Post By James Fulford on 11/21/2023
Earlier: LAWFARE CRISIS INTENSIFIES—Federal Court Judge Frederick J. Scullin Dodges Protecting Our (And Our Writers’) 1A Rights From “Hyperpoliticized” NYAG Letitia James VDARE Publisher Lydia Brimelow appeared on the Coffee and a Mike Podcast with Mike Farris to talk about lawfare and NYAG Letitia James's persecution of You can watch the whole video on Rumble below: ...
Post By Anne Wilson Smith on 11/21/2023
I reported recently that Enid, Oklahoma City councilman Judd Blevins was under fire for having attended Unite the Right. Though he has been accused of no crimes or other wrongdoing other than attending the legal and First-Amendment protected protest, the duly elected councilman and USMC veteran has been singled out by the Enid Social Justice Committee for an attempt to have him formally censured [T...
Post By Steve Sailer on 11/21/2023
Earlier in the 21st century, Washington, DC was a trendy destination for gentrifiers. The federal government employs numerous well-educated, well-compensated workers, whose jobs were largely maintained after the 2008 crash. After 9/11 in 2001, federal agencies went on a huge spree of hiring armed men to prevent terrorists from attacking the Small Business Administration or whatever, with good eff...
Post By Steve Sailer on 11/21/2023
From The Guardian news section: Women with Black African ancestry ‘at greater risk when plague hit London’ Experts studying remains of victims buried in 14th century say bubonic plague was not an indiscriminate killer @NicolaKSDavisMon 20 Nov 2023 19.01 EST When the Black Death hit London in autumn 1348, it caused a wave of devastation, with more than half the city’s population thought to have ...
Article By Jason Kessler on 11/20/2023

An example of the damage to the Regime Narrative that the release of J6 footage has done:

In many ways Charlottesville UTR 2017 was the test run for the January 6th formula, namely governments intentionally helping a protest to spin violently out of control so that communist judicial bureaucrats can entrap and crush political Dissidents.

So while we’re releasing the footage from J6, isn’t it about time to release the bodycam footage from Unite the Right in 2017?

All Charlottesville Police Department officers carry bodycams and they were wearing them on August 11-12, 2017.

But my multiple Freedom of Information Act requests submitted

Post By Eugene Gant on 11/20/2023
Black students at Charlottesville High School are so recalcitrant and violent that teachers refused to show up for school on Friday, which prompted the school board to close the school on November 20-21. Black CHS Principal Rashaad Pitt recently quit “suddenly,” too. From the black School Superintendent, Royal Gurley, and James Bryant, the black school board chairman: As you know, CHS was closed...
Post By Patrick Cleburne on 11/20/2023
Earlier this month I posted COULD The Biden Regime POSSIBLY Have Ramped Up The Unaccompanied Child (UAC) Program… To Supply Pedophile Rings? This laid out the reasons why I fear the awful allegations in the headline may be true. The core of this essay was a written synopsis of a devastating interview between Jessica Vaughan of the CIS and Tara Lee Rodas Unaccompanied and Unsafe: Biden Policies Faci...
Post By Paul Kersey on 11/20/2023
Memphis is 65% black and 24% white. It is, according to the Memphis Commercial-Appeal, writing in June, the largest black majority black city in America: With the current population count sitting at 621,056, Memphis’ census population estimates for 2022 show that the Bluff City could be overtaking Detroit as the nation’s largest predominately-Black city, by a razor-thin margin of 680 people. Detro...
Post By Steve Sailer on 11/20/2023
From the New York Times opinion section: An Old Hate Cracks Open on the New RightNov. 19, 2023, 9:00 a.m. ET Charles Lindbergh addressing a crowd. Behind him are U.S. flags and signs reading “America First.” By David French Opinion Columnist In August, I wrote about the “lost boys” of the American right, many of them young and relatively unknown, who were outed for having secret or anonymo...
Post By Steve Sailer on 11/20/2023
Earlier: Airline Affirmative Action: You'd Think Elite Frequent Fliers Would CARE About Plane Crashes Jared Taylor writes: Think Twice Before You Fly A “diverse” air traffic controller could kill you.JARED TAYLOR • NOVEMBER 17, 2023 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives fly a lot by commercial airliner, including by smaller planes to get back to their far-flung districts. So after the ...


By Jason Kessler on 11/20/2023

An example of the damage to the Regime Narrative that the release of J6 footage has done:

In many ways Charlottesville UTR 2017 was the test run for the January 6th formula, namely governments intentionally helping a protest to spin violently out of control so that communist judicial bureaucrats can entrap and crush political Dissidents.

So while we’re releasing the footage from J6, isn’t it about time to release the bodycam footage from Unite the Right in 2017?

All Charlottesville Police Department officers carry bodycams and they were wearing them on August 11-12, 2017.

