Monday 11 April 2011

Landscape Proposals

The landscape has developed as a reflection of the winding nature of the insertions within the building. The site consists of two strands converging on the Works. 

Visitors arriving from the west, follow a footpath which coils around the west and south facade of the existing building, flowing through the kilns and arriving at the entrance to the Works on the north side.

The coppicing fields (with their 7 year harvest cycles) wrap around to form the second strand on the site. These meet the service access on the east facade, which coils around the north of the existing building to become a yard with timber drying facilities and meets the building on the south facade.

This helix motion of the two strands through the site is a means of representing the relationship between the buildings symbiosis with its surroundings and the newer need for an experience for the visitors as they walk through the site and converge on the museum.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Technical Review Feedback

Positive feedback from Colin and Francis but more work is needed on the detailed design and engagement with tectonics

Wednesday 30 March 2011

1:20 Detailed Section Model

1:20 Detailed model prepared for Technical Review tomorrow with Sir Colin Stansfield Smith and two other visiting architects.

Corner detail of timber insertion

Stair detail 

CAD 1:20 detailed section

Thursday 24 March 2011

Ashmolean Museum Film Photographic Study

As part of a progressive photographic study this year I borrowed my fathers Zenit-E, 1970's USSR fully manual camera for the trip to Oxford.

If you look really carefully you might be able to see 36 exposures onto the one piece of film. 

Oxford Field Trip

As a studio we visited Oxford yesterday, centring our visit around the Ashmolean Museum by Rick Mather, housed within an existing building the museum focusses on a beautifully detailed staircase in a light-well. Unfortunately the museum could exist anywhere as all traces of the existing building have been smothered with white polished plaster!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Brickworks Client Presentation

The presentation was warmly received by selected members of Bursledon Brickworks committee, various suggestions were made including the possibility of keeping the engine house in its current form as the working machinery has been listed, or how a roof might work over the kilns. A useful experience!

Bursledon Brickworks Client Proposals