
One of the largest wallets was compromised - what we know so far by Pooky135790 in CryptoCurrency

[–]kogmaa 38 points39 points  (0 children)

It’s scary af but pretty rewarding.

Recommend to do a full delete-and-recover exercise with 5 dollars worth of crypto, before you fully commit. That is, transfer some bucks, make sure everything is fine in the wallet as seen from your computer, then delete everything, wipe the cold wallet etc. until the only thing you are left with is that piece of paper with the seed phrase. Then recover.

Not only will you gain confidence in what you are doing but you’ll also learn a lot about crypto in general.

Looting is out of control in Shebekino as Russian police and military have fled the city. Everything is getting cleaned out - from groceries to mobile phones. Reportedly. by Fox-Mulder7 in UkraineWarVideoReport

[–]kogmaa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is what happens in a society with the basic sentiment that it’s ok for the strong to take from the weak: In the end everyone loses and is poorer than before.

Unless people learn that being “nice” (for lack of a better term) is not the same as being weak and doing the right thing benefits everyone, the world will go to shit. That goes for a small town in Russia as it does globally with our environment.

All my funds got stolen by Xizilion in cardano

[–]kogmaa 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sorry mate, that must suck big time!

All my funds got stolen by Xizilion in cardano

[–]kogmaa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The Daedalus software was the official thing? So, needing tons of storage and taking hours to sync?

Nami Wallet Reset Lost Funds PLEASE HELP by stafford247 in cardano

[–]kogmaa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You are welcome.

Brains are fallible, that’s just how it is. I recommend to do a full wipe and recovery test with 5 ADA in a wallet before you put more in (eg with your new Trezor). Gives ju confidence in your disaster recovery.

If it’s just the order and you have an idea what you did, there’s a decent chance to recover since the number of possible permutations will be limited.

Good luck.

Nami Wallet Reset Lost Funds PLEASE HELP by stafford247 in cardano

[–]kogmaa 2 points3 points  (0 children)

If you borked a word or mixed up the order you might end up accessing a different wallet.

But as long as you have the correct seed phrase you should be fine.

You can also try to recover in a wallet that supports multiple UTXOs, like eternl. This also allows you to make an intrawallet transaction to consolidate everything into a single address, for example to use it with nami. Just make sure that you use a legit wallet.

Nami Wallet Reset Lost Funds PLEASE HELP by stafford247 in cardano

[–]kogmaa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Are you sure that you used the correct seed phrase? The same seed phrase will access the same wallet.

Note that even if a different UTXO address is generated, you should be able to see all UTXO addresses that belong to the same wallet by looking at the „controlled stake“ in the online blockchain explorer.

Seeking Information on Cardano Meme Coins and Their Creation Process by SYR3100T in cardano

[–]kogmaa 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Creating a “coin” on Cardano is easy, no need for a contract even, since coins are represented on the chain like ADA itself, just with a different minting policy.

Learn more here: https://docs.cardano.org/native-tokens/learn/

There are thousands of coins already, have fun and add some more. If you find enough people who invest, it might be worth something. All depends on the value of your project or the hype you can create.

What a month it's been for Minswap and #Cardano🔥 It was the Highest Volume Month in the history of Minswap with over half a Billion $ADA (328% MoM increase!) and highest Monthly Daily Users (over 30k!)🎉 Month in Review Stats 📊 for May 2023👇 by badrbellamine in MinSwap

[–]kogmaa 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Congratulations! Great to see this thrive!

I still remember the first beta and all those critical voices claiming this can never fly. In a sense that’s right, it doesn’t just fly, it soars.

Why don't rich people have fat kids? by FoolsGardener91 in NoStupidQuestions

[–]kogmaa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s a question of focus, I think. If you are poor you don’t have the luxury to think about how you look nor invest money or time into it.

On the other hand, if you don’t have any financial issues your mind is free to deal with health and looks.

Crypto Newbie Feedback by Sader9801 in cardano

[–]kogmaa 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Well, you are in the Cardano sub - so don’t expect a balanced view.

Lots of people here are also less interested in investment than the technology itself, so investment discussions are discouraged here.

That said, it’s a great investment! ;)

Seriously: Cardano is a well-built chain. Constant development, secure, easy to use, great tokenomics and decentralization. Currently scaling is a big topic in development with a number of solutions being worked on - if anything this might be a weak point. In my view however it’s got very good potential and plenty room for further improvement even in the light of it being already a great chain. So yeah, go for it, it’s only going to get better.

Can meme coins onboard new people to Cardano? by Cardanians in cardano

[–]kogmaa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That’s an interesting way to put it. Yeah I guess at least those crypto folks that are knowledgeable enough to use deFi contracts (as opposed to pure investors who rarely do any transactions themselves), are finally starting to see Cardano as a chain of substance.

Going to be interesting to see what happens if also the investor types catch on. I guess for the majority of those there is only BTC and ETH. They probably won’t use Cardano either, but might change the demand for it completely.

Time for the scaling to get into gear….

Seeking Advice: How can I safely store ADA? by CombinationIcy7060 in cardano

[–]kogmaa -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Yeah, Ledger Nano S seems to be too limited hardware-wise to get the firmware upgrade for seed backup. Should be relatively safe and works well for me with Cardano.

Seeking Advice: How can I safely store ADA? by CombinationIcy7060 in cardano

[–]kogmaa 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Note to self: research keystone…

Thanks for the tip - mind reporting back how it works once it’s integrated?

Cardano is a swamp of useless N.F.Ts and meme(shit) coins by solemnJoker in CryptoCurrency

[–]kogmaa 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Lol - Cardano is shit - total ghostchain! No, wait, it’s shit because it’s completely overrun with meme coins! Can’t even do smart contracts…. well ok, but can never run a dEx…

Make your mind up already, will you? This kind of advice is tedious. Little bit funny too, but mostly tedious.

Oricals: Chainlink by Educational_Speech58 in cardano

[–]kogmaa 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, but not ori-calories… oracles | oricals

Oricals: Chainlink by Educational_Speech58 in cardano

[–]kogmaa 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m kind of like, what kind of cals? Ori-cals?!

Crypto will never reach mass adoption if it does not become more user friendly by GoodNature33 in CryptoCurrency

[–]kogmaa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Frankly Ethereum doesn’t have the best user experience. While it’s the number 1 smartchain by market cap by a fair margin, the user experience on other chains is much better.

Only 40% of Slovaks think Russia is primarily responsible for the war in Ukraine; 34% blame the West, and 17% blame Ukraine. Bulgaria shows similar numbers by DiplomaticButter in europe

[–]kogmaa 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Domestic abuse on international scale.

…and there are always those idiotic “she must have done something to provoke him” voices. Victim blaming is the worst.

My husband thinks that me feeling uncomfortable with him riding/driving in a car for long periods of time alone with another woman is controlling behavior. by [deleted] in offmychest

[–]kogmaa 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Without knowing history and details: your husband is right. I’d also be pretty annoyed if a car ride would be seen as an uncomfortable burden on a relationship.

The real question is what makes you think that this could be a problem. Are you insecure? Explore the feeling and root it out! Did he give you reason to doubt his commitment to your relationship? Then take steps together to build that trust!

Polyamory ruined my relationship by lilglitterlover in offmychest

[–]kogmaa -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Literally all poly people I know say that poly can never be solution to mono relationship troubles.

It’s a total anti-pattern. Like someone telling you, you’ll have less car accidents by just hopping into an airplane and fly around a bit. A recipe for disaster.

OP got trolled in the worst way.