Showing posts with label 140. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 140. Show all posts

Saturday, January 01, 2022

'Is it still 2021 and nobody told me?'

 No word of a lie: my first date of 2022.

. . . it can only get better.

And it kind of did. Nearly hit a 180 five minutes later:

Darts Resolutions for 2022 to follow.

Friday, April 09, 2021

Infuriating Joy?

I've been suffering from the 'Big D' for the past month, so this is both infuriating but also joyous in its own way.

. . . I scored 2 with my next three darts.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Cooking on gas . . .

Oops, I did it again. (Owen's into Britney Spears at the moment.)

It appears that if I play darts whilst making the kids food, I will NEARLY hit 180s. Good to know . . . and the kids will just have to get used to eating 14 meals a day:

Friday, April 24, 2015

Finally . . .

Thirty odd years after my first 180, I finally get my second. Granted, in the intervening years I played little or no darts but a thirty years gap between the first and the second is a tad too long.

As mentioned before, disregard the numbers round the board. I rotate the board because the 5/20/1 beds had all taken a battering in the past few months.

And, yes, if and when I get another 180, I will post a celebratory pic on the blog. But by that point I'm sure we will all have google glass surgically embedded in our eyeballs, so the blog won't even be necessary.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Close to heaven

Disregard where the numbers are. I've been rotating the board because the triple twenty bed has taken a bit of a hammering. Arguably, it's the closest I've been to a 180 in (maybe) 30 years.