
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Catholic church renounces hospital over life-saving abortion

The head of the Catholic church in Phoenix has stripped Arizona's largest hospital of its Catholic affiliation after he ruled that a decision to save the life of a mother by terminating her 11-week pregnancy was morally wrong.

What a disgrace. Mind you, perhaps the hospital will be better off without its Catholic affiliation. It didn't even come with any money!

Full story here.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pope , not to keen on atheists and secularists

Oh dear, here we go again with attacks on atheism and secularism .

Yep, the Pope has come out on the defensive . Not surprising , given in the last week we have had more scandal involving child abuse by priests and the third world neo atheist (??) jibe by Cardinal Kasper :

He told the magazine: "England today is a secularised, pluralistic country. When you land at Heathrow Airport, you sometimes think you'd landed in a Third World country."

Asked whether Christians were discriminated against in the UK, he said: "Particularly in England, an aggressive neo-atheism is widespread. For example, if you wear a cross with British Airways, you're discriminated against."

What exactly is wrong with a secular plural society ? It means all freedom of religion and freedom not to believe . No one belief has privilege or is at risk of persecution.

And what is with the Third World Country comment ?

Anyway , back to the Pope :

He added: "Today, the United Kingdom strives to be a modern and multicultural society. In this challenging enterprise, may it always maintain its respect for those traditional values and cultural expressions that more aggressive forms of secularism no longer value or even tolerate."

The Pope also praised Britain's fight against Hitler's "atheist extremism", saying that "Britain and her leaders stood against a Nazi tyranny that wished to eradicate God from society and denied our common humanity to many, especially the Jews, who were thought unfit to live".

Seems the Pope is not above twisting the meaning of secularism, painting it as a bad thing.

But he then goes on to equate Nazism = extreme atheism .

From my history, I don't recall the Nazis as fighting for an atheist society ,but when have facts got in the way of religious teaching . A church that can state that condoms spread Aids as they have tiny holes in them, can just as easily twist and smear secularism and atheism .

For the record , Hitler stated :

Hitler’s Mein Kampf, volume I, at the end of chapter 2: "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

Many who do not believe in God fought against Nazis, fight today against fascists and war in this world. Religious people do not by any stretch of the imagination have a monopoly on peace and doing good. Examples that immediately spring to mind are Bush and Blair , consulting their God, before going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

How much concern for life does the Catholic Church have for women in places such as Nicaragua, where no abortion is allowed , even if their life is at risk. Doctors are too scared often to give treatment for cancer to pregnant women in case it causes the foetus to abort. My concern is with the woman who is a alive , not sacrificing her as some sort of incubator .

I am pretty sick of those of us who argue for a secular society, with freedom of speech and belief , being called extreme and the whole notion being misused. A secular society = freedom of belief and none for all. What is wrong with that ?


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pope and Blair to combine state visits- via NewsBiscuit

Rather good spoof for a Sunday morning, from NewsBiscuit :

Britain is preparing to host a joint state visit in September from two religious men convinced of their own infallibility and who refuse to make a public apology for their actions, his holiness Tony Blair and Pope Benedict XVI.

‘Look, it just makes sense to combine the two visits,’ said Mr Blair, ‘we are both Catholics, we both have books to promote and we both need protecting from an angry public.’

‘The Holy Father is delighted to be sharing his visit to the UK with Mr Blair,’ said a Vatican representative, ‘It will make a pleasant change for him to travel with someone who manages to be even more unpopular than him.’

The state visit, already dubbed ‘The Guilt and Redemption Tour’, will see the holy duo travel the nation in a specially adapted Popemobile, waving at the crowds from behind the safety of bulletproof glass.

Mr Blair and Pope Benedict will appear at venues around the country preaching to their followers and promoting their books, A Journey and A Bible. Both works have been heavily panned by the critics who describe them as ‘a shameless rewriting of history,’ ‘self-serving twaddle’ and ‘little more than a made-up fairy tale’.


‘The combined visit will save the taxpayer millions in terms of police protection,’ said Home Secretary Theresa May, ‘it should also confuse protestors who won’t know who to hurl abuse at first.’

However some activists are looking forward to the visit. ‘This is a great opportunity,’ said professional protestor Peter Tatchell, ‘with a bit of luck I might get to make two citizen’s arrests in one day.’

