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Populus was formed with a simple idea in mind: in order
to succeed, organisations, businesses and brands must first understand what matters most to the people who matter
most to them.

Reputation & Strategy   |   December 16

“On warning”: why businesses must improve their reputations

What does the public think about business? What are the risks if businesses do not improve their reputations? These are the questions we answer in our latest report on corporate reputation.

Populus Perspective   |   October 16

The real impact of online product reviews on consumer behaviour

Are consumers influenced by online reviews? Do reviews have the power to make or break product sales? Our latest consumer study reveals what retailers can be doing to harness the power of customer feedback.

Reputation & Strategy   |   November 16

How did the polls get it so wrong - again?

Featured in The Times Red Box, Populus's Head of Analytics James Kanagasooriam discusses why so few state polls managed to put Donald Trump ahead of Hillary Clinton in the US presidential campaign.

Reputation & Strategy   |   Dec 16

How do MPs think David Cameron’s record as Prime Minister will go down in history?

MPs are divided with regards to how David Cameron’s record in Prime Minister will go down in history, according to recent Populus MP Panel research.

Reputation & Strategy   |   Dec 16

What do MPs consider to be David Cameron's governments biggest achievements?

Conservative MPs consider economic recovery to be the most laudable achievement of David Cameron’s governments, but what do Labour MPs think?

Populus Perspective   |   Dec 16

What news stories have grabbed the attention of different kinds of people?

Why do some news stories stick in the public’s minds more than others? Do people that notice particular news stories have anything in common?

Reputation & Strategy   |   Dec 16

What 2016 has taught us about corporate reputation

The public demanded change in 2016. The question for businesses now is how should they respond? What can they do to avoid a tangle of red tape and very public inquests into their behaviour?

Reputation & Strategy   |   Dec 16

Is GB Energy’s closure a bad omen for the energy sector?

The closure of GB Energy has been swiftly handled by industry regulator Ofgem, but is the incident an early indication of a looming reputation crisis for the energy sector?

Populus Perspective   |   Dec 16

Most noticed business news stories in November

In November, recall of businesses in the news was largely drowned out by Donald Trump’s victory and the aftermath of his election. Nonetheless two companies featured highly in every week of this month’s top ten most noticed business stories: M&S; and Tesco.

Business & Consumer Insight   |   Nov 16

Challenging the rugby fan stereotype

Now that the rugby autumn internationals are well underway, we thought we’d do a quick investigation into the types of people that will be tuning into the games over the next few weeks.

Reputation & Strategy   |   Nov 16

Tesco Bank's response to security breach leaves much to be desired

Populus reputation expert Laurence Stellings discusses why Tesco Bank needs to up its comms game if it is to protect its reputation.

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