Wednesday 18 October 2023

LSHG seminar - Tony Collins on the Rugby World Cup

Socialist History Seminar Mon 23rd Oct 5.30pm. Tony Collins on the Rugby World Cup. William Webb Ellis- his role in the class struggle

In person seminar at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet St, London WC1

Free but please register as space is limited:

Room 301 on the 3rd Floor

Tony Collins will look at the origins of the William Webb Ellis trophy currently being played for in the Rugby World Cup in France, and the class struggles behind its origins

Tuesday 3 October 2023

LSHG seminar- Chartism in London in 1848

 Socialist History Seminar - Monday 9th October. Catherine Howe, Chartism in London in 1848

1848 was a year of revolution across Europe, but Britain appeared to be an exception.

Catherine Howe’s book on London Chartism in 1848, 175 years ago, explores a rather different reality. The revolutionary currents and activists at work in the Spring and Summer of 1848 that caused a significant response from the State.

Chartism in London in 1848 Catherine Howe Monday 9th October Time: 5.30pm

Free on Zoom. Book here:

Organised by the Socialist History Seminar at the Institute of Historical Research and the London Socialist Historians Group.

Monday 24 April 2023

London Socialist Historians Summer Term Seminars 2023

 London Socialist Historians Summer Term Seminars 2023

Monday 15th May 5.30pm - Keith Flett: The Coronation. Inventing and Reinventing Royal Traditions.

Free on Zoom

Book at this link:

Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger argued that all traditions are invented and the British monarchy have been experts at it for centuries.

This seminar will look at what is real and what is invented in the Coronation of a monarch and grapple with what this means for an understanding of British history beyond patriotic posing

Monday 22nd May 5.30pm - Duncan Stone: Gentlemen v Players 60 years on. Deconstructing the Gentleman Amateur

Free on Zoom Link to Book

Duncan Stone, author of one of the most insightful cricket books of recent years, Different Class, speaks on the Gentleman Amateur in cricket 60 years after Gentlemen v Players was abolished and the 60 over a side Gillette Cup started

Monday 5th June 5.30pm - Ralph Darlington, Labour Revolt in Britain 1910-1914. In person seminar only Room 301. Institute of Historical Research

Monday 6 March 2023

Saturday 18 March - Resist Racism / Marx Memorial Library book sale


Resist Racism - Saturday 18th March, 12 noon  National demonstration, Assemble: Portland Place, London W1A 1AA

In Britain the Rishi Sunak government is attempting to use racism to generate the politics of divide and rule in our communities and make ordinary people pay for the cost of living crisis.
Suella Braverman’s talk of an ‘invasion’ of Southern England, the Rwanda plan to deport asylum seekers and the Nationality and Borders Act (NABA) are all part of the brutal racist hostile environment for refugees and migrants. It is targeting the most vulnerable and costing many lives.
More deaths in the Channel have shown us once again the reality of these policies in practice.
The government denies the existence of institutional racism – despite massively disproportionate deaths in black communities during the pandemic, ongoing deaths in police custody, racist stop and search and discrimination across society.
Internationally we are seeing the growth of the racist and fascist right.
Fascists such as Giorgia Meloni and her Brothers of Italy and the Sweden Democrats are in government.  Fascist Le Pen and her National Rally in France have made electoral breakthroughs.
Internationally we are witnessing an alarming growth of racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, Sinophobia and attacks on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
We need to mobilise the antiracist and anti-fascist majority.
Join us on the streets as part of an international day of action to mark UN anti-racism day.

Plus - Marx Memorial Library Book Sale 

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Richard Croucher

 Richard Croucher (1949–2022)

Richard Croucher, who died at the age of 73 last December, was a well-known figure in the field of labour studies in Britain and beyond. His books Engineers at War and We Refuse to Starve in Silence made a significant contribution to understanding and popularising working-class resistance in the first fifty years of the twentieth century and engaged a wide readership. For twenty years he worked as Tutor-Organiser for the WEA teaching courses for trade union activists. Subsequently he was a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Strategic Trade Union Management at the Cranfield Business School, Cranfield University. As Professor of Comparative Employment Relations at the Middlesex University Business School from 2005, he published on a diverse range of subjects in the fields of employment relations, Human Resource Management and labour history. A gifted researcher and talented teacher, he was a keen but critical advocate of trade unionism and its study. Richard did much to rescue the neglected dimension of international trade unionism from academic marginality. His book, co-authored with Elizabeth Cotton, Global Unions, Global Business, was particularly well received.

Colleagues may be interested in reading a full appreciation of Richard’s life and times written by John McIlroy and Alan Campbell. It may be accessed on the website of the Society for the Study of Labour History at:

Richard Croucher (1949 – 2022) – Society for the Study of Labour History (

Monday 5 December 2022

LSHG seminars - Spring 2023

Socialist History Seminars Spring Term 2023

These will be on zoom - links to register below the seminar title when they are ready

Monday January 23rd 5.30pm - Steve Cushion. 'The Drax Family Dynasty and the Business of Slavery: Reparations for Enslavement as a Trade Union Issue' [past event - recording below]

Steve Cushion- the Drax Family Dynasty & the Business of Slavery. Reparations for Enslavement. Recording of socialist history seminar on 23rd January | Kmflett's Blog (

Monday February 13th 5.30pm John Foot, 'The Left and Italian Fascism. Violence and Victims?'

The Left & Italian Fascism. Violence & Victims? | Institute of Historical Research (

Monday February 20th 5.30pm, Judy Greenway, '"A Poet among the Social Reformers": Elizabeth Gibson Cheyne, Suffragist, Socialist and Freethinker.'

'A Poet Among the Social Reformers' Elizabeth Gibson Cheyne. Suffragist, Socialist & Freethinker | Institute of Historical Research (

Monday March 6th 5.30pm Merilyn Moos, 'Living With Shadows. A memoir of a daughter of German Anti-Nazi activists'.

Living With Shadows. A memoir of a daughter of German Anti-Nazi activists | Institute of Historical Research (

''I will be talking about how my memoir, through a series of evocative vignettes, casts light on the impact of being the child of activist political refugees from Nazi Germany. It is often supposed that a person born in the UK will not feel like an outsider but this talk will consider how far the shadow of the past shaped my lived experience and sense of being as well as the contrary ways by which I became a revolutionary''

For more information please contact Keith Flett on the address above