But my multiple Freedom of Information Act requests submitted

By Washington Watcher II on 11/19/2023

Despite House Speaker Mike Johnson’s pledge to unite his squabbling caucus, Republicans remain as divided as ever, Last week, the acrimony within forced Johnson, like his predecessor, to approve a stopgap measure to avert a government shutdown. Republicans have until early next year to pass a more long-term budget with conservative reforms, but chances for that look slim. The House GOP also refused to impeach Mayorkas, although impeaching him, or better yet Biden, is the only way the GOP can stop Biden’s Great Replacement invasion. But Republican lawmakers simply ignored Biden’s demographic attack on the Historic American Nation and instead demanded unrealistic spending cuts.

Johnson’s two-step plan would fund some parts of the government until January 19 and the rest until February. Yet the plan doesn’t change or really cut anything. It simply kicked the budget battle farther down the road. That supposedly gives Republicans more time to negotiate a better deal, and allows for more focused negotiations over specific government programs.

But several conservatives rejected it. The House Freedom Caucus opposed it because it contained “no spending reductions, no border security, and not a single meaningful win for the American People.”

 The caucus added this complaint:

Republicans must stop negotiating against ourselves over fears of what the Senate may do with the promise ‘roll over today and we’ll fight tomorrow.’”

Freedom Caucus announces opposition to Speaker Johnson stopgap plan, by Emily Brooks, The Hill, November 14, 2023

Ninety-three Republicans voted against Johnson’s measure, so he was forced to rely on Democrats to pass it. That’s what ended Kevin McCarthy’s

By John Derbyshire on 11/18/2023

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

I'm going to speak at length here about recent lessons from Britain, not because of lingering affection for the land of my birth, nor because I think it's of world-shaking importance in itself, but because of the parallel tracks that recent British and American history seem to run on.

We Americans can learn something from watching Britain's descent into the pit of national extinction, which has proceeded much further than ours. Britain's present is our future … if we don't make a serious course change.

Britain, like the USA, has a wide-open southern border. It's called the English Channel. Pay a sum of money to some coyote in France or Belgium and he'll put you in a boat and ship you north across the channel. On arrival you'll be perfunctorily checked in, then awarded three hots and a cot in a pleasant hotel, courtesy of British taxpayers, with lifetime settlement rights and welfare benefits.

See, it's just like our system; only that the invaders swarming into the USA have to cross a few miles of desert, while over there it's a few miles of sea.

There are other key similarities with wider scope. Since WW2 the Brits, like us, have spawned a class of metropolitan Globalist Progressives who manifest a quite open dislike of their country's legacy white population.

They've got the race bug and have taken it even further than we have: a recent TV miniseries about 16th-century English Queen Anne Boleyn had a full-blood negress playing the part.

Britain, like us, has a two-party political system in which the two parties have essentially no difference of opinion on anything relating to the continuity and preservation of nationhood.

Is Britain a ”polyglot boarding house”—in Theodore Roosevelt’s famous warning words about the U.S.?

British elites are fine with that, so long as the loudest voices in the boarding-house speak some language other than English and practice some religion other than Christianity, with extra credit if they are some color other than white.

Last week's news from across the Pond concerned Britain's Home Secretary. That's a high-level cabinet position in Britain's Executive, more or less like the U.S. Department of Homeland Security chief.

Until Monday last week, the Home Secretary was Suella Braverman. On that day the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, fired her. She'd been

By Edward Dutton on 11/17/2023

I have lived in Finland for a very long time. Compared to my native England, it is safe, efficient, well-organized, and, on most measures, simply a better place to be and to bring up children. But as I explored in my book The Silent Rape Epidemic: How the Finns Were Groomed to Love Their Abusers, two aspects of Finnish society trouble me: intense social conformity and a relative lack of interest in freedom of speech. Both came into play in the recently-settled Hate Speech case—or almost settled—against former Interior Minister Dr. Päivi Räsänen, former leader of the evangelical Christian Democrat Party. She has been found Not Guilty of “insulting” homosexuals, and the verdict was recently affirmed on appeal.

But prosecutor Anu Mantila says she will appeal the verdict to Finland’s Supreme Court.

The trouble began for Räsänan in 2019, when she naively assumed that simply repeating what the Bible says about homosexual behavior could not possibly be a crime. Räsänen criticized the Finnish Lutheran Church for being a “partner organization” in that year’s “Helsinki Pride,” adding that “sin and shame” should not be a source of “pride.” Räsänen also posted an image of Bible verses that, from her perspective, encapsulate the traditional Christian view on homosexuality. These included “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman. That is detestable” (Leviticus  18: 22) and Romans 1:24-27, which describes homosexuality as “shameful.” These verses were included in her 2004 pamphlet Male And Female He Created Them [Päivi Räsänen, PDF]. She also said “insulting” things on a radio talk show.

Räsänen found herself prosecuted for “Hate Speech”—which obviously suggests that quoting the Bible in Finland is a crime if the quote offends a fringe minority. The case was so extraordinary that it drew

By Noah Arnold on 11/16/2023