
What’s one reason your alt holdings didn’t work out? by crownpoly in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I have actually, I'm very bullish on ATOM and knowing that Stride is going to become a consumer chain excites me because that means assets like stOSMO and stJUNO will trickle rewards into STRD which brings value back to ATOM stakers.

Just two exchanges registered in Hong Kong as crypto ban lifts by Elie0_0 in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I got downvoted for mentioning this while people were hyping about it lol

I think it will take a few weeks or possibly months before the ban lift starts to have an effect.

How much is too much to hold on a hot wallet? by Odlavso in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This kind of reminds me of what I did back in 2021 when I chose to diversify my exposure by putting funds into BlockFi, Celsius and Voyager.

There is a huge invisible barrier of entry into crypto that no one knows about. Have you heard of it? by [deleted] in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It would be cool if stablecoin issuers allowed users to mint stablecoins using their credit/debit cards with a minimal fee, if there's a middleman involved there will be more fees.

People who say shit like "crypto is my only hope for financial freedom" and "bitcoin is the only escape from financial tyranny" should stop fooling themselves by experiencenonsense in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Stop "investing" only in crypto where the real investment case actually is "I'm buying this token and I hope more people buy it after me at higher and higher prices until it's time for me to sell".

When I invest in AAPL I don't desperately hope that others after me go and buy the stock too. I would much rather they buy Apple Products like Ipads, macbooks etc.

This is the kind of thing I look for in projects, if they generate revenue that actually comes from somewhere beyond just waiting for future investors to dump their bags on.

LUNC v2.1.0 Upgrade by [deleted] in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

note that the current LUNC price is still 87.28% lower than its all-time high.

I don't think all-time high means what you think it means.

What are some ways that someone can (theoretically) make a monthly income by AntonioTT05 in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Same, I am not holding my breath... but I am still excited for it lol

Noble for instance is only used for minting/burning native assets which can then be transfered to IBC enabled chains, I don't think it does anything else besides that.

Maybe it could become a large yield when centralized exchanges enable Noble USDC deposits/withdrawals and also it could be adopted as a payment method for retail merchants.

What’s one reason your alt holdings didn’t work out? by crownpoly in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 2 points3 points  (0 children)

OSMO- First off LUNA crashed and UST was the only stablecoin in the Cosmos ecosystem at the time, LP was locked for 14 days and it was drained as there wasn't any features in place to mitigate the losses from such an event. Now there are safety features and multiple stablecoins.

But that was not the only issue, the token has been inflating heavily because the community pool is far too massive and keeps being used for incentives in such a way that it has become more like a farm token than a DEX token.

If you are a founder of some project you can convince Osmosis to use some OSMO from their community pool to match the external incentives that you gave to a liquidity pair using the community pool of your own project. Then you can take your founder's bag and farm both token incentives to dump them for ATOM or USDC.

The DEX itself is fantastic but I regret speculating on its token, I should have put all of that money into ATOM instead.

What are some ways that someone can (theoretically) make a monthly income by AntonioTT05 in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is temporary and should change over the next year or so, once ATOM staking starts to receive a significant amount of yield in the form of USDC, NTRN and STRD there will be more reason for a governance proposal to reduce emissions caused by inflation.

I'm guessing it will be done gradually over time as the traffic on Noble, Neutron and Stride grows large enough to generate significant revenue. It's hard to speculate on how much yield will be generated but NTRN has no inflation and burns literally all NTRN fees except what goes to ATOM stakers while 15% of STRD's inflation goes directly to ATOM stakers.

Exploring the top altcoins for 2023 by Hermes_Trismagistus in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't even know anything about NEAR but i still think it's the best of the 3

New Reddit API Pricing Strategy Could Mean Big Trouble for Popular Third-Party Apps - IGN by CatBoy191114 in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Additionally, changes to the API are said to remove NSFW content from third-party apps while preserving it on the official Reddit app.

Oh hell no

Do Kwon Once Again Out of Jail, Montenegro Court Accepts Over $400,000 Bail | Binance Feed by [deleted] in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They realized they could get more out of him so they brought him back for another bribe, Montenegro only wants his money.

There’s been a (US) Presidential Election the year of every halving. by Sugar_Phut in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 3 points4 points  (0 children)

No it's the other way around, if it weren't for bitcoin halvings we wouldn't have elections.

I made an App for Reddit Collectible Avatars by WarmBiertje in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Avatar Mashup Downloading

This could be used for avatar mashup contests

Potential utility through burning moons by Jcook_14 in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

AMAs already involve burning moons but I like the idea for posting job listings.

How not to get distracted from a core portfolio? by silent_tongue in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't have any Kuji yet as it has only just entered my radar but it looks like it could do very well considering its tokenomics, but it's hard for my to justify buying something while it has been pumping for so long.

I like things that have no inflation and true yield so Kuji is attractive to me but I still don't really know anything about it yet, what all can you do in its ecosystem?

Millions of PC Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor by BigDickVitalik in CryptoCurrency

[–]Fuglypump 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This complicates my PC building plans, I was just looking into getting a Gigabyte motherboard