The Pope-Blair visit will culminate in an open air mass in which each man will pray for the forgiveness of the other. ‘This is the nearest that people will ever get to see either man make a public apology,’ said tour press secretary Alastair Campbell, adding ‘we might do God but we don’t do sorry.’

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Poofs, perverts and promiscous women , to blame for more or less everything

It seems that the reason religious people get all wound up about women who are no better than they ought to be ,or LGBT people having sex is that they are really concerned at the havoc all this will wreck.

It really is for our own good , rather than some hypocritical do as I say not as I do , especially if you are a right wing US god botherer.

Did you realise gay people cause floods ? They do , really :

One diocesan bishop has even claimed that laws that have undermined marriage, including the introduction of pro-gay legislation, have provoked God to act by sending the storms that have left thousands of people homeless.

While those who have been affected by the storms are innocent victims, the bishops argue controversially that the flooding is a result of Western civilisation's decision to ignore biblical teaching.

The Rt Rev Graham Dow, Bishop of Carlisle, argued that the floods are not just a result of a lack of respect for the planet, but also a judgment on society's moral decadence.


"We are in serious moral trouble because every type of lifestyle is now regarded as legitimate," he said.

"In the Bible, institutional power is referred to as 'the beast', which sets itself up to control people and their morals. Our government has been playing the role of God in saying that people are free to act as they want," he said, adding that the introduction of recent pro-gay laws highlighted its determination to undermine marriage.

"The sexual orientation regulations [which give greater rights to gays] are part of a general scene of permissiveness. We are in a situation where we are liable for God's judgment, which is intended to call us to repentance."

But people 'free to act as they want,' as in having sex outside of marriage with either gender for fun, well it also causes earthquakes and hurricanes .

But there is an easy solution :

An outspoken member of Israel's parliament has said recent earthquakes that have hit the country are a consequence of gay rights laws.

Shlomo Benizri, who is a member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, was speaking in a Knesset (parliament) debate on earthquake preparedness.

After reading passages from the Old Testament, he said that in his view one cause of earthquakes is that "the Knesset gives legitimacy to sodomy.

"A cost-effective way of averting earthquake damage would be to stop passing legislation on how to encourage homosexual activity in the State of Israel, which anyways causes earthquakes."

And :

In November 2005 a councillor for the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland tried to blame the gay community for Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans.

Maurice Mills said it was a judgement from God:

"The media failed to report that the hurricane occurred just two days prior to the annual homosexual event called the Southern Decadence Festival, which the previous year had attracted an estimated 125,000 people."

Of course if all this were in any way logical , then wouldn't god just zap the pervs and leave the good pure people alone?

Anyway, why am I rehashing old posts , apart perhaps for a bit of bloggers block ?

Well because now women are to blame for earthquakes. Well not just any women, but baaaad ones, floozies and strumpets !

Again, the solution to natural disasters and climate change is're thinking don't throw away plastic bags aren't you ! Nope, its women cover up :

A SENIOR Iranian cleric says women who wear revealing clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes.
Iran is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries, and the cleric's unusual explanation for why the earth shakes follows a prediction by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that a quake is certain to hit Tehran and that many of its 12 million inhabitants should relocate.

"Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes," Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media


"What can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble?'' Sedighi asked during a prayer sermon on Friday.

"There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes."

Hmmm, following this logic, are abusive priests and nuns to blame for the Icelandic volcano? Yep, blame them for your messed up holidays .


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Protest the Pope this Sunday

Via Peter Tatchell :

No Pope, No Vatican - London for a Secular Europe

Oppose Pope Benedict’s State Visit to the UK

Stop the Vatican’s crusade against women's and gay rights

Protest the Pope

This Sunday 14 February 2010
Meet at 1pm outside Westminster Cathedral (not Westminster Abbey).
Victoria Street, London SW1 (near the corner with Ambrosden Avenue)

March to the Italian Embassy in Grosvenor Square for a rally at 3pm.

We support:
• Women's equality and reproductive rights
• Equal rights for LGBT people
• A secular Europe - immune to the Vatican's agenda
• One law for all, no religious exemptions from the law
• State neutrality in matters of religion and belief

We oppose:
• European Union collusion with religion (Lisbon Treaty Article 16c)
• The special status of the Vatican in the United Nations
• State-funded faith schools
• The economic privilege and political influence of the Vatican in Italy
• Taxpayers funding the Pope's State Visit to the UK this September
• Misogyny, homophobia, fascism, racism and xenophobia

Protest against the Pope’s State Visit to the UK

“We want a secular Europe, where the Vatican and the Catholic church cease attempting to impose their harsh, intolerant morality on everyone else,” said Peter Tatchell of OutRage!, who is speaking at Sunday’s protest and assisting with its organisation.

