Showing posts with label Half Man Half Biscuit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Half Man Half Biscuit. Show all posts


Half Man Half Biscuit- Back in the D.H.S.S.(1985)

The most authentic English folk group since The Clash- Andy Kershaw (2002).

My how we laughed…
But seriously folks, these boys from Birkenhead were ahead of their time. Name checking eastern bloc football teams and 1970’s B list personalities might have become de rigueur in about 1989- but in 1985 it was just plain mad.
Every song is based around a pun or whatever the less subtle juxtaposition of totally unexpected elements is called.
Often overlooked, the music is fantastic trippy low fi psychedelia.

Nigel Blackwell -vocals, guitar
Simon Blackwell –guitar
Neil Crossley -bass, vocals
David Lloyd -keyboards
Paul Wright -drums