Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Specials - Staten Island '81

todays post is a great specials live show from 1981 recorded at the paramount theatre on staten island ,new york.a great sounding show with the chance to hear tracks like 'the boiler' and 'international jet set' plus an unbelievable version of 'sock it to em j.b'.so once youve listened,enjoyed and danced yourselves silly with this,come back to the computer and leave a comment.thanks!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Clash - Screen on the Green

here today for your listening pleasure we have this excellent recording of the clash playing the famous 'screen on the green' gig ,sharing the bill with the buzzcocks and the sex pistols.i know there is an official 2-disk version of this with the other bands sets as well but this is the version i have.the track listing on the cd cover isnt strictly accurate as some songs are incorretly named and lack edits between songs etc,but the sound quality is very good so its definitely worth a listen.anyway as usual go to for more info on this gig and after listening and enjoying come back here and leave a comment.thanks!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Specials - Manchester 1979

hello campers and welcome to another wondeful day here at muebles towers.for your entertainment this afternoon we have a gig by coventrys finest recorded in 1979.a great version of gangsters and liquidator are amongst the highlights for play this repeatedly ,enjoy some moonstomping ska and then tiptoe to the computer and leave a comment.thanks!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Clash - Swindon Remote Control

i love these show from the 'white riot tour'.a great blast from punks glorious past.a lot of people may not like them because of what they consider inferior sound but this for me is what gives it a bit of soul.anyway enough nonsense from me here is what had to say about this the way if you even have only a passing interest in the clash you should definitely check out this site for a wealth of information on the band.anyway over to them:
"This is a decent audience recording which captures the primitive but charged sound and equipment of the White Riot Tour very well. It is from the master but suffers some tape drop-out problems. There is good clarity with little distortion. All the instrumentation comes through well particularly Paul’s bass. Vocals are the weakest aspect, being distant but not very poor. This together with the limited range of sound makes it, in terms of other recordings from this tour, on a par with Plymouth, which has better vocals but significant distortion."
so you get the idea!so now its time to listen,enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lux Interior - R.I.P

well i thought i should post a cramps boot today in a sort of tribute to the late great Lux Interior the legendary frontman from the kings of psychobilly.he died recently from heart problems and the world of music is a sadder place today with his death.not much to say about this short and blistering set recorded in seattle in '81(?).listen to this and remember all those great nights at venues like the astoria in london and remember this excellent live performer.Lux you will be sorely missed.

The Specials - Boston Paradise 1980

greetings viewers.todays first post is this one from the specials recorded in bostons paradise club on their seemingly endless us tour in 1980.i remember buying a copy of this about 12 years ago on cassette from camden market and this copy(courtesy of camden dave once again!) sounds fairly similar to my old tape copy i.e the sound isnt the greatest in places but is definitely worth a place in any specials fans play this a couple of times,enjoy it and then leave a comment.thanks!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Clash - No leafs and Thieves

This is a show from the clash 'take the 5th' tour.Arguably the best performance of the tour; The Clash blast frenetically through the set 77 style, little or no breaks between songs. The Clash’s charged performance was a response to the audience who went berserk, smashing seats, gobbing, pogoing, invading the stage at the end in a reflection of 1977. Both Canada gigs similarly resulted in stage invasions, in marked contrast to the majority of US audiences who were restrained in their response, baffled by the new material.
thanks to for this info
so now listen,enjoy then leave a comment.thanks!
p.s the cd cover is labelled 'safe canadian home' but the boot itself is called 'no leafs and thieves'!
new link below

The clash - all the young punks part 2

ok here is a track list for the post below.its quite similar to the d.o.a posting and to a couple of other boots floating about.but if like me your a completist then youll want it anyway.but you may want to check first.actually ill put the tracklist in the comments.for future posts ill try and ( if i remember )to post tracklists for boots that ive seen in other versions if that helps you decide to d/l or not.thanks to dz for bringing this to my attention.i cant believe i didnt notice before.cheers mate!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Clash - All the young punks

a great clash compilation that ive had for ages.i dont why ive not posted it before!this is a 2-disk version with a total of about 60 tracks if my maths is consists of demos and live tracks etc and is another must have for the clash obsessive amongst you! ive got another version of this compilation called ' live and loaded 1977 ' but the main difference between them seems to be a slighly different running order of all the tracks and different artwork.i also prefer this version.i think some of it comes from vinyl boots originally but dont let this put you off!anyways play it,listen and enjoy it,then skip merrily to the computer and leave a comment.thanks!

