Showing posts with label canadian anarchist movement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canadian anarchist movement. Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2012

     Fall rolls around once more, and, as the leaves are turning colour the colourful Victoria Anarchist Bookfair will be blowing into town out there on the west coast. Here's the details:
Victoria Anarchist Bookfair
Call for Participation
1. Victoria Anarchist Bookfair Dates & Contacts
September 8th and 9th, 2012
Fernwood NRG Community Hall
1240 Gladstone Ave, Victoria, BC, Lekwungen Territory
We are pleased to announce the seventh annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, located on unceded Lekwungen Territory in Victoria, British Columbia. The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists, with participants from all over North America and beyond. The Bookfair always includes workshops on a wide range of topics. We seek to challenge colonial attitudes, introduce anarchism to the public, foster dialogue between various political traditions, and create radical, inclusive, anti-oppressive spaces. Participants with different visions, practices, and traditions are welcome. Events include book and information tables, workshops, readings, films, presentations, and much more!
We are particularly seeking workshops that engage with our theme of anti-colonialism and the mobilization to stop proposed pipeline projects in B.C.. This can include presentations on radical theory, Indigeneity, historical issues, participatory demonstrations, panel talks, facilitated discussions, and everything in between—if you have an idea for a workshop, we want to hear about it! We’re also keen on workshops that address, challenge, and connect gender, sexuality, ‘race’, colonialism, ability, capitalism, environmental destruction, workers’ struggles, and other issues affecting our communities.
Please consult our Statement of Principles before sending your proposal. It can be found on our website:
This year's deadline is July 15th, 2012.
We are proud to have received Monday Magazine's 'M Award' for Victoria's best literary event in 2009.
TABLES: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
WORKSHOPS: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
FESTIVAL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
VOLUNTEER: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
GENERAL INQUIRIES: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
2. How to Request a Table for Sept 8 & 9
The heart of the Bookfair is the main room including booksellers, distributors, independent presses and activist groups from all over BC, North America, and abroad. If you’d like to table this year, please provide a short description of your group and the materials you intend to distribute at the Bookfair.
There is no fee for tabling at the Bookfair, but we will be requesting 10% of sales after expenses in order to help us cover costs.
The deadline to request a table is July 15, 2012 (we cannot guarantee inclusion on the poster or in our program-zine for late submissions).
EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
3. Workshop & Presentation Proposals: for Sept 8 & 9
The Bookfair organizing collective is currently seeking workshop and presentation proposals.
As stated above this Bookfair we are looking to convene in order to challenge the ongoing colonization of our communities and our minds. We are looking for workshops that discuss Indigenous perspectives, de-colonialisation, social struggles, and environmental issues. We also aim to foster a growing movement in resistance to colonialism through the sharing of practical skills. Together we can acknowledge our past and move forward with meaningful solidarity.
Workshops may be aimed at people who are curious about, or new to, anarchist ideas and radical practices; alternatively they might address a topic in depth for people who are already familiar with the subject.
Standard Bookfair workshops last for 50 minutes with a 10-minute break in between. While we are open to a variety of workshop formats, we recommend that facilitators leave at least 20 minutes for discussion at the end of their presentations. Each year we get a lot of submissions, but if we don’t have space at the Bookfair, we still want to help make your workshop happen!
Please provide a title and short description of the workshop's content in your submission. If your workshop is accepted, this information will be reprinted in the program zine.
NOTE: The deadline for all workshop and presentation proposals is July 15, 2012 (after that date we cannot guarantee a timeslot at the Bookfair or inclusion in our program-zine for late submissions).
EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
4. Festival of Anarchy Events: Sept 1– 7 (various locations TBA)
In addition to the Bookfair, a "Festival of Anarchy" will take place during the preceding week with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues in Victoria. You can propose any type of event or activity: the only limit is your imagination. Also this year the Urban Interventionists are looking to coordinate artists to intervene in spaces around the city. Installations, flash mobs, bike races, dance parties, punk shows under bridges, guerilla art, graffiti, performances… and beyond.
Festival of Anarchy events as well as the Urban Interventionists are organized autonomously from the Bookfair and, as such, venues are the responsibility of Event Organizers—that’s you! The Bookfair Collective acts as a hub to promote and coordinate these events. We’re committed to helping promote autonomous festival events to the best of our ability through the program zine and the website.
If you’re interested in having us promote your event, please provide a title and short description of your program by July 15, 2012 so that we can include it in our zine and on our website.
We strongly recommend Festival Events are NOT scheduled during the Bookfair's operating hours. In general, contacting the Bookfair Collective about scheduling dates before our proposal deadline is a useful way to ensure the least number of event conflicts.
EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
5. Volunteers
We need your help! The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair & Festival of Anarchy Collectives are always looking for new people to assist behind the scenes. We’re looking for help in all kinds of areas such as postering, welcoming & information tabling, room set-up, kids activities, counselling and safe-space support, cleanup and more. The Bookfair is entirely volunteer-run and helping out is a great way to get involved and meet new people. If you’re interested, please read the volunteer descriptions, our collective principles and accessibility statements on our website, and let us know how you’d like to help out!
EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
6. Listserve Subscription Options
We do not send very many messages for most of the year, except as the bookfair dates draw near, so if you want to hear about what’s coming up, subscribe to our listserve by sending a message to vicanarcbookfair This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
150 Years of Colonialism: 150 Years of Resista

EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
3. Workshop & Presentation Proposals: for Sept 8 & 9
The Bookfair organizing collective is currently seeking workshop and presentation proposals.
As stated above this Bookfair we are looking to convene in order to challenge the ongoing colonization of our communities and our minds. We are looking for workshops that discuss Indigenous perspectives, de-colonialisation, social struggles, and environmental issues. We also aim to foster a growing movement in resistance to colonialism through the sharing of practical skills. Together we can acknowledge our past and move forward with meaningful solidarity.
Workshops may be aimed at people who are curious about, or new to, anarchist ideas and radical practices; alternatively they might address a topic in depth for people who are already familiar with the subject.
Standard Bookfair workshops last for 50 minutes with a 10-minute break in between. While we are open to a variety of workshop formats, we recommend that facilitators leave at least 20 minutes for discussion at the end of their presentations. Each year we get a lot of submissions, but if we don’t have space at the Bookfair, we still want to help make your workshop happen!
Please provide a title and short description of the workshop's content in your submission. If your workshop is accepted, this information will be reprinted in the program zine.
NOTE: The deadline for all workshop and presentation proposals is July 15, 2012 (after that date we cannot guarantee a timeslot at the Bookfair or inclusion in our program-zine for late submissions).
EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
4. Festival of Anarchy Events: Sept 1– 7 (various locations TBA)
In addition to the Bookfair, a "Festival of Anarchy" will take place during the preceding week with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues in Victoria. You can propose any type of event or activity: the only limit is your imagination. Also this year the Urban Interventionists are looking to coordinate artists to intervene in spaces around the city. Installations, flash mobs, bike races, dance parties, punk shows under bridges, guerilla art, graffiti, performances… and beyond.
Festival of Anarchy events as well as the Urban Interventionists are organized autonomously from the Bookfair and, as such, venues are the responsibility of Event Organizers—that’s you! The Bookfair Collective acts as a hub to promote and coordinate these events. We’re committed to helping promote autonomous festival events to the best of our ability through the program zine and the website.
If you’re interested in having us promote your event, please provide a title and short description of your program by July 15, 2012 so that we can include it in our zine and on our website.
We strongly recommend Festival Events are NOT scheduled during the Bookfair's operating hours. In general, contacting the Bookfair Collective about scheduling dates before our proposal deadline is a useful way to ensure the least number of event conflicts.
EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
5. Volunteers
We need your help! The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair & Festival of Anarchy Collectives are always looking for new people to assist behind the scenes. We’re looking for help in all kinds of areas such as postering, welcoming & information tabling, room set-up, kids activities, counselling and safe-space support, cleanup and more. The Bookfair is entirely volunteer-run and helping out is a great way to get involved and meet new people. If you’re interested, please read the volunteer descriptions, our collective principles and accessibility statements on our website, and let us know how you’d like to help out!
EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
6. Listserve Subscription Options
We do not send very many messages for most of the year, except as the bookfair dates draw near, so if you want to hear about what’s coming up, subscribe to our listserve by sending a message to vicanarcbookfair This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Monday, February 20, 2012



It's coming up, the largest event of its kind in North America, the Montréal Anarchist Bookfair. As per what follows the deadline for proposals has been extended.


ATTENTION: Date limite repoussée pour les propositions d’ateliers, de films et d’œuvres d’art

NOTICE: Deadline extended for workshop, film and art exhibit submissions
[English below]

La date limite pour les propositions d’ateliers, de films et d’œuvres d’art pour le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal de cette année a été repoussée. La date limite est maintenant DIMANCHE LE 11 MARS avant 23h. La date limite pour les événements du Festival de l’Anarchie (à inclure à notre calendrier) et celle pour les kiosques demeure celle du 1ER AVRIL avant 23h. Veuillez consulter les pages suivantes pour savoir comment soumettre une proposition (rappelez-vous d’utiliser notre formulaire en ligne):

-> Ateliers:

-> Film:

-> Art:

-> Festival de l’Anarchie:

-> Kiosques:

Pour plus de détails sur le Festival du livre anarchiste, consultez notre site web:

