This Black Friday, resist the itch to buy some dumb thing just for the novelty of it, the fleeting illusion of control. The urge to buy isn’t actually coming from inside you. It’s code laid down by every ad, email, commercial and celebrity you’ve ever encountered.

Our minds are corrupted from a lifetime of lies designed to hollow us out and pluck our deepest insecurities. We're left in a lethargic funk, clinging to a brittle hope that can be shattered by a single piece of bad news.

It's time to break free of that whole fucking deal.

This Friday, keep the credit card holstered. Keep your cash in your jeans. Don’t buy. Just breathe.

Step outside. Feel the pulse of the planet — the earth beneath your feet, the sun on your face. Listen to the wind. Watch a bird fly by. Give five bucks to a homeless person. Have a heart-to-heart chat with a friend.

Focus on what matters and watch as the everyday gray slowly returns to the colors of real life.

Black Friday is the perverse ritual of a failing civilization. Let’s move on.

For the Wild,

The Third Force

Sandra Ure Griffin
B. Lawrence
Patryk Sroczyński

this will be a day like most

that i will sit for many hours with my gong and

a single wood block

intermittently adding these two sounds to

a beautiful natural soundscape

that surrounds us

if you listen more

pay attention

the world of sound


wind and rain

and the trees

an option to consider -

buy nothing day 2023.

- dolores jobi

 water yam

 seattle wa

Play Killcap:
The World Revolution Game

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"This whole region is sinking in a sea of hatred that will define generations to come"

—Ayman Safadi, Jordanian Foreign Minister

...but all may not yet be lost... this could also be the beginning of a monumental rethink

No page numbers

No table of contents

No references, index or notes

...just a minimalist tour de force that gives artists, writers, and activists, philosophers, poets and punks

a blueprint for a new world order.

Check it out here

Listen to Kalle Lasn reading an excerpt from the book

Read the prologue here

Take the Plunge Here

The Right is in denial, the Left running scared, and our world leaders lack vision and guts. We’re all just thrashing around. And the time clock’s almost down to zero.

Maybe our best play now is to totally rethink what it is we’re doing here, in the tail end of the consumer-capitalist mindfuck. And come up with some ritual that is just bewilderingly disruptive, radically out of hand.


Here's the deal: We take this one day of the week and repurpose it. Rededicate it to the service of the wild human spirit and a sustanable future. Make it a new kind of 21st century holiday:

A Global Day of Action.

Instead of working, we start the day by staring into the mirror, building up resistance in the circuitry of the heart. And then we hit the streets to sow inspired anarchic bliss.

We turn our cities into carnivals, our universities into hotbeds of revolutionary fervor, our supermarkets into fervent staging ground, our financial districts into fiery zones of contention. We churn everything up!

Some of us write poems and shoot them into cyberspace. Others wander around editing media messages, detourning ads, placing OUT OF ORDER signs on ATMS, posting ultimatums and manifestos on lampposts, singing in Starbuck's, taking our dog into the bank.

Every Friday, we say to world leaders:

Look, we don't trust you anymore. You're totally mishandling the climate crisis, the financial crisis, the refugee crisis. Your bureaucratic ways simply don't cut it anymore. So from now on We the People are going to upend 20,000 years of top-down rule and start calling the shots from below.

Here's what we want you to do:

We play jazz, discover new riffs, turn every friday into a drumbeat for a new world order.

Want to understand the theoretical foundations of our movement... GO HERE

New ways to live, love, and play

Take the Plunge

here's something you really must buy

don't bother to stop and ask why

we're trashing the earth

for things of no worth

do you care that the planet will die?

it's enough to make grown people cry

Michael Capon

Kingston, Ontario

Why did Israeli media make a collective decision to self censor this video?

The surge of protest and righteous anger against Israel's invasion of Gaza grows by the day. People are taking action in a way that they never have before, and it's more important than ever for media outlets to broadcast exactly what is happening — to tell it like it is.