the clash - reposts part 2

woohoo.ive just finished reposting several clash links so hopefully everything is cool now.that should be all the problems solved for now.thankyou for your patience.happy listening!!!!!!once again just go to the original posts and follow the instructions.thanks again for visiting

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Specials

found this photo and had to share it.i cant wait for this!i was too young to go the first time around so there is no way im missing the london dates.anybody else going to any of these gigs?
anyway thats all for now.see you next week!

the wait is almost over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well folks,after months of hassle from B.Telecom and virgin media etc i finally have myself an internet connection at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well almost,the kit for it should be in my hands by next monday and then its all systems go.
i know i have some reposting to do so that will be my first priority.then its back to posting some great new boots from carbon-silicon,some more great clash and cramps shows and a few recently discovered gems from the muebles archives.thanks to everyone for all the kind comments recently and for continuing to visit the site while ive been away.keep checking back and i promise normal service will be resumed very,very remember keep it real,keep it muebles!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

***important message no.3a***

the further adventures of the rat-patrol posting has been taken down.i will repost it as soon as possible but it may be a few days before i can.sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.if you know of any other broken links please post in comments or the message box thingy and i will get on the case.thanks again to you all for visiting.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Clash - Give 'em enough dope

After coming across this cd in a box today i did a little research on it and found this at

"There is a curious story behind this CD. Sometime in 1988, three EP’s showed up that contained what sound very much like professionally recorded versions of Clash I and II songs, cut from the 1984 tour. The cover art was a melange of candid shots of the band, from both lineups. Included was a pristine run-through of the last great Clash song, the unreleased ‘In the Pouring, Pouring Rain’. And Clash-fan heads have been scratched ever since. Rumors circulated that the tracks were released by castoff guitarist Nick Sheppard, but no proof of that has ever been offered. Other speculation abounded that they were the work of one Kosmo Vinyl, who was preparing to move to the US from England at the time. However, no one has come forth and claimed responsibility .What is remarkable about these tracks is not only do they sound professionally recorded, they sound professionally mixed. There seems to be stereo separation, the drums are soaked in reverb ( something you wouldn’t hear on a soundboard recording) and the levels were high and clean. And the CD gives you a nice contrast between Clash II and the dismal Sun Plaza gig, effectively making the case for the second lineup’s existence."
so listen to this cd and decide for yourselves.i like this even though i wasnt sure about it because a lot of it is the clash II.but its agreat listen all the same.ive included 2 lots of cover art is a set i found on the web somewhere but i cant remember where (sorry!) and the one that the cd was in.anyway listen to and enjoy this one and then leave a comment.thanks!

The Clash - Live over Tokyo

for your musical enjoyment this evening we have this excellent live concert recording from a clash gig in tokyo that the band played on feb 2nd 1982.originally a 2 disk set this is one of the best live clash boots.apparently a sounboard recording (although to be honest im not 100% sure about this) this is another cd capturing the clash at their once youve put it on a disk and played it a few times and enjoyed it so much that you stroll back to the keyboard and leave a comment.thanks!
p.s i just realised that this is post no. 150, and the site has had over 15,000 hits in a little over 3 months.not too bad really.thanks to everyone for visiting so far and keep checking back for more postings from muebles towers!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Clash - Hong Kong Calling

for this new post from radio muebles i bring you this little offering.a live clash boot from 1982.i dont know too much about its origins but this is what i found on
"Apparently this was broadcast on radio (Joe says something about on 2nd track) and the place only has around 1200 seats... AC Hall is short for the Academic Community Hall in the HK Baptist University facilities, in Kowloon Tong, where they hold concerts of all sorts. Hootie and The Blowfish played a few years ago..".its a great quality boot and one of my favourite clash live kids you know what to do now.thats burn this to cd,play it on your cd players,play it loud till you know all the words off by heart and then be kind and leave a comment.thanks!
new link below

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


this is about Madeleine Mccann.Please read below and try to help with information to help find her

Madeleine was abducted on 3rd May 2007 in Praia da Luz,Portugal, 9 days before her 4th birthday. She was takenfrom the holiday apartment where she was sleeping with her younger brother and sister whilst her Mum and Dad were dining 50 yards away.Despite a massive investigation led by the Portuguese police andsupported by the British police, still do not know who has taken her,why she was taken or where she is. In addition, private investigators basedin Spain are now following up any leads regarding Madeleine’s disappearance.Please keep Madeleine in your thoughts. And please – remain vigilant.For more information go to Blogs/myspace/facebook/bebo/forums/ websites copy this post to your site or email to friends.