“The Pope opposes women's rights, gay equality, embryonic stem cell research, death with dignity and the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV.

“He wants the Catholic Church to be exempt from equality and anti-discrimination laws that apply to everyone else.

“Pope Benedict played a key role in the cover-up of child sex abuse by Catholic clergy.

“He has rehabilitated the Holocaust-denying bishop Richard Williamson, and even though Pope Pius XII failed to speak out against the Holocaust he plans to make him a saint.

“Given that he opposes universal equality and human rights, Pope Benedict should not be accorded the honour of a State Visit to Britain.

“The estimated £20 million cost of the visit will be funded by the taxpayer. The Pope has already denounced our equality laws. He is likely to abuse his presence in Britain to further attack our democratically-agreed legislation that gives equal rights to women and gay people.

“The Pope has discouraged the use of condoms in countries where HIV infections are decimating whole populations. Such teachings are irresponsible and immoral,” said Mr Tatchell.

Sunday’s demonstration is organised by the Central London Humanist Group in partnership with the British Humanist Association, the National Secular Society, One Law for All, the Gay And Lesbian Humanist Association, the Rationalist Association and OutRage!.

It is in solidarity with the demonstration happening the same weekend in Rome, also against the Vatican and its reactionary interference in Italian, European and world-wide politics.

Program of the demonstration:

- Assemble: 1pm at Westminster Cathedral (not the Abbey)
- March: 2pm - 3pm from Westminster Cathedral to the Italian embassy
- Rally: 3pm - 5pm at the Italian embassy (Grosvenor square)

Speakers at the Italian embassy (3pm) :

* Bob Churchill (British Humanist Association),
* Derek Lennard (Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association)
* Maryam Namazie (One Law for All)
* Gerard Phillips (Protest The Pope)
* David Pollock (European Humanist Federation)
* Terry Sanderson (National Secular Society)
* Peter Tatchell (OutRage!)
* Josh Kutchinsky (Central London Humanist Group)


Protest organiser, Marco Tranchino, writes:

The tiny Vatican State is inhabited mainly by priests. It is extremely powerful and its "moral" crusades adversely affect the lives of millions of people in Europe and across the world.

Officially part of the UN, its "observer-state" status means it can access, influence and pressure UN debates on issues such as birth control, abortion and homosexuality. No other religion has such privileged UN status.

The Vatican has diplomatic relationships with almost all the countries in the world (174 when John Paul II died) and in many EU countries it benefits from the support of Catholic politicians and, in many cases, of Christian political parties.

Of the 27 countries of the European Union, 14 are bound to the Vatican by at least one treaty. No other faith has such political power in Europe and the world; prompting the Economist to publish an investigation about the diplomatic service of the Vatican, questioning whether it deserves its special status in the UN (21 July 2007)

The Catholic Church is an extremely profitable business. It owns businesses such as hotels, restaurants, shops and private schools and the Vatican pays no tax! On top of this, the Vatican receives public money in many countries: in Italy about 1000 million Euros in taxes paid to the Vatican every year (991 millions € in 2007 ).

Through its very considerable political, diplomatic and economic power, the Vatican adversely impacts on the lives of European citizens, and the wider humanity.


The issue of women's rights and the Catholic Church goes way beyond the hierarchy of the church, where women are unable to ascend to priesthood as a result of their gender. Women who have had a divorce, women who want to have an abortion and women who are living as single parents in Catholic countries are often victims of moral intimidation and discrimination. The Pope encourages us to view women as unequal to men, by consistently and publicly stating that the two genders are different and that women are naturally inclined to be mothers and child-carers. In some Catholic countries, like Ireland and Poland, abortion is illegal. In others, like Italy, the right to an abortion is constantly under threat from the Vatican's pressure on the government.

The Pope says that being gay is an "objective disorder" and a "moral evil". In nearly half the countries in the world, homosexuality is totally illegal and punishable by long terms of imprisonment. A proposal for the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality was opposed by the Vatican in the UN in 2008. It has a long history of blocking attempted UN debates on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) human rights; often refusing to condemn homophobia and opposing laws to protect LGBT people against discrimination.


