remember OOOOHHHMMM, etc.), the possible negative contraindications must be pointed out. A record has to, of all things Anyway, hypertense people, etc. possibility of epilepsy (petite mal), psychic motor disorders, etc... etc... etc.My week beats your year.
Lou Reed


The Velvet Underground and Nico- Sceptre Studios Acetate (1966)

It’s April 1966 and at the Sceptre Studios The Velvet Underground are working on what will be the most influential record in the history of rock music. On 25th April a rough version of 9 of the albums’ 11 eventual tracks was committed to acetate. Each track is either a different mix or a different version of the completed work. It turns up in a New York flea market in 2002. The story goes that it was bought for 75cents. It later sold on e bay for $ 25,000… I didn't win it.
If you are familiar with the album this is a refreshing change. Obviously there’s a lot of surface noise but some of my vinyl copies of The Velvet Underground and Nico became equally crackly through overplay.
If you don’t know the album I suggest you buy it as soon as possible.

Lou Reed – vocals,lead and ostrich guitar
John Cale – electric viola,piano, bass, backing vocals
Sterling Morrison – lead & rhythm guitar, bass, backing vocals
Maureen Tucker – percussion
Nico – chanteuse