Showing posts with label Bandcamp stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bandcamp stuff. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Po! – "Bedroom Tapes vol.1" - (self-released) 1989

Ruth, last seen as the 'Ruth' from Ruth's Refrigerator , otherwise known as Ruth Miller of Indie Twee Pop Leicester legends PO! Had her own label called Rutland Records. Named after the disputed part of Leicestershire that regained its independence sometime in the naughties I think , and better known as the fictional home of The Rutles,but absolutely NOT The Ruts
One never ,wittingly saw PO!...the more mischievous amongst us would misspell it as POO!... live,who seemed to be in the Leicester Mercury  entertainment section every friday night during 1989 and beyond. Oh No,I thought, not more of that bloody student indie-pop nonsense. Not brutal or aggressive enough for me at the time...of course. I now know better don't I?
There are lots of PO! albums on Bandcamp, but this is a bunch of demo's recorded in Ruth's Bedroom I guess?There are three more volumes i am assured.
Its a kind of poundshop Tracy Thorn's "A Distant Shore";she being the Godmother's second cousin twice removed's best friends sister of "Twee".
Ruth is sufficiently Twee enough on these intimate recordings to qualify as The Indie Oberleutnant for a good part of the East Midlands.
PO! weren't eccentric enough to adequately fill the void left by the demise of Yeah Yeah Noh! in the local scene,but Ruth was indeed a prolific writer of charming pop tunes,of which we have a few examples on this cassette.
Ruth in fact turned up in the Guardian last week,promoting her Older Womens Punk Collective called the Unglamorous Music project. I suppose another Ruth's Refrigerator LP is out of the question? 


1 Danny's Girl
2 Fay
3 These Days
4 The Ice Cream Dream (Tina)
5 She Lies In State
6 Every Night
7 Look For The Holes
8 Sunday Never Comes Around

Thursday 24 November 2022

Andy Matthews - "Spring (or 'Bog​-​shed in lock​-​down')" (Ah! Records) 2020

Here's a band that the recently 'Late' Anton Fier (Feer)definitely didn't play in, as did NOT Andy Matthews of, I am Informed, 'Ah! Records'.Officially the least successful record label of all time(there's a lot of competition for that accolade); so says Andy anyway,who,these days, posts his labels albums,Ep's,singles, etc on that lovely Bandcamp place thingy.
Do you remember Bog-Shed? Yes?...well you should if you read this blog,'cus everything they ever recorded is available HERE!
Why bring this lot up again I don't hear you ask?...'Tis because Mike Bryson, a bass wielder second only to the great JJ Burnel, has died but a couple of weeks ago.Therefore we are in tribute mode,especially as 75% of Bog-Shed are now ex-ex-members of the mighty Shed,and the human race in general.
Also, do you remember the 'lockdown'?...I, personally, had a great time,and business was booming.I didn't want it to end.
We all coped with it in our own very different ways,and Andy of Ah! made the bizarre but understandable decision to make a Bog-Shed tribute album.
Eclectic is the watchword here,with every viable pop song form utilised to transform 20 of the most un-famous Bog-Shed tunes into a smorgasbord of different styles and non-styles.
Andy explains this inexplicable oddity using words such as this: "to keep from going mad, and in keeping with the times and my role within them, I embarked upon a project of near-pointlessness."
Sounds like normal life to me?!
But more to the point,what a great group was Bog-shed...remember them this way.


1.the amazing Roy North penis band 04:04
2.Champion love shoes 02:48
3.The fastest legs 02:42
4.Hell bent on death 02:59
5.I say no to lemon mash 00:05
6.Into me 05:22
7.Little car 02:39
8.loaf 02:59
9.oily stack 02:41
10.old dog new tricks 02:04
11.packed lunch to school 02:49
12.panties please 03:55
13.people equal greedy 02:40
14.raise the girl 03:59
15.runner on a blunder 03:29
16.sing a little jam 02:33
17.sing a little tune 02:54
18.Summer in my lunchtime 04:48
19.Thunderballs 02:56
20.Tommy Steele record 02:40