The deadline for workshop, film and art exhibit submissions for this year’s Montreal Anarchist Bookfair has been extended. The deadline is now SUNDAY, MARCH 11 before 11pm. The deadline for Festival of Anarchy events (to be included in our calendar) and table space requests remains APRIL 1st, before 11pm. Please consult the following weblinks for details about how to make a submission (remember to use our online forms):

-> Workshops:

-> Film:

-> Art:

-> Festival of Anarchy:

-> Tables:
For more details about the Anarchist Bookfair, visit our website:

-> Courriel :
-> Tél : 514-679-5800
-> Poste: Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec H3G 1N1

-> web:
-> liste d’envoi:

Vous pouvez aussi vous joindre à notre page facebook ou nous suivre sur twitter:
-> facebook:
-> twitter:

Sunday, January 22, 2012


The ever popular Montréal Anarchist Bookfair will be coming up on May 19 1nd 20 this year. This is the biggest and possibly the best anarchist gathering in North America, and if you can travel at all this is one event to attend. Here`s the callout for participants (la version français suive au-dessous)
Callout for proposals:
en français ici:
[Callout for proposals (deadline March 1/April 1, 2012): or read below]
[Support the Bookfair: or read below]
Mark your calendars
Two days: Saturday, May 19 & Sunday, May 20
10am-5pm on both days
The Anarchist Bookfair will take place in two buildings across from each other in Parc Vinet:
- Centre d'éducation populaire de la Petite-Bourgogne et de St-Henri (CEDA), 2515 rue Delisle
- Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier (CCGV), 2450 rue Workman
A short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro.

No gods, no masters, no bosses, no borders.
FREE. Welcome to all!
For anarchists, and people curious about anarchism.

-> Participants from all over Quebec and North America, booksellers and vendors, workshops, films, discussions, kids activities, art exhibits and more!
-> Part of the month-long Festival of Anarchy held throughout May 2012 at venues and locations all over the island of Montreal.
-> Tabling will take place over two days: May 19-20, between 10am-5pm.
-> NOTE: This year, tabling will take place in the main auditoriums of both our locations: CEDA and the Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier (CCGV).
-> Accessibility Policy and Commitment:
-> What Happens at the Anarchist Bookfair?:

-> Support the Bookfair: or read below.
Workshops, Tables, Art Exhibits, Films, Festival of Anarchy Events

a) Workshop Proposals

We encourage your workshop proposals for both days of this year’s Bookfair (May 19 or 20, 2012). You can submit workshops that are: i) introductions to anarchism or ii) workshops on other topics related to anarchism that explores an anarchism-themed topic in some depth.

--> For full information about making a workshop proposal, visit: <-- The deadline for all workshop proposals is March 1, 2012.

b) Tabling at the Bookfair The heart of the Bookfair includes booksellers, distributors, independent presses and political groups from all over Montreal, Quebec, North America, and abroad. There will be Bookfair tabling on TWO days – Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20, 2011, from 10am to 5pm. This year, tabling will take place in TWO spaces that are located across from each other: the Centre d’éducation populaire de la Petite-Bourgogne et de St-Henri (CEDA) at 2515 rue Delisle, and the Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier (CCGV) at 2450 rue Workman.

--> For full information about requesting table space, visit: <--

The deadline to request table space is April 1, 2012.

c) Art Exhibits
Art & Anarchy brings together the creations of dozens of anarchist-inspired artists and organizers. In previous years, exhibitions have included sculptures, paintings, posters, banners, drawings, and other multi-media forms. Art & Anarchy is displayed over the two days of the Montreal Anarchst Bookfair.

--> For full information about making a art proposal, visit: <--

The deadline to make an Art & Anarchy submission is March 1, 2012.

d) Films
The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair hosts a Film Room, showing films related to anarchism or anarchist-supported struggles.

--> For full information about making a film proposal, visit:
The deadline to make a film proposal is March 1, 2012.

e) Festival of Anarchy Events
The entire month of May comprises the Festival of Anarchy, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues in Montreal. The Bookfair collective compiles a Festival of Anarchy calendar, but we count on you to organize the actual Festival of Anarchy events. Get in touch to reserve a date for your event in May (calendar dates are “first come first served”).
For full information about reserving a date for the Festival of Anarchy calendar, visit:
The deadline to submit Festival of Anarchy events, to be included in our public calendar, is April 1, 2012.
a) Promote our Callout for Proposals
The Bookfair is currently seeking proposals for workshops, tables, art, film and Festival of Anarchy events. The callout for proposals is linked on our website here:

Please promote this callout widely to anyone who might want to participate in this year's Anarchist Bookfair. The deadline for proposals is March 1st (for workshops, art and film) and April 1st (for tables and Festival of Anarchy events).

