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Hannity Hate Montage

Reported by Deborah - February 14, 2005

Howard Dean was honored tonight on H&C; with a montage of film clips put together for that special Hannitized effect. A weapon Hannity reserves for his special opponents, this very brief montage of Dean can best be described as mean, hateful and totally distorted.

A clip of Dean speaking a phrase was very tightly cropped so it was impossible to know what was said leading up to this sentence,
"I hate republicans and everything they stand for." This was repeated 3 times quickly followed by the Dean Scream clip Hannity, looking pleased with his handiwork, asked viewers if this was the person Democrats want to lead their party.

Colmes showed a different clip of Dean talking about civil discourse in the party and an end to personal attacks. Michael Reagan, not willing to acknowledge Dean in a positive light, claimed that he couldn't even understand what Dean was saying although it was crystal clear.

Rick Masters really never recovered from the montage which put him into a defensive and apologetic position. However, it was such a blatant hatchet job and so obviously an unbalanced portrayl of Dean, that most viewers could not possibly take it seriously but Hannity will repeat it enough times until they do.

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