Sunday 6 November 2022

Home Secretary - "That Wolf" (Bandcamp/Self-Released) 2022

Yet more Nu-DIY with collage artwork,by a pair of weirdo's from dat London innit?
This is the boys'......they have to be male of course...latest album....yes there's more if you sachet over to their Bandcamp can even buy one!?
The biggest influence on your blog trustee's young impressionable mind was pre-disco Cabaret Voltaire,and their obvious influence on legions of young lonely men in the newly born DIY scene back in 1979 and beyond. We discovered, thanks to the mum's attic loitering Cabs that to make music that was taken seriously,all that was needed was a couple of cassette recorders,one microphone, an echo box,and the cheapest synth you could find.
This all ended when Tascam and Fostex brought out those cassette multi-track machines,and everyone started to sound like Joy Divison or Swell Maps instead of Throbbing Gristle on a bad day.
Home Secretary, do a near perfect facsimile of those ker-azy antediluvian  days between 1979 and 1984, before the flood of competent home recording started to mirror the Sounds Alternative chart.
Cabaret Voltaire themselves succumbed to this over exposure to mid-range budget recording equipment,and started to make their ill-advised  version of Belgian Nu-Beat.....I even had problems with "Red Mecca"!. Home secretary are certainly pre Red Mecca,take that as a further recommendation then graft on some Shadow Ring.


1.were that what it was 04:06
2.the woe betide 02:26're doing that now 10:12 Beefs 01:45
5.disappointed 00:52
6.something in his mouth 08:55
7.and how much 04:12
8.why the British army works 04:48
9.Mr Martian 04:08

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Nick and the Nod - " Den Besten ep" (CHICKEN SHACK RECORDS CSRT010) 2022

Yes it's a modern era vinyl revival Nu DIY release on Bandcamp wot i'm doing here innit?
It certainly looks old skool DIY,with swathes of vintage DIY post Jamie Reid artwork...never bettered in my opinion.I wouldn't complain if every record had a cover like this Mo Fo, 'cus I'm a stick in the mud nostalgia peddler.......nowt wrong with that, 'cus i happen to think that a Francis Bacon painting should always remain a Francis Bacon Painting,and its imitators are just enlightened souls who know it cannot be bettered.
Can anything from the first five or six Fall albums ever be bettered?.....I severely doubt it fucking big time Boss. So, sadly, as we cannot count on any new Fall material being produced anytime soon this side of the great supernatural divide, then we must rely on the living to fill the void, and Nick and the Nod make a very listenable living version of a Fall demo tape,witha cheapo drum box replacing the irreplaceable Karl Burns.
"Solo Griswold", apart from reminding me of my now kaput Mutt, also called Griswold,reminds me very much so of the Track "Two Librans" from latter,early naughties period Fall "Unutterable" LP.....which suggest this guy or Guys have been listening to records while they wrote this very attractive package....always a fatal blow for self identity.
I think i did a review for that Posh southern version of the Fall who reckon they are DIY itself,The Cool Greenhouse.I did encourage them i suppose,and i'm gonna encourage this bunch too.
I mean, the word 'Kulak' is crying out for the M E. Smith treatment.I'm not sure that the man himself ever got there first or not?
Anyway, you scrounging illegal downloading bastards should get over to their bandcamp site and buy the remaining vinyl forthwith ,before its gone,...they were too kind to send me a clear vinyl copy for review it bribery,but i accepted it....and it had no bearing on my impartiality whatsoever .....even in a jury at a Trump trial I would remain maybe not......he could be proven as innocent as the virgin mary and i'd still find the cunt guilty of name it...he did it!
Anyway, you can download it for 'F' all by clicking the link below,or better still get one of the strictly limited vinyl edition of 30,by clicking the very same bastarding link!?
Oh Yeah...this is a deal clincher...i got a free Chicken Shack Beer mat included in my bribe package...these are the kinda folk I like.

1.R. Santos 01:33
2.Kulak Point Bliss 02:00
3.Face 01:39
4.Solo Griswold 03:27
5.KPBF 00:55