b) Advertising in your publication
Do you publish a magazine, newspaper, journal or other publication? Will you be publishing before May 1, 2012? If so, please consider running an announcement for the upcoming Montreal Anarchist Bookfair. We can send you an ad specific to your publication. The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair is organized on a very modest budget by an all-volunteer collective, so we cannot pay you for ads. But we can link to your publication from our website as a form of mutual support. Please get in touch with us at if you are able to offer ad space in your publication.

c) Web Links
If you maintain a website, please consider linking to our website. We're at (in English) and (in French).

d) Facebook promotion
The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair has a facebook page: As well, we have created a facebook event for next year's Bookfair: / If you're on facebook, please promote these fb links on your wall, and by inviting your friends.

e) Twitter
Finally, if you're on twitter, consider following us, and promoting our feed. We're at:

f) Postering/Flyering in Montréal
If you can help promote the Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy in your neighborhood, school or community, please get in touch: We will be actively promoting the 2012 Bookfair all over the Montreal-area. Let us know if you can help with postering or flyering. If you are from outside Montreal, get in touch if you would like us to send you posters and pamphlets. We are also hoping to have these materials available for download on our website soon.

Thanks for considering these requests. - The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair Collective
tél: 514-679-5800
mail: Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec H3G 1N1

-> web:
-> announcements list:

You can also join our facebook page or follow us on twitter:
-> facebook:
-> twitter:
Appel à contributions: ateliers/films/oeuvres d'art (date limite: 1er mars 2012)
Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal‏
[Svp diffuser LARGEMENT] [English info here: ]

[Appel à contributions (date limite: 1er mars/1er avril 2012): /appel-a-contributions ou ci-dessous ]
[Soutien pour le Salon du livre anarchiste: /soutien-pour-le-salon ou ci-dessous]
Préparez vos calendriers
deux journées : samedi le 19 mai & dimanche le 20 mai
de 10h à 17h les deux jours
Le Salon du livre anarchiste se tiendra dans deux bâtiments situés l’un en face de l’autre autour du Parc Vinet:
- Au Centre d’éducation populaire de la Petite-Bourgogne et de St-Henri (CEDA), 2515 rue Delisle
- Au Centre culturel Georges-Vanier (CCGV), 2450 rue Workman
C’est à une courte distance de marche du métro Lionel-Groulx.

Ni dieu, ni maître; ni patron, ni frontière.
GRATUIT. Bienvenue à tous et toutes.
Pour les anarchistes et pour les personnes curieuses de l’anarchisme.

-> Des participants venant de partout au Québec et en Amérique du Nord : des libraires, éditeurs, ateliers, films, discussions, activités pour enfants, expositions d’arts et plus!
-> Dans le cadre du Festival de l’Anarchie se déroulant tout le long du mois de mai 2012 et offrant des activités dans différents lieux de Montréal.
-> Lors du Salon du livre de cette année, les tables d’exposition prendront place sur deux jours : le 19 et le 20 mai, entre 10h et 17h.
-> ATTENTION : Cette année, les tables seront placées dans les auditoriums principaux des deux bâtiments : au CEDA et au Centre culturel Georges-Vanier (CCGV).
-> Enoncé d’accessibilité:
-> Qu’est-ce qui se passe au Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal?:
-> Soutien pour le Salon du livre anarchiste:
ateliers, tables d'expositions, oeuvres d'art, films, Festival de l’anarchie

a) Ateliers

Nous vous encourageons à proposer des ateliers pour les deux jours du Salon du livre de cette année (le 19 et le 20 mai 2012). Vous pouvez proposer des ateliers qui sont: i) des introductions à l’anarchisme ou ii) des ateliers sur d’autres sujets liés à l’anarchisme qui explorent plus en profondeur une dimension de l’anarchisme.

-> S’il-vous-plaît consultez le lien suivant pour plus de détails sur les propositions d’ateliers, dont les directives:
-> La date limite pour toutes les propositions d’ateliers est le 1er mars 2012.

b) Kiosques

Le coeur du Salon du livre incluse des libraires, distributeurs et distributrices, presses indépendantes et groupes politiques venant des quatre coins de Montréal, du Québec, de l’Amérique du Nord et de l’étranger. Il y aura des tables au Salon du livre pendant DEUX JOURS – samedi le 19 mai et dimanche le 20 mai 2011, de 10h à 17h. Cette année, les kiosques auront lieu dans DEUX différents endroits qui sont situés de l’un en face de l’autre : au Centre d’éducation populaire de la Petite-Bourgogne et de St-Henri (CEDA) au 2515 rue Delisle ainsi qu’au Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier (CCGV) au 2450 rue Workman.
-> S’il-vous-plaît consultez le lien suivant pour plus de détails sur les propositions de tables d’expositions :
- > La date limite pour la réception des propositions de tables est le 1er avril 2012.

