Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

Aug 29, 2011

Death Sentence - Until The End Of The Sentence

Death Sentence was one of the greatest bands of australian underground scene. They formed in the late 1984 and they disbanded around 1993-94. They were playing gigs with local bands like Cosmic Psychos, Permanant Damage, Civil Dissident, Vicious Circle, Deppression and more.

Here we have everything they recorded. Fast music, aggressive lyrics. Enjoy!

Genre: Hardcore/Thrash/Punk
Country: Australia
Label: Burrito Records
Size: 67 mb
Bitrate: 128 kbps


Mar 2, 2011

Massappeal - Nobody Likes A Thinker

"How did it begin? Well, i'd like to say that we met under dark, lurid circumstances, almost too painful to tell, but, alas, it all began for me on a sunny da, with birds chirping cheerfully in the trees, looking down upon three naive lads in a skate park." That's what Randy Reinmann (Vocals) says about the beggining of the band called Massappeal.

They formed in 1985 in Sydney, Australia and they are one of the most intense live experience there, back in the late 80's and early 90's.
They were listening to bands like Black Flag, Bad Brains, Verbal Abuse, The Exploited, Blitz and Discharge, so the music they were playing was a mix of thrashy hardcore/punk sounds.

Raw energy, fast and intense music. Just play it loud!
Genre: Hardcore/Punk/Thrash
Country: Australia
Label: Relapse Records
Size: 70 mb
Bitrate: 128 kbps