Delivering progress for Scotland

Scottish National Party

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Families are left worse off after Tory budget failure

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After 13 years of Tory government, the soaring cost of household bills is still outpacing the limited help on offer from Westminster and, to make matters worse, where support could have been introduced to ease household pressures Westminster has simply refused.

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Levelling Up: the Tories’ slush fund scandal

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Westminster self-interest is undermining Scotland. There can be no levelling up while the Tories are using the money to save their own seats.

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Building A New Scotland: Our Marine Sector

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Here’s what our proposals for the marine sector mean for Scotland

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A fairer future: how Scotland can thrive in the European Union

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Scotland doesn’t need to suffer in broken, Brexit Britain. Here’s how we can have a brighter future as part of the European Union.

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Find out how we’re building the case for Scottish independence

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Page one, line one, of the SNP’s Westminster manifesto will feature the following simple and powerful statement: Vote SNP for Scotland to become an independent country.

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Building A New Scotland: EU Membership

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Joining the European Union as an independent nation would provide significant advantages for you and for Scotland.

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An immediate ceasefire is about values and conscience. This cannot continue. Humanity must prevail.

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Read First Minister Humza Yousaf’s statement on the Tories and Labour’s refusal to support an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

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How Scotland can create a fairer and more welcoming immigration system with the full powers of Independence

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Scotland urgently needs independence to ensure we have the powers to tackle long term issues that the UK government are turning a blind eye to.