Monday, October 20, 2008

****Important Message no.2****

ok then loyal readers.this may be the last post for the next few weeks as i am in the middle of organising a house move back to London from sunny spain!most of my stuff is packed up and ready for shipping so until i get settled in a new flat and sort an internet connection out i wont be able to do any posting.hmmmm....unless i use the computer at my new job,thats a possibility unless the boss finds out.
so coming later this month we have more great live concerts from the specials,some excellent clash live boots,a film from the clash called 'on broadway' by don letts,some clash remix mashup type of things and a whole load of other top music related goodies and more to stay tuned to mondo-de-muebles for possible occasional updates live and direct from my new job.if there is anyone who has requests etc either leave them in the comments or in the c-box.thanks a lot to everyone who has been leaving messages recently,they are really appreciated.
see ya later
p.s fredd the photos are coming soon i promise!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Clash - Atlanta 2.10.79

this is another show from the 'take the 5th tour'.The tour swings down south into Georgia and Texas but without the Undertones who left after the Toronto gig. The band and particularly Joe were excited and inspired by playing in the southern states for the first time. Money problems continued; with Epic not coming through, the road crew were particularly difficult with drastic measures needed by Johnny Green and Baker.Pennie Smith was at the gig taking photos; one at least is credited to Atlanta on the back cover of London this is a great sounding gig but with an edge to it.i cant explain what but listen for yourselves,play it loud till the neighbours threaten to call the police,then turn it down and leave a comment.thanks!
p.s thanks to for the info above.

new link

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

****important message****

ive had a problem with the sex pistols 'pirates of destiny' post.someone emailed asking for a password when i dont actually remember setting one!!i tried to d/l it myself and the 1st time it asked for a p/w and the 2nd time it didnt!!so i ripped the cd again and tried again and it should be fine now.sorry for any is the new link for anyone whos had just seems weird that its had 35 downloads and this is the 1st time anyone has asked for a p.w.anyway apologies again loyal readers

The Clash - Tribal Stomp Festival

a really good clash boot for you today from the californian tribal stomp festival.this was a festival set up by Chet Helms who was a music promoter in san fransisco during the late 1960's.
With London Calling only just in the can The Clash flew out to California to fulfil their last pre-Blackhill commitment at the Tribal Stomp Festival and leaving Bill Price responsible for the final mixes. Monterey was not part of the official Take The 5th Tour.The Clash fired up by the event, and by accounts a combination of booze and speed, delivered a show of pure adrenalin. Joe flung himself back into the drum kit as if he’d been shot after the first line of I’m So Bored With The USA, causing the audience to leapt to its feet and creating the dramatic photos used in the New York Times. (thanks to

The Ruts - Deeply Vale Festival 1978

The Deeply Vale Festivals were a unique rock festival held in northwest England in 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979. Chris Hewitt was one of the main organisers of the event and went to produce many other festivals and concerts and start a record company Ozit Morpheus Records.. Starting with an audience of 300 camping for two days in 1976, the festival grew by 1978 and 1979 to 20,000 people watching bands and camping for six days. The Home Office-sponsored body that reported on many pop festivals from the mid 1970's- Festival Welfare Services- said in a report on the 1978 that Deeply Vale Festival "was actually better organised than the large Bob Dylan concert at Blackbushe the same summer". It was the biggest free festival in England ending its annual run after four years in 1979.(from
this performance from The Ruts is from the '78 festival when the band were still a relatively unknown quantity outside london.the band may seem a little rough and ready here at times but there is no denying the energy that simply oozes from this disk.babylons burning and jah wars are two tracks here that will simply melt your speakers!this is a fantastic document of one of the best live punk bands and this disk should be in everyones collection.anyhoo with that in mind put this disk on,crank the volume way up,pogo and enjoy the marvellous musical stylings of south londons finest 'the ruts'.and then leave a comment.thanks!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Clash - Guns of Brixton

if you are a fan of the clash then you will love this recording of a concert from the palladium theatre in new york from 1979.superb sound quality from this WNEW fm broadcast.i know this station did a lot of concert broadcasts so i know that its quality all the way.which reminds me i have a cd of a ramones show from '82 somewhere that they broadcasted which i must dig out.anyhoo,play this one loud,really really loud,listen,enjoy and when the people downstairs bang on the ceiling asking you to be quiet its time to tiptoe to the computer and leave a comment.thanks!
p.s i have alternate artwork for this if anyone is interested.

