
Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Bankers " school keeps out the poor

So much for Con Dems promises to raise educational standards for all kids:

A CONDEM flagship school set up by fatcat bankers is refusing to take poor kids.
Pupils from a council estate primary are banned from Bolingbroke Academy in Battersea, South London, although it will cost taxpayers £6million a year.


Pupils from a struggling primary that lies on a deprived council estate have been told there will be no place for them at a ConDem free school being set up with backing from City fatcats.
Yet those at four others in wealthier parts of the same area have been singled out as feeders for Bolingbroke Academy – dubbed the bankers’ school – when it opens next year.


Labour MP Lisa Nandy said: “This is a shocking indictment on the Government’s policy on free schools, transferring money from the poor to the rich.

“Labour and teaching unions warned about this when the legislation was passed.” Bolingbroke Academy, being built on the site of a former hospital in Battersea, is supported by leading City finance firms.
Among them are NM Rothschild, Credit Suisse, Citi Group, Barclays Capital, Coutts, Normura, HSBC, Morgan Stanley and RBS.
Tory-controlled Wandsworth council is spending £13million buying the site and more public cash will be needed to convert it into a school. Taxpayers face an estimated £6million yearly bill for running the academy.

The move has sparked fury among teachers and union chiefs. GMB spokesman Paul Maloney said bankers who had to be bailed out with billions of pounds of taxpayers’ cash had “acquired a taste for using public money to fund their pet projects”.

All in it together, I think not. Handouts for the rich .

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Friday, December 10, 2010

"Off with their heads:" Charles and Camillia faced with rioting 'subjects '

Seems one Police Chief took this very seriously. Yep, throwing paint, kicking a car and shouting slogans could have led to some students being shot. Gosh and they weren't even Johnny
foreigner who looks like a terrorist .

The news has been bleating on about how dreadful it was to inconvenience the Royal benefit scroungers , to whom tuition fees is surely like small change , having to face a public that wasn't bowing ,scraping and bearing flowers .

The Mail (apologies for linking ) states in its usual huff and puffery :

Met chief Sir Paul Stephenson today mounted an extraordinary defence of armed protection officers after the worst Royal security blunder in a generation.

Sir Paul hailed the 'enormous restraint' of the team guarding Prince Charles and his wife the Duchess of Cornwall, implying the rioters were lucky not to have been shot.

Camilla was left terrified as their Rolls Royce came under fire from a snarling mob of student fees rioters as it made its way to the Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium.

The car was kicked, rocked and hit with paint bombs as up to 20 demonstrators attacked it and chanted 'Off with their heads!' and 'Tory scum', leaving the couple visibly shaken.

The Prince and Duchess were not hurt but the potential risk to their safety raised worrying echoes of the 1974 kidnap attempt on Princess Anne.

Yep, they weren't hurt or kettled or hit with a truncheon and needing a brain op like Alfie Meadows.

So they saw a glimpse of the anger from those at the sharp end of this Government and then scuttled back to their cosseted lives. Tough .

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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Nick Clegg - "Say goodbye to broken promises ."

Oh the irony , no more broken promises . Vote Lib Dem, get a Tory Govt .

Hat tip to Nick Cohen on Facebook.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

These are the students that ruined it for the rest ...

Tossers .

Via Face Book


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nick Clegg on tuition fees ...when he wanted to get votes


Saturday, July 17, 2010

The 2010 Paxman award for evading the issue goes to ...Zac Goldsmith


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Clegg speaks out against slash and burn cuts ...before the election

Hat tip Nick Cohen on facebook.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

All in it together, all making sacrifices and curbing our spending ...err no

Seems the Tory faithful are splashing the cash , no sign of belt tightening there or having to put on an extra woolly at this bash:

David Cameron and his rich Tory chums will toast the bloodbath Budget hammering the poor at a lavish champagne party where the CHEAPEST ticket costs £450.

The ConDem PM and his Chancellor George Osborne will be the star turns at the glitzy ball, which was last night angrily condemned by Labour MPs.

It will be held at an exclusive London venue days after Osborne delivered his “austerity” Budget, which hits low-earners hardest – and hands a business tax cut to the fatcats on the guest list.

Organisers have lined up 432 bottles of champagne – more than one each for the 400 guests, who will include City financiers and Tory donors. The event is expected to raise more than £1million for Conservative party funds.


Senior Labour MP Tom Watson last night attacked Mr Osborne for failing to live up to his pre-Budget promise that “we are all in this together.”

Mr Watson said: “I can’t imagine there will be any worried pensioners or frightened families at this event. Clearly, we are not all in this together.

“Holding this lavish ball days after the toughest measures in any Budget ever just shows the breathtaking arrogance of the Tories.”

Many of the high-rollers at the event will be wealthy donors from City hedge funds and investment banks – blamed by many experts for sparking financial meltdown and driving us into recession.


Rich Tory backers can buy one ticket for an eye-watering £450, pay £4,500 for a table for 10, buy a “benefactor” ticket at £1,000 or blow £10,000 for a de luxe table for ten.

Still, don't say you weren't warned that they will look after their own , time to re-watch this excellent video:

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Well done Lib Dem voters ...

Forward to cuts , cuts and more cuts from the 'progressive' LibTory tossers .

Still, Clegg has only done it in the national interest ...yeah right.


Thursday, May 06, 2010

No return to the Tories

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Who's Not Normal?

Conservative candidate Mr Philip Lardner has been suspended from the Tory Party for writing that gay people are "not normal". Mr Lardner vows to fight on as an independent in defence of his right to be a bigot in defiance of all this modern, tolerant, heathen, politically-correct nonsense.

