Showing posts with label Tempers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tempers. Show all posts

Sunday 12 September 2021

Tempers – Services

Tempers are a NYC Not-Goth duo of Jasmine Golestaneh and Eddie Cooper. Having read a few of the interviews with the pair, they are adamant that they are Not-Goth, which I’m assuming is some kind of new Goth genre. Fortunately Not-Goth sounds like cold wave with a bit of synthpop to boot, so I’m a fan. Comprising of Jasmine Golestaneh and Eddie Cooper, have carved out their own niche within dark indie, electronica and synth-pop circles. Their sound is about exploring tonal and emotional tension as much as it is about actual tracks or singular moments. Adrenalizing yet hypnotic landscapes layer mechanical and sensual impulses, as crystalline vocals weave fever dreams of yearning and alienation. Golestaneh's vocals switch from low and smoky to exploding rock ballad mode at the change of a verse. I’d say she’d kill Bonnie Tyler karaoke. The lyrics are dark and introspective. The music is surprisingly upbeat; imagine happy Joy Division with more synths. Nothing dominates, but it all comes together, particularly the synth pop songs to just make you want to move to the music.

Tempers describe their creative process as a telepathic kinship they've developed since they started making music together: "We have this sort of unspoken criteria when we're writing music. We never really need to explain what that is, but we both know when it's missing or when we've hit it." Informed by both Golestaneh's involvement in musical performance and visual art and Cooper's electronic production resume, they operate as a multi-disciplined entity in the spirit and ethos of Factory Records. Damian Taylor (who produced Björk) and Kevin Mc Mahon (of Swans fame) produced Tempers early work so they’re no slouches. Following a string of critically acclaimed download only singles including from 2013 "Eyes Wide Wider" the duo released their debut LP "Services" which resulted in the underground club hit "Strange Harvest".

Click your fingers, mime in the mirror, hit the rug and dance, whatever’s your bag, you’ll be doing it. “Services”, hasn’t dropped the ball, it’s kicked it clear outta the stadium. A debut album that is super clean and precise.