all 17 comments

[–]JesusQuintero 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Username : /u/JesusQuintero

General field: PhysicsSpecific field: Condensed matter physics/Surface physics
Specific research: I did mainly internships in surface physics more precisely the study of the irradiation of thin films, and then this year I did an internship on magnetic oxides, more precisely ultrathins films who could be used for spintronics. I did Auger, LEED, STM characterization as well as SQUID magnetic measurements. I also did an extensive bibliography and reading of more theoretical concepts. I have an incoming paper as a co-author as well on magnetism.

Education: Studying for a Msc in CMP/Materials Science

Comments : Many posts from others subreddits, but I guess you can appreciate what I've written there






[–]Jon_BeverymanMaterials Science | Physical Metallurgy 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Username: /u/Jon_Beveryman

General field: Engineering

Specific field: Materials Science

Specific research: Physical metallurgy; high strain rate mechanical behavior of materials; explosively driven testing of materials; shocks in solids.

Education: MSc Physical Metallurgy; PhD Materials Engineering (in progress, 1st year in current project)


[–]RobusEtCeleritasNuclear Physics[M] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

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[–]galacticbyteTheoretical Particle Physics 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Username: /u/galacticbyte

General field: particle physics

Specific field: theoretical particle physics

Specific research (in the past): phenomenology, collider physics, dark matter physics

Education: PhD in theoretical particle physics, 3 year post-doc researcher

Comments: published a handful of papers in related categories.

[–]RobusEtCeleritasNuclear Physics[M] 1 point2 points  (2 children)


We'll need to see example comments from /r/AskScience demonstrating your expertise in the requested topic.