Although Britain is a fairly "secular" society, Christianity still has considerable influence in many British institutions and it continues to enjoy unfair privileges.

A limited right to abortion has been granted to women living in England, Scotland and Wales, but in Northern Ireland it remains illegal. This anomaly is significantly due to religious influence, including that of the Catholic Church. Christian lobbies are engaged in continual efforts to restrict a woman's right to abortion and have succeeded in reducing the time limits for an abortion.

Religion retains undue influence and power in various ways. With increasing numbers of state funded faith schools (1 in 3 of all schools in the UK is either Catholic or Church of England), religious institutions continue to exercise an influence on many young people.

The churches (especially the Catholic church) made sure that the proposed EU Constitution – and the now approved Lisbon Treaty (article 16c) - dangerously commits the European Union to "an open, transparent and regular dialogue with Churches and religious organisations". Why should religious bodies receive this special treaty guarantee, which is denied to humanists and human rights advocates?


The state should be neutral in matters of religion or belief.
No faith should have privileged legal or social status, or special access to government
The beliefs of one group should not be used to limit the rights of others.
We affirm the common values of the people of Europe as expressed in the Brussels Declaration.

We want to protect democracy and to champion human rights against those who seek to retain undemocratic influence and deny equality and protection against discrimination to others.

Further information:

Peter Tatchell, OutRage! – 0207 403 1790

Protest coordinator: Marco Tranchino - - 07806647903


Friday, January 29, 2010

No Right to Religious Bigotry

In a welcome decision, the Employment Appeals Tribunals has ruled that legislation outlawing religious discrimination does not protect Bible-bashers who want to discriminate against others.

The EAT made its decision following on from the case of London Borough of Islington v Ladele, which Stroppyblog has reported on previously.

Hurrah. Workers do not have nearly enough rights. But the one right they should not have is the "right" to use religious beliefs as a pretext to oppress other workers or services users.

Whether you would want to get relationship guidance from someone who thinks you are a mortal sinner is another matter, of course.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Fuckwit: Pat Robertson

The USA's leading wacko god-botherer has pronounced that Haiti had an earthquake because it was cursed.

Yes, apparently the country signed a deal with the Devil that it wouuld serve him should he help rid it of French colonial rule. And ever since then, Haiti has been cursed. Obviously, he reckons Haitians should have remained in the holy state of subservience to an occupying power.

Equally obviously, earthquakes are acutally a geologically-explainable (although saidly, not altogether predictable) natural phenomenon. The extent of their impact, however, is very largely determined by social and political conditions. Well-constructed buildings are more likely to stand; high-tech warning systems can facilitate safety; people already living in poverty are much more vulnerable to the loss of shelter, sanitation and healthcare that comes with an earthquake. So Haiti - the poorest country in the Americas - suffers more than most would.

To explain Haiti's situation in more details (without any references to pacts with the Devil), here is Charles Arthur from the London-based Haiti Support Group:
THE EARTHQUAKE - a first reaction, 13 January 2010
The magnitude of this terrible tragedy is directly linked to the massive influx of people who have come to live in Port-au-Prince over recent decades. Hundreds of thousands of people have abandoned the countryside and come to capital to try and make a living. This human wave has overwhelmed the city and the rudimentary services that serve the city's population. The result is completely unregulated construction, poor or non-existent sanitation, a meagre supply of water, constant power outages, and the spread of poverty-stricken shantytowns. The loss of life from the earthquake, the potential for disease to spread, and the danger that many poor people will be left without water and food in the days ahead, are all far greater because there are too many people living in Port-au-Prince - over two million people are living in a city built to serve just a few hundred thousand.
The phenomenons of the rural exodus and the mushrooming size of Port-au-Prince are a consequence of the complete and continuing neglect of the rural sector by both the central government and the international finance institutions. There has been no significant investment in agriculture despite the fact that the vast majority of the population are peasant farmers. Next to nothing has been done to repair - let alone extend - irrigation systems. There are no subsidies for fertilisers, seeds or tools. And perhaps most damaging of all, the international planners have forced the authorities to eliminate import tariffs, and the resultant deluge of cheap foreign food imports that undercut local produce has been the final nail in the coffin of the Haitian farmer. Their sons and daughters have had to leave home, and instead scratch a living in the cities where they are at the mercy of the hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes that have afflicted this most unfortunate land.