Despite the Party suspending Lardner, this proves, if proof were needed, that the Tory Party is still a party that attracts homophobes. Just when David Cameron was hoping we had forgotted Chris Grayling's 'off-message' view that B&Bs; (Bigots and Boneheads?) should be allowed to turn same-sex couples away.

I also sniff a little double standard. Mr Lardner is a Scottish Tory. That, surely is "not normal".

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cameron , wants to con the "common people" ...

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

LibDems Leaflet

A Liberal Democrat leaflet dropped through my door the other day, its headline LABOUR - SOFT ON CRIME. Evidently, these supreme opportunists are as capable of pitching to the right of Labour as to its left. Labour might usefully learn that no matter how far it shifts to the right in search of some mythical middle ground popularity, it will still get knocked for not being quite right wing enough. You'd have thought that the immigration issue would have already taught them that.

(By the way, I am not suggesting that concern about crime is necessarily right wing. It is not, and the left would do well to pay more attention to an issue that so many working-class people are affected by and concerned about. It is addressing the issue in terms of being "tough" or "soft" on crime that is right wing, as it implies a repressive, disciplinarian approach to the problem.)

Nick Clegg told us yesterday that he wants to be Prime Minister. Problem is, matey, that no-one else does. The last Liberal Prime Minister was David Lloyd George, the last Liberal Prime Minister heading a Liberal Government Herbert Asquith. That was a century ago. The Liberals faded as a serious political force because the Labour Party was born and politics became polarised around exactly the thing it should be polarised around - class.

New Labour's retreat from class (or from the working class, at least!) may yet bring about the rehabiliation of the Liberals as well as the return of the Tories. That deserves to be another nail in the coffin of the New Labour project.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday Tossers: Gordon Brown and Andrew Adonis

The shared award of Today's Tuesday Tosser goes to Gordon Brown and Andrew (I refuse to call him 'Lord') Adonis for their disgusting comments attacking Unite members for striking back against British Airways' attacks on their jobs and conditions.

Workers who feel that their livelihood and security is under threat have chosen not to lie downs like lambs at the slaughter, but to stand up for themselves. Despite the obstruction of the anti-union laws, they have clearly demonstrated a large democratic majority to take industrial action. Good for them. What exactly, Mssrs Brown and Adonis - is "deplorable" about that?!

What is actually "deplorable" (although sadly not surprising) is leaders of a Party set up to speak for workers speaking so stridently against them. Shame on the pair of 'em.

Mind you, I'm not sure that Adonis counts as a Labour 'leader' in any real sense, as I don't remember him being elected by anyone, but I do remember him being a LibDem.

I imagine that had they been around a couple of thousand years ago, Brown and Adonis would have equally deplored the Spartacus uprising. After all, didn't that turn out to be 'suicidal', as they say the Unite BA strike is? Damn slaves, should just have buckled under and worked harder - keep the Roman empire in business in order to keep themselves in work. Should be grateful they've even got a job, blah blah blah.

No doubt our resident right-winger David Duff will slag off the BA workers and defend Brown's and Adonis' comments - but hey, that pretty much says it all.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday Tosser: Alan Sugar

Women are their own worst enemies, says Lord Sugar

... in which Sir Sexist "hinted he would be reluctant to give a full-time job to a pregnant woman". Now that is an admission of inclination to unlawful sex discrimination, is it not? I strongly recommend that any woman who suspects that Sugar or his companies have refused her a full-time job because she is pregnant make a sharp note of this comment and ring her trade union's legal department.

Sugar is also apparently conisdering resigning his post as a government adviser. Note to government: push him before he jumps.

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Bono , wanker of the week

I haven't seen the clip, but according to twitters and comments on news pages , Bono was the warm up act for Cameron.

That will cheer up Liam.


Friday, May 01, 2009

Messy bankers

When using the term making a mess, or even an astonishing mess, I think of the floor in Dave's flat after his girls have been deciding what to wear for school , alongside their toys from the night before. Come to think of that my bedroom can sometimes resemble that, minus the toys( well children's ones anyway:-) ).

It seems though that mass unemployment, negative equity, shops closing, banks needing bailouts is also just messy according to the Treasury Committee:

"Bankers have made an astonishing mess of the financial system," said committee chairman John McFall.

Bit of an understatement!


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Homer Hangs On

Stroppyblog's original Wanker of the Week / Friday Fuckwit - Derek Simpson - has crawled back into office as General Secretary of Unite, following a less-than-impressive victory with just 38% of the vote on a woeful 12% turnout. My calculations tell me that means that just four-and-a-half per cent of his members want Derek to be their leader.

Simpson also polled just two-thirds of the votes that he received when first elected in 2002, when he beat Ken Jackson by 89,521 votes to 89,115. Perhaps the better his members know Derek Simpson, the less they like him.

Jerry Hicks came second with 25%, with right-winger Kevin Coyne trailing in third with 19% and some other geezer 1% behind him.

Goodness, makes you wonder what a credible left-wing candidate could have achieved.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Derek Simpson: what a tosser

(pic © Jess Hurd/

I think that Stroppyblog's Wanker Of The Week award has been resoundingly won by Derek Simpson, General Secretary of Unite-Amicus. Del is seen in this picture, with a couple of Daily Star 'girls', waving the flag for British Jobs For British Workers.

In doing so, he manages to be divisive, sexist and nationalistic, to assist a vile right-wing rag in disingenuously promoting itself to workers, and to debase a genuine workers' struggle. Quite an achievement for one photo.

Hat tip: Vicki / Jess Hurd

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