c) Oeuvres d'art
Art & Anarchie réunit les créations de douzaines d’organisateurs et d’organisatrices et d’artistes inspirées par l’anarchisme. Au cours des années précédentes, les expositions ont présenté des sculptures, peintures, affiches, bannières, dessins ainsi que d’autres formes d’art multimédia.
-> S’il-vous-plaît consultez le lien suivant pour plus de détails sur les propositions d’oeuvres d’art :
->La date limite pour les propositions pour l’exposition artistique est le 1er mars 2012.

d) Films
Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal présente une salle de cinéma, où sont diffusés des films liés à l’anarchisme ou à des luttes appuyées par les mouvements anarchistes. --> S’il-vous-plaît consultez le lien suivant pour plus de détails sur les propositions de films :
-> La date limite pour les propositions de films est le 1er mars 2012.

e) Festival de l'anarchie
Le mois de mai en entier est consacré au Festival de l’Anarchie, un festival présentant différents événements à thématique anarchiste se produisant dans différents lieux de Montréal. Le Collectif du Salon du livre fait la compilation d’un calendrier du Festival de l’Anarchie, mais nous comptons sur vous pour organiser véritablement les événements du Festival de l’Anarchie. Contactez-nous pour réserver une date pour votre événement se tenant au mois de mai (les dates du calendrier sont réparties au « premier arrivé, premier servi »).
-> S’il-vous-plaît consultez le lien suivant pour plus de détails :
-> La date limite pour soumettre un événement pour le Festival et pour être inclut dans le calendrier qui sera diffusé est le 1er avril 2012
a) Promotion de notre Appel à Contributions
Nous vous invitons à publier et promovoir notre Appel à contributions (ateliers, kiosques, exposition d'art, film, Festival de l'anarchie):
La date limite pour la réception des propositions est le 1er mars 2012 (pour les ateliers, exposition d'art et film) et le 1er avril 2012 (pour les tables et le Festival d'anarchie).

b) Annoncez dans votre publication
Publiez-vous un magazine, un journal, une revue ou une autre publication? Aurez-vous un numéro d'ici au 1er mai 2012?
Si oui, nous vous invitons à publier une annonce pour le prochain Salon du livre anarchiste. Nous pouvons vous envoyer une annonce spécifiquement pour votre publication. Le Salon du livre anarchiste dispose d'un très mince budget et est organisé par un colllectif composé entièrement de bénévoles. Nous ne pouvons donc pas payer pour une publicité. Dans un esprit d'aide mutuelle, nous pouvons cependant mettre un lien vers votre publication sur notre site web.
Veuillez nous écrire à si vous êtes en mesure d'ajouter une de nos annonces dans votre publication.

c) Liens web
Si vous avez un site web, nous vous invitons à mettre un lien avec le notre. Notre site est (en français) et (en anglais).

d) Promotion par facebook
Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal a un page facebook:
Nous avons aussi créé un événement facebook pour le prochain Salon du livre:
Si vous êtes sur facebook, nous vous invitons à faire la promotion de ces liens facebook sur votre mur ainsi qu'en invitant vos amies.

e) Twitter
Si vous êtes aussi sur twitter, nous vous invitons à faire la promotion de notre feed:

f) Affichage/Tractage
Si vous souhaitez contribuer à la promotion du Salon du livre anarchiste et/ou du Festival de l'Anarchie dans votre quartier, votre école ou votre communauté, communiquez avec nous ( ). Nous ferons la promotion du Salon du livre anarchiste dans la région de Montréal. Avertissez-nous si vous pouver faire de l'affichage et du tractage. Si vous résidez à l'extérieur de Montréal, communiquez avec nous si vous désirez recevoir des affiches, prospectus et dépliants. Le matériel de promotion sera aussi disponible pour téléchargement sur notre site Internet.
Merci de nous appuyer!
- Le collectif du Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal
-> Courriel :
-> Tél : 514-679-5800
-> Poste: Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec H3G 1N1

-> web
-> liste d’envoi:

Vous pouvez aussi vous joindre à notre page facebook ou nous suivre sur twitter:
-> facebook:
-> twitter:

Sunday, May 29, 2011



As part of the cleanup that never ends I recently came across a series of old publications ie the 'Discussion Bulletin' published by Frank Girard down Michegan way. The issues in question date to the late 80s/early 90s. Appreciate what this means. This was pre-internet days when a decently working photocopier was the height of technology. Unfortunately Frank never had access to such a good machine, and the DB usually came out looking exactly like what it was ie a photocopy effort.

The DB, however, was never meant to be an 'outreach' publication. As an expelled member of the American DeLenist 'Socialist Labor Party' Franks' idea was that there was no great reason why the various strains of libertarian socialism should remain apart from each other. The DB was an attempt and a noble one at just such a dialogue. Frank has not been with us for many years now, and in his absence the barriers on the libertarian left remain what they have been for decades.