So why are the Israeli media, CNN, BBC, CBC, NBC, ABC and CBS TV networks refusing to broadcast this video?

Lies start wars.
Secrecy starts wars.
Censorship starts wars.

The Third Front

Why Is Keir Starmer running scared?

UK Labour Party leader Keir Starmer is cowing to the pressure and can't work his mouth around a moral stance on Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza, refusing to back calls for a ceasefire.

Spread this meme:


What the hell happened?

Hit the Button below

for each poster
You Share, slap up,
or send out

Our target: 1 million by years end
+1 Poster
posters downloaded
Check the Leaderboards

Where are all you rebels, radicals, and utopian dreamers?

Let's pivot to a more urgent and direct way to hold world leaders' feet to the fire.

Every Friday, in 100 cities around the world let's:

Whack this poster up on lampposts everywhere.

Email it to world leaders.

Buy full-page ads in The New York Times andThe Washington Post.

And let’s pick up the pace, the tempo, the rhythm of our activism . . . come up with a weekly drumbeat of outrage . . . turn every Friday into a global day of fuck-it-all civil disobedience.

Let’s demand our world leaders declare a Global Climate Emergency by years end, or we'll bring their doomsday machine crashing to the ground.

Join us

The third front

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Welcome to The Third Force.

Now 19,614 Strong

One of the great epiphanies of my life happened thirty-five years ago in my neighborhood supermarket parking lot. I was plugging a coin into a shopping cart when it suddenly occurred to me just what a dope I was. Here I was putting in my quarter for the privilege of spending money in a store I come to every week but hate, a sterile chain store that rarely offers any locally grown produce and always makes me wait in line to pay. And when I am done shopping, I’d have to take this cart back to the exact spot their efficiency experts have decreed, slide it back in with all the other carts, rehook it, and press a button to get my damn quarter back.

A little internal fuse blew. I stopped moving. I glanced around to make sure no one was watching. Then I reached for that big bent coin I’d been carrying around in my pocket and I rammed it as hard as I could into the coin slot. And then with the lucky Buddha charm on my keyring I banged that coin in tight until it jammed. I didn’t stop to analyze whether this was ethical or not — I just let my anger flow. And then I walked away from the supermarket and headed for the little fruit and vegetable store down the road. I felt more alive than I had in months.

— Excerpt from the prologue of Manifesto for World Revolution

continue the prologue here

Our Jam of the Week is Rueben and MC Gusto's Punk, which features the UK’s Gusto Vicario spitting revolutionary verses on Reuben’s old school drum and bass warble. Shoehorning social commentary onto the dancefloor, this summer jam fuels the mind for a global toneshift.

J. Chaos

We want you!

Adbusters is looking for people to fight the good fight.

Journalist / Writer

Adbusters Media Foundation is looking for a seasoned, politically savvy writer with a poetic sensibility to help us with our magazine, website, listservs and campaigns.

Full-time, Part-time, Permanent, Freelance

Hours: 10-35 per week

Salary: from $50.00 per hour

Please send your resume and brief cover letter to

Social Media Manager

Adbusters Media Foundation is looking for someone who can be our campaign manager — a political charged activist-minded person who can place our most powerful ideas, campaigns and visual memes strategically on the social media so they catch fire. Someone who can reach out to activist organizations and forge bonds that help strengthen our message and give our message further reach.

Full-time, Part-time, Permanent, Casual, Freelance

Hours: 10-35 per week

Salary: $25.00-$50.00 per hour

Please send your resume and brief cover letter to

Before there was The Media Foundation there was Psychomedia Productions, an underground film collective that ran its wild dog-and-pony show out of the same Vancouver address that now churns out Adbusters. Just spitting distance from where Greenpeace midwifed the environmental justice movement, and a young Georgia Straight arts editor named Bob Geldof jacked into the electric countercultural scene that was Vancouver in the Seventies, Psychomedia strode the boards like a holy fool.

Watch the videos here