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Saturday, January 09, 2010

Spoof Mrs Robinson


Thursday, January 07, 2010

"God hates "lady" GaGa"

I must admit I was disappointed when the good Christian folk of the Westboro Baptist Church were banned from coming over here. I was rather looking forward to counter demonstrating them, nothing I like more than winding up the batshit religious tendency.

To refresh your memories, this group picket funerals of lesbian and gay people and US soldiers(their deaths are revenge for the US tolerance of gay people,not sure of the logic there !). They piss off woolly liberals and war mongers alike ,not being too keen on decadence and all that malarkey. Is Paddy a member ?

They state :

The only lawful sexual connection is the marriage bed. All other sex activity is whoremongery and adultery, which will damn the soul forever in Hell. Heb. 13:4. Decadent, depraved, degenerate and debauched America, having bought the lie that It's OK to be gay, has thereby changed the truth of God into a lie, and now worships and serves the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen! Rom. 1:25. But the Word of God abides. Better to be a eunuch if the will of God be so, and make sure of Heaven. Mat. 19:12. Better to be blind or lame, than to be cast into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. Mk. 9:43-48. Abstain, you fools.

Seems they are now getting a little agitated by Lady GaGa, planning to picket one of her gigs:

“Art” and “fashion” are the euphemisms, the guise under which

proud whore Lady Gaga teaches rebellion against God (incidentally,

her claim to the title of “Lady” is sound only if she tacks on “of the

night,” thereby alluding to another euphemism for what she is). As

much as she’d like to pretend otherwise, there’s nothing new or

different about this particular hussy’s pretentious prancing. Does the

simple slut truly think that she can change God’s standards by

seducing a generation of rebels into joining her in fist-raised, stiff-

necked, hard-hearted rebellion against Him? Get real!

Even as she gives lip service to “liberating” her young fans, Lady

Gaga brings them into slavery to their own corruption, teaching

them to glory in their shame. She hates you!

They finish with ...YOU’RE GOING TO HELL!

Well it sounds more fun than heaven populated with the Phelps family, and possibly Mr Puritan ,that's for sure.

Hat tip to Dave.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Brighton - most godless city in Britain ...

...and he says it like it is a bad thing !

A priest has declared it his mission to transform "the most Godless city in Britain".

Reverend Archie Coates' comments about Brighton and Hove have prompted a concerned reaction among residents.

He made them following his arrival in the city to head the off-shoot of London's evangelical Holy Trinity Brompton church being set up at St Peter's Church - the landmark building dubbed Brighton's Cathedral – in York Place.

The new parish has been "planted" because St Peter's dwindling congregation could no longer afford to maintain the building. It will hold its first mass on November 1.


He said his church could transform Brighton.

Rev Coates said: "Our vision is not just to fill the church but it's to build in the heart of this city a community and do whatever we can to sow our best years into playing our part in the re-evangelisation of Brighton and transformation of this society."

Somehow I think he has his work cut out, but who knows, you might find Stropps a born again Christian this time next year. Hmm, about as likely as a united left by then.

For those who want to see the team taking on the challenge of shifting Brighton from its godless hedonism , check out this video. Yep, they are down with the kids with their U2ish Christian rock soundtrack that accompanies the happy shiny people , all cheery and bubbling with enthusiasm.

Wonder what the odds are on Brighton corrupting them before they show us the light ? Yep, can see them crawling out of the gay clubs singing I will survive any day soon.


Sunday, July 05, 2009

Bishop of Rochester tells gays to "repent and be changed"

Stroppy tells Bishop to go fuck himself !

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Fuckwits- Gay exorcisms, Conservative Future, Mark Sanford and John Cruddas

Not done this for a while and as usual spoilt for choice, so here is a selection...

Again god bothers getting their knickers in a twist about lesbian and gay people having sex. This really pisses me off. I have known a number of people who are lesbian or gay who have been made to feel guilty and bad for what they are by their families , in the name of religion.

Below is a you tube of an 'exorcism of gay demons' supposedly in this 16 year old boy.Terrifying abuse. What if he gives in and pretends to be straight, living a lie. Not exactly great for any woman he is involved with.

Of course trying to 'cure ' lesbian and gay people is nothing new, as I discussed in a previous post.
As I said before, with reference to Iris Robinson:

Sadly many people are still pressurised to conform to heterosexual norms , usually through family and religious pressure. Others have residual guilt and if they do try to change only end up unhappy and living a lie, trying to please the religious intolerance of people like Ms Robinson.