Perhaps Frank's dream is an impossibility because any "union" would have to plaster over wide gaps in terms of tactics (and "theory" of course insofar as 'theory' is far too often the only action that far left groupuscles engage in). I also wonder if many of the organizations who wrote items for the DB in those days are also just as deceased as Frank.

Looking back I find that the first thing that comes to my mind is just how trivial all the disputes in places such as the DB were. By this I mean 'unimportant'. It was very much a matter of individuals speaking to organizations that had less than 50 members worldwide and their replies. Not that the dialogue wasn't at a high level; indeed far higher than the nonsense that comes out of academic leftydom these days. Almost all the people contributed to the DB were far removed from that hothouse.

As one of the participants in this project I also found what I wrote at the time quite trivial. It was not a hopeful time. The revival of anarchism via the "punk scene" was very much a tiny baby at the time. Seattle and the internet were (not so) far in the future. The situation nowadays is so incredibly different. In those days of yore pretty well everyone who claimed the anarchist labels felt an overwhelming sense of "responsibility". It's quite different today when anarchist bookfairs are occurring in what are actually small cities, and anarchism has to all intents replaced Marxism as the default theoretical position for younger people as they enter the wild and wacky world of activism.

When the ideology that you hold demands proselytizing you feel a much greater sense of responsibility when it is small compared to when it is large. Once there are is a certain number of people involved in any project it relieves the burden on all in such a group because if you can't do it somebody else who can is near at hand. There is actually a great amount of peace in recognizing that you are NOT indispensable, that whatever mistakes you make can easily be corrected by others. I love it.

I also love the fact that the anarchist movement has expanded beyond belief from when I first adopted the ideology in the early 70s. I can remember the state of the anarchist movement in Canada in those days. In terms of sheer naked numbers and geographical penetration what exists today represents a growth of between one and two orders of magnitude. I am always thrilled when I see a notice of an anarchist bookfair in a town that this amateur geographer has never heard of.

How to sum up ? Having lived through the growth of anarchism in the past few decades I am pleased, but I am also worried about certain trends in the movement. What non-CGT anarchism has achieved is actually only an acceptance ie a long term general sympathy from what hovers around 0.03% of the population. That's better than what I saw in my day, but it is also far less than what I estimate in Spain where, courtesy of the CGT, perhaps 5% of the population has a long term favourable view of anarchism. Anarchism, however, has even here for better or for worse crossed a threshold. It is now possible for a person to immerse themselves in some "counter-culture" of which anarchism is a part and be deluded about their actual strength because they cannot see beyond their social circles.

Of course I also know that such things as "victory", "influence" and "popularity" are things that are just not thought about amongst a certain section of anarchism in North America. Mostly because they are very happy to be separated from (and in their delusions superior to) the average person in their locality. All these people care about is their absolute certainty in what they believe this month.

I do also recognize that many of the faults I find with a certain (mostly American) anarchism is simple intellectual laziness. The history about the futility of 'terrorist tactics' is there for anyone to view. The revolutionary verbiage comes crashing up against the fact that the great 99% in most industrial countries wants to try no such thing. Neither do they generally listen to any left wing, let alone anarchist, comment. All of which, of course, is a call for people to reform their writing style both in terms of content but also in terms of tone.

All of which doesn't say that anarchism has no future. It merely says that along term view is necessary to appreciate BOTH how anarchism has grown and just how much further it has to go.

Thursday, May 19, 2011



How different from when I was young. Anarchist festivals in 'Calgary' !!!!

Time Friday, May 27 at 6:00pm - May 29 at 4:00pm


Location The Old Y for Communities, 223 12th Avenue SW Calgary, Canada

More Info
The Calgary Anarchist Bookfair Committee is happy to announce the 2011 Festival of Anarchy in Calgary from May 27th-29th!


May 27 -
5:30 pm Critical Mass ride leaving from the Good Life Community Bicycle Shop in Eau Claire
8 pm Divergence presents a queer film night at the Old Y
10 pm Anarchy Mixer!
May 28 -
Zinester readings, 1-6pm vending/workshops time available, evening film and presentation
May 29 – Anarchist Black Cross fundraising brunch, workshops and vending available 12-4pm, afternoon games (outside and indoor)

The Old Y for Communities, 223 12th Avenue SW Calgary, Canada

Because Calgary needs some radicalizing and it's great to get together and share some knowledge!

please let us know if you are able to attend. We look forward to working with you!

More info at:

Thursday, May 05, 2011



The premier anarcho-event of the year, the Montréal Anarchist Bookfair, is coming up on May 20 to 22. Here are three requests from the organizers. Help out if you can. La version français suit ci-dessus.

Volunteers / Adopt-an-anarchist / Kids Zone (Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, May 21-22)‏
Anarchiste Bookfair MONTRÉAL Salon Anarchiste Bookfair


[Please post and forward widely] [en français ici:]

We need your help; three important requests for support from the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair collective:
More info below ...

