Baillieston SNP - Working For You

Welcome to the Glasgow Baillieston Scottish National Party website.

This website will provide you with information and news about the SNP in Baillieston and how our five city councillors and MSP work tirelessly to create a better community and future for you.

The SNP is a social democratic left-of-centre political party commited to Scottish independence. 

"Independence means the Scottish Parliament having full control over Scottish affairs and the right to decide when to share power with others. Independence would give Scotland the same rights and the same responsibilities as other modern nations. It would give us a voice on the world stage and a say in international bodies like the UN and EU. With an SNP government, independence would also bring greater freedom for individuals, families and communities within a society built on common interests."

The SNP is built from the bottom up with grass roots members joining their local branch and formulating policy through discussion, debate and agreement.

If you would like to find out more about the SNP or join us, then why not visit the party's official website at

 If you're under 26, then you may be interested in joining the SNP's youth-wing, the Young Scots for Independence 

For more information on the SNP in Baillieston, please feel free to browse the various pages of this website that, we hope, will provide a greater insight into our cause.