What is her problem, why does it matter to her if two men have sex together. No one is asking her to indulge in a little girl on girl action, no one is telling her not to be in a heterosexual marriage and family.

Next up for the title of Friday Fuckwit is Conservative Future, all of them. CF have got the video taken down from YouTube, but it can be found here .

New Cuddly Cameroonies, well they seem quite old school in their politics; low tax, questioning climate change, wanting the family and marriage to be 'strengthened.' For them Boris is a trendy radical pin up. Most obnoxious though was the London Conservative Futures Chair, who said :

Personally, I want to be a mother. Every woman in society should achieve that…We’re here to procreate.

Speak for yourself, I have no intention of procreating !

Hat Tip F Word.

Next Friday Fuckwit is Mark Sanford , Republican Governor of South Carolina , not living up to the family values pushed by his Party .

As Hakmao puts it :

Nothing beats a good ‘family values’ sex scandal — they who protest too much can always be relied upon to put their dicks/fannies where they say you shouldn't’t, and lie through their teeth to try to make it all go away.

The press has got hold of his e-mails to his mistress :

The e-mails show the internal struggles of a religious conservative awkwardly donning the mantle of adulterer as he mixed wholesome descriptions of family life with steamier language about “the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of night’s light”.

Slightly at odds with a previous quote :

"It is my personal view that the largest proclamation of one's faith ought to be in how one lives his life."

And finally, John Cruddas . Check out Marsha-Jane's post :

One thing I had to bring to your attention though was the way Cruddas voted yesterday in parliament - as you may be aware, there was a vote and debate yesterday in parliament on a motion (tabled by the opposition) to oppose Brown's proposal of holding the inquiry in to Iraq war in secret (although he conceded that they would 'try' to determine that 'some' of the inquiry 'may' be in public), without oaths and any form of possibility of repercussions in relation to the findings. Oh yeah and that the members of 'independent' inquiry were hand selected by the government.
I would like to point out that Jon Cruddas MP and Michael Meacher MP were among those who voted AGAIN with the Government. Comrades, it is about time people stopped sowing (or allowing union bureaucracies / The Guardian /The New Statesman to sow) illusions in politicians who have repeatedly voted against the will of the people. Both Cruddas and Meacher voted for the war and complained since that they 'were misled' or that 'they made a mistake'.

OK, Meacher is a fuckwit as well, but this is more about how some on the left back Cruddas. Well I have made my feelings clear before and nothing since has given me reason to change them.

Suggestions for other fuckwits?

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

"Scotland - Land of the Sodomite Damned " - the Westboro Baptist Church have turned their attention to Scotland ...yay !

Oooh the Westboro Baptist Church are heading to Scotland with their own highly creative and disturbed style of protests . I wish I could go along to counter protest and wind them up.Thats my idea of a fun day out !
Anyone going please send me pics . Eddie? Cat? A report would be brilliant.

Details via Facebook :

Louis Theroux' best pals the Westboro Baptist Church are coming to Scotland to tell the Church of Scotland not to appoint any gays as ministers.
This is their poster advertising the picket:

"Yes, Westboro Baptist Church pastor and members will
fly to Scotland and conduct these religious education,
protest, and warning pickets; to wit: "Be not deceived;
God is not mocked" Gal. 6:7. Scotland once blazed with
Gospel light, in the days of the likes of John Brown and
other able and sanctified Puritans and men of God. It is a
moral and spiritual tragedy that such a matter as the
pervert Scott Rennie should even be entertained. The
curse of God is on Scotland. She is beyond redemption.

God Hates Scotland – Land of the Sodomite Damned."

Come along, counter-protest, or just watch the freak show with a morbid curiosity. There will be a prize for the best sign.

Protest details :

23 May 2009

17:30 - 19:30

The Mound


And when you have done Scotland do head south to Brighton, there are lots of us perverts here. WBC versus the the queers of kemptown !! Those drag queens would make short shift of them im sure .Come for Pride , even better.

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

"If atheists ruled the world"

Busy today so here is a quick You Tube that I nicked from New Humanist.

Its some actors in the US who got together and produced this talking heads clip, with the words lifted wholesale from online Christian fundamentalist forums.

btw good luck to those on demos in the city today and I'm there in spirit.