The Bookfair relies on the support of volunteers. On Friday evening (20 May), Saturday (21 May) and Sunday (22 May), we need help with making signs, set-up and take-down, staffing the welcome table and a variety of other tasks. Volunteering at the bookfair is fun as well as a great way to meet interesting people and to support a key event for North American radical movements.

If you're from the Montreal area and can help as a volunteer during the Bookfair (21-22 May), please come out to one of the (brief!) volunteer orientation meetings at:

5:30 PM, Tuesday May 10th; OR 5:30 PM, Monday May 16
QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve O., suite 204
Please confirm beforehand: 514-679-5800 (please leave a message)
Volunteer meetings are the easiest way for us to fit you in, BUT if you would like to help and can't make either of these times (because you are out of town or not available), please do get in touch anyway. We can certainly use your help!


The Bookfair always attracts a large number of participants from outside Montreal. We are currently looking for people living in Montreal who might be able to offer housing to out-of-town bookfair participants for a few nights. If you can help, please contact us as soon as possible at 514-679-5800 or with the following information:

--number and type of sleeping spaces (e.g. private room, bed, couch in living room, mat, floor space, etc.)?
--which nights could people stay with you?
--any limitations in terms of gender of person staying with you?
--is your place kid-friendly or do you have kids?
--accessibility of your place to wheelchairs?
--do you smoke or would you allow smoking?
--do you have any pets or would you allow pets?
--what area do you live in and are you near a metro or bus line?

Greetings! -- This is a call-out for folks interested in volunteering their time to help out with childcare and activities at the Kidz Zone during the Anarchist Bookfair. The kids are sure to be lots of fun and there are a variety of radical activities planned (outdoors and crafty). If you would like more information before volunteering don’t hesitate to get in touch. Otherwise, if you are interested, please reply and indicate your availabilities from the time slots posted below and the languages that you speak. Thanks!

(This can be flexible depending on what you have available):

Saturday May 21:
10am -1pm
1pm - 3pm
3pm - 5pm

Sunday, May 22:
10am -1pm
1pm - 3pm
3pm - 5pm
-> liste d’annonces/announcements list :
-> courriel/e-mail:
-> web:
-> facebook:
-> twitter:
-> tél: 514-679-5800
-> poste: Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec H3G 1N1

Bénévoles recherchés / Hebergez un anarchiste / Zone des enfants (Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal, 21-22 mai)‏
[svp diffuser largement] [English at: ]

Nous avons besoin de votre aide!:


La tenue du Salon du livre repose en bonne partie sur l'apport de bénévoles. Nous avons besoin d'aide pour le montage et le démontage des salles, l'accueil des participantEs et d'autres tâches le vendredi, samedi et dimanche (20-21-22 mai).

Si vous êtes de la région de Montréal et que vous souhaitez être bénévole lors du Salon du livre, veuillez vous présenter aux rencontres d'orientation des bénévoles qui auront lieu au:

mardi, 10 mai à 17h30 OU lundi 16 mai à 17h30
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, local 204 (métro Guy-Concordia):

Veuillez confirmer votre présence à l'avance en appelant au 514-679-5800 ou en écrivant à .

Les rencontres d'orientation des bénévoles représentent le meilleur moyen de vous intégrer à l'équipe du Salon du livre. NÉANMOINS, si vous ne pouvez pas participer à ces rencontres, entrez tout de même en contact avec nous.

Le Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal attire un nombre important de participantEs de l'extérieur de la ville. Nous sommes présentement à la recherche de personnes habitant Montréal qui pourraient offrir l'hébergement, pour une ou quelques nuits, à des participantEs en provenance de l'extérieur. Si vous pouvez nous aider, contactez-nous le plus rapidement possible, par téléphone au 514-679-5800 ou par courriel à en nous mentionnant l'information suivante :

--le nombre de places disponibles et les conditions (ex: chambre avec lit, divan dans un salon, espace sur le plancher, etc.)
--quelles nuits les participantEs peuvent demeurer avec vous ?
--vos préférences quant au genre (sexe) des personnes hébergées
--votre endroit est-il accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite (chaises roulantes) ?
--votre endroit est-il fumeur ou non-fumeur ?
--avez-vous des animaux ?
--est-ce que vous pouvez hébérger les enfants / est-ce que vous avez vous-même des enfants ?
--vous êtes prôche à quelle métro ou autobus ?

Salut Tout le Monde! -- Ceci est un appel à ceux et celles qui seraient intéresséEs à participer à la garde d'enfants et aux activités de la Zone des enfants durant le Salon du Livre Anarchiste. Il y aura une grande sélection d’activités radicales pour les jeunes (des activités de plein air, des sports, une salle de repos et d’artisanat, et des ateliers pour les enfants curieux et curieuses).

