Showing posts with label Music Quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music Quiz. Show all posts

Monday, April 21, 2008

Anorak with a detachable hood

If I ever come to resemble the person described in the blockquote below, you have my permission to stab me repeatedly with a sharpened drumstick.

Your final score was 141/180

Mix-Tape Master (109-144 points)

You are a music evangelist: the person in your network of friends who always has the coolest new song, the one whose iPod gets picked to DJ every party. You understand the art of the segue, how the key to the best mix-tape isn't just the songs you pick, but how they interlock with each other. You also know who the up-and-coming acts are and are quick to recognise where their influences lie and whether they will make it big. You work hard at the pursuit of this knowledge, scouring music blogs, magazines and record stores. Most importantly, you are generous with your passion – and your friends should be very, very grateful. Still, it’s always good to get new inspiration for your latest mix.

Quiz your musical intelligence.

Hat tip to Lisa at Rullsenberg Rules.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Decade That My Ears Forgot

Any Major Dude With Half A Heart music blog has posted another Intro Quiz on his blog.

This time, the decade under scrutiny is the 90s - for any SPGB comrades looking in, that'll be the 1990s - and it's the same deal as the last time I mentioned the quiz on the blog: "20 intros to songs . . . all 5-7 seconds in length.".

See how many you can get. I was lucky to get 10/20. It just wasn't my decade for music.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Name That Tune?

Morphing Into A Music Blog (8)
Brilliant idea for a music quiz from the Any Major Dude With Half A Heart music blog. With a five second intro, name that song:

  • Intros quiz: '70s edition
  • Intros quiz: '80s edition
  • All the tracks were top ten hits in either the States or the UK, so there shouldn't be anything in the mix that is too obscure.
    Naturally, suffering from '80s arrested development, I got 16/20 correct for that decade, but the '70s were a bit more of a mystery to me. AMD hasn't posted the answers to the '70s quiz yet, but I'm guessing that I got 9/19. I'm not complaining.
    See if you can do better. No cheating now.