Showing posts with label Casual Labourers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Casual Labourers. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 January 2015

The Casual Labourers - "The Metamorphosis of Eana (Live at Camberwell College of Arts and Crafts 9/10/82)" 1982

I suppose this qualifies as a Casual Labourer's cassingle? A live workout of Cas Labs standard "Eana",seamlessly edited together by Bendle. As it says on the insert,probably tongue firmly in cheek,"Most exciting stuff". Can't argue against that?


1."The Metamorphosis of Eana" (6:01)

DOWNLOAD this monophonic eana HERE!

Monday 12 January 2015

The Casual Labourers - " at The Africa Centre" (1981?)

The Casual Labourers in the raw at the Africa Centre WC2,despite opening track "Empty-Nanana Radio" being a type of squatland ethnic;there ain't much of Africa on show at this gig......especially taking into account the other two acts on the bill,are even more 'white' than the CL's.
A point of interest for all budding Thespians out there is the Tim listed on the insert is none other than Tim "Made in Britain and Pulp Fiction" Roth. A Hollywood star played with The Casual Labourers?
Bendle helpfully,fills us in on Roth Anecdotal info:

"Tim Roth was a friend of my girlfriend at the time, Susi. I went with her to see him in an amateur production of Othello​, and we got on well. In his brief role in the CasLabs lineup he played trumpet, and perhaps as a preview of future roles, cast himself as the baddie thug in my song Rugby - so that's him shouting "we will hang you naked in the snow". (This is what some real life rugby players intended to do to me for being "weird")." 

01 - Empty-Nanana Radio
02 - Narziss And Goldmund
03 - Mister Vladimerski
04 - Rugby
05 - In The Pool Again
06 - Talking
07 - Take It
08 - Eanna
09 - End Improv

DOWNLOAD from the center of africa HERE!

Sunday 11 January 2015

Hent Petty Glock ‎– "Pent Hetty Gloch" ( E.T.C. ‎– E.T.C. 003) 1984

By any other name this is The Casual Labourers (redux),as it opens with The Casual Labourers' recording of "A Lapse is Due",and a few other tunes credited to them,and Bendle;there's even a Door and the Window tune. A Bendle supergroup? Classic anti-commercial name change made sure this wasn't gonna earn a gold record from E.T.C. records,in fact one isn't too sure which spelling on the insert is the band and which is the title of the album. Sound wise,its a fairly expected mixture of The Door and the Window,Casual Labourers, and the 49 Americans......and a whole lot of Bendle. Do not file under Rock!


A1 A Lapse Is Due
A2 Waiting For A Certain Set Of Rules
A3 Stepping Out Of Worry Town
A4 Narziss + Goldmund
A5 Jack Bishop Imitators
A6a Skips
A6b Feeding The Cat
A6c More Glock (Wedding)
B1 Badger + Squirrel
B2 What Will They Do To The Isle Of Dogs?
B3 Several Painted Pages From My Analytical Journal

DOWNLOAD some digitized glock HERE!

Saturday 10 January 2015

Bendle And The Casual Labourers ‎– "Optimism/Squirrel/Absurd" (self-released cassette) 1981

 Bendle's (the door and the window) more tuneful project,with shades of proto-indie to the fore, otherwise known as the Casual Labourers. Casual it certainly is,and the Labour probably refers to the extra effort put in to the songs. A hint of musical competence is prevalent throughout,but doesn't detract from the,still present, child like stream of consciousness-ness of Bendles better works.Lovingly produced by Kif Kif at the legendary Street Level studios.Another UK DIY milestone.
Check out Bendles Bandcamp page here!


A1 Empty
A2 Pokerville
A3 The Ways And The Walls
A4 Masks
A5 The Next Step
A6 Movement In M
A7 Red Squirrel
B1 Moment
B2 Faces
B3 Untitled
B4 Eana's Returning
B5 Grey Squirrel


Wednesday 11 December 2013

The Door and The Window - "Production Line EP" (NB Records 1979)

This EP is the second released by The Door And The Window, so cheaply recorded and pressed it makes the band’s LP, ‘Detailed Twang’ sound like Mozart on Deutsche Gramophone!
Initially inspired by the ethos of diy pioneers like the Desperate Bicycles and Scritti Politti, Nag and Bendle played their first gig and recorded their first single sometime before they bothered to rehearse. Playing with an ever-changing lineup tdatw became first gradually rhythmic and then melodic. Mark Perry became a third permanent member. Unhappy to remain in one musical ghetto, they inhabited several – playing gigs with post punks and ska bands, playing free tours with idealist hippies and gradually becoming deeply involved with the London Musicians Union.They co-produced a magazine about the politics of record production, hosted the seminal “Jazz Punk Bonanza” Festivals of 1980, ’82 and ’86 and ran the weirdly eclectic sprouts conspiracy cabaret club. Nag and Bendle also played in the 49 Americans and the liberated sound octet, Nag played with Mark Perry and Karl Blake in The Reflections and Bendle with The Casual Labourers and the Late Music Group.


A1 Dig
A2 Production Line
B1 He Feels Like A Doris
B2 I Like Sound
B3 Innocent

DOWNLOAD this production line pop HERE!