Friday, March 27, 2009

God Will Not Interveve, Says Friday Fuckwit

Archbishop Rowan Williams tells us that God will not intervene to save the planet. That's a pretty safe prediction, I'd say, as the Divine One has already omitted to intervene to stop famines, tsunamis, hideous diseases, earthquakes and the suchlike. And how about the Holocaust? Now that would have been as good a time as any for some divine intervention.

So let's get this right ... God creates the world, then sits back while a small proportion of its inhabitants form themselves into a ruling class and destroy his creation. And does nothing. Millions suffer in poverty and agony through no fault of their own, but although he is more than capable of intervening, he chooses not to. And we are supposed to worship this geezer?!

In the Gospel of St Luke, the parable of the Good Samaritan denounces those who would pass on the other side and not intervene to help a man lying beaten at the roadside. But it's OK for God to pass on the other side, yes?

Further, despite the fact that God has no intention of intervening to save the planet, the Archbishop would still have us all say our prayers each day. And praying, if I remember rightly, consists primarily of asking God to do stuff ie. to intervene.

So let's follow the Archbishop's (implied) advice. Stop praying and fight capitalism.

In the meantime, what are the chances of our FF realising the real reason why God won't intervene: because he doesn't exist. Pretty slim, I'd say, but the real fuckwittery in Williams' comment is that even if God does exist, he's not much use, is he?

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Batshit Bogle

Brilliant !

Check out her blog , she describes herself as :

Home is the London suburbs where husband Jamie and I live cheerily among lots of books and no TV. I'm currently studying for a BA (Divinity) at Maryvale Institute. I loathe instant coffee,extreme feminism, narrow-mindedness, cold pasta, "inclusive language" and stewed tea. Am happy attending a Mass in the Ordinary Form, love good hymns. Favourite modes of transport are train or bicycle. Am extremely fond of my nephews, nieces, great-nephew, great-niece, and godchildren and I also like buttered toast, sticky chocolate cake, rain,old-fashioned detective stories, Pope Benedict XV1, making jam, winter teatimes, sleeping out of doors on warm summer nights, Christmas, Pimms,ginger wine, and making patchwork quilts. I've got a list of men who ought to be bishops.

Hat Tip to Shiraz.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Pope and witchcraft : swap one set of superstitious nonsense for another set of superstitious nonsense

The Pope calls on Africans to reject witchcraft.

...he urged his listeners to reach out to those Angolans who believe in witchcraft and spirits.

"So many of them are living in fear of spirits, of malign and threatening powers. In their bewilderment they even end up condemning street children and the elderly as alleged sorcerers," he said.

In his homily, the pope urged Catholic to try to convince those who had left the Church that "Christ has triumphed over death and all those occult powers.

Errr, this from a Church that has a Chief Exorcist :

Father Gabriele Amorth who is Pope Benedict XVI's 'caster out of demons' made his comments during an interview with Vatican Radio.

Father Amorth said: "Of course the Devil exists and he can not only possess a single person but also groups and entire populations.

"I am convinced that the Nazis were all possessed. All you have to do is think about what Hitler - and Stalin did. Almost certainly they were possessed by the Devil.

"You can tell by their behaviour and their actions, from the horrors they committed and the atrocities that were committed on their orders. That's why we need to defend society from demons."

According to secret Vatican documents recently released wartime pontiff Pope Pius XII attempted a "long distance" exorcism of Hitler which failed to have any effect.

Father Amorth said: "It's very rare that praying and attempting to carry out an exorcism from distance works.

"Of course you can pray for someone from a distance but in this case it would not have any effect.

"One of the key requirements for an exorcism is to be present in front of the possessed person and that person also has to be consenting and willing.

Apparently the Chief Exorcist is quite a busy man :

In a small room, well away from the street so that no one hears the screams, Father Gabriele Amorth does battle with Satan. He is a busy man.

As the Vatican’s top exorcist, Amorth performs the mysterious, ancient ritual dozens of times a week. A confused world engulfed in tragedy and chaos is turning increasingly to black magic, the occult and fortune-telling, he said, proof that the devil and his handmaidens are having a field day.

“These customs open the door to evil spirits and to demonic possessions,” Amorth said. “Exorcism is God’s true miracle.”

The practice of exorcism driving demons and evil spirits from people or places has been experiencing a renaissance of late, from Europe to the Americas to Africa.


In Italy, the number of exorcists has increased more than tenfold in the last decade to about 300. This year, one of the country’s largest archdioceses established a special task force to handle the growing demand for devil detox.

