New Humanist

A quarterly journal of ideas, science and culture from the Rationalist Association

Editor's choice

Baby wars: New Humanist winter 2023 is out now

Our latest issue features Pavan Amara on the new technologies revolutionising reproduction, Gabriele Di Donfrancesco on Europe's battle over "family values" and Rachael Lennon on a decade of same-sex marriage. Plus, a new column from Shaparak Khorsandi!

By Editorial Staff
New Humanist magazine Winter 2023 cover

The Winter 2023 New Humanist is out now!

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Rationalism, Atheism & Humanism
Rationalism, Atheism & Humanism
Students play football at a humanist school in Uganda

Welcome to Uganda's humanist schools

In one of the most Christian countries on the planet, a growing band of teachers are defying the norm

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Science & Technology
A graphic shows the 'Tardis' from Doctor Who

Where are all the aliens?

As "Doctor Who" marks its 60th anniversary, how far-fetched is this alien-filled universe?

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Politics & Conflict
A crowd of people wave flags and banners as they celebrate Republic Day in Turkey

The Turkish century

A nation born with a radical secular ethos is now ruled by a despot. How did we get here?

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Science & Technology
A Martin Rowson cartoon shows a goldrush on an asteroid

How to mine an asteroid

A new breed of companies are in a race to extract enormous wealth from the solar system – but who will benefit?

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Rationalism, Atheism & Humanism
Inside the 19th century South Place Ethical Chapel

A century of British humanism

A new book explores the history of humanism in Britain, from the 19th century to the modern day

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Human Rights & Ethics
A young boy searches for his belongings after a fire at a Rohingya refugee camp in New Delhi in June 2021

Saving the Rohingya language

Scattered across the globe, the Rohingya are in danger of losing their language. One man is fighting to keep it alive

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Politics & Conflict
Shashi Tharoor speaks at Chatham House

'A toxin of bigotry': Shashi Tharoor on the BJP and Hindutva

The Indian opposition MP speaks to New Humanist about caste, religion and politics under Narendra Modi

Read more about 'A toxin of bigotry': Shashi Tharoor on the BJP and Hindutva
Politics & Conflict
Actor Omar Sy stands on top of a tower overlooking the Paris skyline in a scene from Lupin

The allure of Lupin

The reinvention of 'Lupin' for Netflix has been a surprise hit. Why did it take us so long to fall in love with the French master thief?

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Science & Technology
Ewes crammed into a livestock market in Derbyshire

Stopping the superbugs

We are heading for a public health crisis more devastating than the Covid-19 pandemic. There is still time to act

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The cover art for 'Story of the Forest' shows the abstract portrait of a woman painted in bright mulitcolour

Book review: The Story of the Forest by Linda Grant

The novel is a powerful reminder of the many reasons people move and how generational memories shape our identities

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Politics & Conflict
Conscientious objectors attending a course in mechanised agriculture at an agricultural school in Essex, UK, under the Ministry of Agriculture's labour training scheme

A history of unpopular protest

It's hard to act on principle when the world is against you. The history of pacifism has lessons for us today

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Politics & Conflict
A Just Stop Oil protester is arrested outside Esso Birmingham Terminal

Why this climate lawyer broke the law

I was a legal adviser in the UN climate negotiations for decades – but treaties and litigation alone can't deliver results fast enough

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Politics & Conflict
The cover art for Shattered Nation shows an empty supermarket trolley

Britain's really broken now

Book review: "Shattered Nation" by Danny Dorling

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