The Clash - Rat Patrol from Fort Bragg

"Combat Rock was originally planned as a double album with the working title Rat Patrol from Fort Bragg, but the idea was scrapped after internal wrangling within the group. Mick Jones had produced the first cut, but the other members were dissatisfied and producing duties were handed to Glyn Johns at which point the album became a single LP. The original cut has since been obtained and subsequently bootlegged."(from wikipedia)
this is a strange boot only because i have it in 3 different versions.this one is a single disk version but i also have it in a 2 disk version which includes this posting plus a whole load of demos from these sessions.i also have a version called combat out-rock which features a slightly different track listing to the one posted here.anyway for all the clash fans that come to visit the blog this ones for you.i will post the other versions later if anyone is interested.leave a message in the c-box if youd like to hear them.ok then its time to listen to this public service announcement with guitars.enjoy then leave a comment.thanks!
p.s some more clash goodies to come later today.stay tuned!

The Specials - Hey little rich girl

this is a really nice piece of footage from a japanese gig from 1980.the song performed here is 'hey little rich girl' and again finds the band on top form.also included here is an mp3 of the same footage to play and listen to however you after putting this footage on a disk to watch on your tellyboxes and then dancing and enjoying it,dance back to the computer and leave a comment.thanks!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Specials - Stereotype Live Dutch tv

evening all.i thought id post this for you today as the last lot of specials videos seemed quite popular.this is a performance of the song from the dutch t.v show out for a great performance from jerry.also included here for your enjoyment is an mp3 of the footage so you can put it on your i-pod thingys or on a cd etc etc.anyhoo play the video on your tv,dance around like jerry dammers and the listen to the tune on your cd player.enjoy and leave a comment.thanks!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Clash - Hamburg Riot '80

This is the infamous riot show where there was mayhem in the audience and on the stage, riot police battling with fans outside, and Joe was arrested for seriously assaulting a ‘fan’ with his guitar. His actions shocked Joe, and had a lasting personal impact on him.
He would raise the incident in a number of interviews there after. Joe said, “I nearly murdered somebody, and it made me realise that you can’t face violence with violence. It doesn’t work”. There is information on the night from three sources; German newspaper reports from the time, an eyewitness account described in Last Gang In Town, and interviews with Joe.there is also a track where a german punk gets on stage and is angrily shouting into the can read what he says and the three interviews at this excellent site
so now its time to play this loud, enjoy and bask in the glow of the clash for a bit then leave a comment.thanks!
p.s thanks to the guys at for the text you read here.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Specials - Live in Seattle 1980

starting the proceedings today is another great bootleg from the muebles archives.this is the specials recorded live at the showbox venue in seattle.its a great quality audience recording which i believe was ripped from a cassette copy originally ( at least thats what camden dave told me! ) but its a great listen the jam the specials were always a great live band brimming with energy and this gig serves as a reminder of how great they here back in the day.listening to the opening chant from concrete jungle always reminds me of fights at school!oh happy you should know by know what you need to do and thats dust off your loafers and harringtons,play this little gem,enjoy,dance like you just dont care and then skank to the computer and be brave and leave a comment.thanks!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Jam - Live in N.Y 1978

post no.3 today finds us in good shape and in the middle of a u.s tour by the jam in 1978.ive not found out too much info on the interweb about this gig but i believe that the dickies were the support act on at least one of the dates.that for me would have been a fantastic gig to see.anyway a good sound quality recording here on this c.d with a really nice version of London Traffic being a highlight for me.does anyone know if this club still exists?anyhoo put on your dancing shoes,play this loud, enjoy and then sneak up on your computer and scare it by leaving a comment.thanks!

The Jam - Live at the Rainbow '79

for the 2nd post this month another fine show from the jam from their 1979 tour.recorded at the rainbow theatre in sunny londons finsbury park its another testament to what an exciting live band they were.i believe this was originally a bootleg which was later released as the bonus disk from the 'BBC box set' but was only limited edition so it has now resurfaced as a boot again!
so put on your parka and your sta-press trousers,crank this up to 11 and dance like it was 1979.oh yeah, enjoy and then leave a comment.thanks!

Dicks Sporting Goods
Dicks Sporting Goods