Amorth is arguably the world’s most famous practitioner of exorcism and certainly its greatest promoter.

He co-founded the International Assn. of Exorcists, an organization of priests that meets in secrecy every two years, and he remains its president emeritus. Author of numerous books on the subject, he has had a hand in recruiting, training or inspiring most of today’s exorcists.

Amorth said his calendar is always full. “I have three this afternoon,” he said matter-of-factly recently.

With little prompting, he whipped out his equipment, sheathed in a weathered leather bag that is always at his side: a silver and wooden crucifix, an aspergillum for sprinkling holy water and a container of baptismal oil.

He acted out simple steps from the ritual, wrapping his purple priest’s stole around the shoulders of a visitor and making the sign of the cross on her forehead. (All clear, he pronounced.)

In an exorcism, that opening is followed by prayers, anointment with the holy water and oil, then a demand to the devil that he state his name and be gone. Anything can happen: If the person is possessed, and that’s a rarity, he or she will often turn violent and fight the intervention, Amorth said.

Hmmm, seems the Pope does irony.


Friday, March 13, 2009

"Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene" - You Tube spoof

Hat tip Tami on Facebook.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pope Slags Off Gays Shcoker

The Pope is obviously intent on spreading goodwill to all men - except the ones who fancy other men. In his Christmas address, the former Hiltler Youth member tells us that homosexuality is as much a threat to humanity as climate change.

The Pontiff and/or his advisers seem to have realised that directly attacking LGBT people as sinful is somewhat passe and may attract criticism, so tried to code the message. But everyone knew what he meant when he said the church viewed the distinction between men and women as central to human nature, and asked "that this order, set down by creation, be respected". He said that the church "should protect man from the destruction of himself" and that a sort of ecology of man was needed, adding: "The tropical forests do deserve our protection; but man, as a creature, does not deserve any less." He attacked what he described as "gender" theories which "lead towards the self-emancipation of man from creation and the creator". Oh, and lifelong wedlock between a man and a woman is like "the sacrament of creation". And sexual behaviour beyond that between a man and a woman is a "destruction of God's work".

Even the Daily Telegraph accepts that the comments will be perceived as anti-gay. It does, however, seem more concerned that the Pope has been a little naive in saying such things given how prone the homosexual lobby is to over-reaction.

The odd thing is that anyone other than the Pope who came out with this kind of ridiculous nonsense would be instantly dismissed as some eccentric babbler who deserves no attention whatsoever. But because a bunch of other eccentric babblers decided he was God's spokesman on Earth, somehow his bigoted views are broadcast worldwide as though they deserve some kind of credibility.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Censorship at Waterstones

Just as it looked like Sarah Palin was going to walk away with the Bad Faith Awards, Christian 'lone' Voice Stephen Green makes a late bid for the prize, by forcing the Waterstones in Cardiff to cancel a book signing. Patrick Jones was due to sign copies of his new poetry collection Darkness is Where the Stars Are but Waterstones cancelled at the last moment citing concerns about disruption. Apparently our friend Stephen had mobilised a few believers, aggrieved at what they consider Jones' blasphemy, who sent emails and called the store. What's the deal! Are we allowed to pressure bookstores to cancel events featuring people we don't like... if so there's a few I'd like to start with.

I phoned the manager of the Cardiff Store, who wouldn't comment but referred me to John Howells in their central press office. He said the event was cancelled because of concerns about safety in the light of a high volume of complaints received yesterday (he wouldn't say how many or what proportion were emails or phone calls).


Surely it is a matter of principle that you should not be able to precipitate the cancellation of any event just by claiming it offends you or implying that you will attempt to disrupt it? Surely it is the author and publisher who Waterstones should be supporting here?

Its worrying that bookshops are running scared of causing the slightest offence to religious sensibilities, as NH say :

If you don't like the book don't read it and don't come to the books signing. End of. If bookstores start caving in to this kind of (albeit cowardly and pathetic click-of-a-mouse intimidation) then we really are in the shit.

They suggest e -mailing Waterstones and complaining :

Email Waterstones to let him know what you think: (Howells says this will be logged and it would be nice if complaints on behalf of free speech end up equally those of offended religionists)

The religious right are very good at their e-mail and letter campaigns and we who want free speech and to put the opposing view are usually quite lazy at it. I would urge readers to e-mail Waterstones. its takes five minutes and to be honest most of us waste a lot more time arguing with each other on the blogs, so no excuses !