Si vous désirez plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à l'adresse suivante:

Si vous être intéresséE à être bénévole, veuillez répondre en indiquant vos disponibilités et préférences (selon les plages-horaire ci-dessous) ainsi que les langues que vous parlez. Merci!

(ceci peut être flexible, en fonction de vos disponibilités)

samedi (21 mai):

dimanche (22 mai):

-> liste d’annonces/announcements list :
-> courriel/e-mail:
-> web:
-> facebook:
-> twitter:
-> tél: 514-679-5800
-> poste: Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec H3G 1N1

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

It's party time down in TO next Saturday as the Canadian libertarian socialist magazine Upping the Anti rolls out its 11th issue. Here's the notice.

Issue 11 Launch
Upping the Anti in conjunction with the North American Anarchist Studies Network invites you to Upping the Anti's Issue 11 Launch

Saturday January 15, 8:30PM
(1277 Bloor Street West, at Lansdown)
Venue is Accessible

• Musical Performances by LAL and Test Their Logik,
• Kick ass sets by DJs Nik Red and B#,
• Plus Refreshments, Raffle Prizes, and More.

• $10 (cover + Upping the Anti #11)
• $5 (cover)
• Free for UPPING THE ANTI Sustainers and Subscribers

-[UPPING THE ANTI #11 includes]-
• Interviews with Ladelle McWhorter, James Scott, and Raj Patel
• Articles by Lesley Wood on Toronto's G20 protests, John Clarke on the tenth anniversary of OCAP's famous march on Queen’s Park, and Stacy Douglas on anti-racism and queer organizing today
Roundtables on the 20th Anniversary of the Oka Crisis and on No One Is Illegal's Fight to build Sanctuary City
• Book reviews and much more....

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Coming up this weekend out in Saskatoon Saskatchewan, the Saskatoon Anarchist Bookfair. Here's a brief announcement from their facebook group. You can get more info from the website linked above. The following has been slightly edited for the sake of coherence (eg noon is 12 pm not 12 am, etc.).

2010 Saskatoon Anarchist Bookfair
Friday December 3 at 6:00pm - December 5 at 12:00pm

Grace-Westminster United Church
505 10th St. East
Saskatoon, SK

More Info
The Saskatoon Anarchist Bookfair is back with two days of workshops, speakers, literature/art vendors, food, entertainment, and nice people. The main event will be held at Grace-Westminster Church (505 10th St E) with a party/concert at Cosmo Senior's Centre on the Saturday night. The whole weekend is free/by donation, all ages, and vegan-friendly.

With participants coming from across western Canada, it's a perfect opportunity to...... share ideas & meet interesting folks. Everyone is welcome - this isn't just for those who self-identify as anarchists. Discussions will cover wide range of political/personal topics and views. Anyone interested in tabling or participating in some way is asked to get in touch with the organizing committee.


Info about our speaker Friday night:

Workshop Schedule!

12 p.m.- "Books Through Bars and Prisoner Solidarity" with Cam

2 p.m.- Jan's "Meditate and Destroy" A free meditation workshop for activists & anyone needing to centre, de-brief and practice self-cultivation

2 p.m (in second room)- "Make your own Chapbook" with Stephen Rutherford from Tonight It's Poetry. *Space Limited to ten people*

3 p.m.- "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions" with Val Zinc from Briarpatch magazine

3 p.m. (other room)- Transition Saskatoon
with Malinda

4 p.m.- "Saskatchewan: the New Alberta. A look at Sask Party's environmental attacks and the Tar Sands"
with Billy Patterson

The 11th edition of the Canadian libertarian socialist magazine Upping the Anti is now available. Here's what it's all about.


Arm yourself with Upping the Anti Issue 11!

For the past five years, Upping the Anti has provided sharp and acclaimed analysis of North American social movements.

Running articles, interviews, and roundtables covering a wide range of movement themes, we've carved out an important space for strategizing about next steps.

We are happy to keep the momentum going with the release of our 11th issue!

Issue contents include:

- Interviews with Ladelle McWhorter, James Scott, and Raj Patel

- Articles reflecting on Toronto's G20 protests, a retrospective on the tenth anniversary of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty’s (OCAP) famous march on Queen’s Park, and an anti-racist analysis of queer activism in Britain.

- Roundtables on the 20th Anniversary of the Oka Crisis and on No One Is Illegal's Fight to build Sanctuary City

- Book reviews and much more....

To order your copy of Upping the Anti #11, become a sustainer or subscriber, please visit


This issue was born in interesting times. As the first drafts rolled in, Toronto was shaken by the June mobilizations against the G20. When the dust settled and the charred shells of police cruisers had been scraped off the streets, hundreds of our comrades were behind bars and many were facing serious criminal charges. Most local activists spent the summer fundraising for legal defense, supporting the people in jail, organizing rallies, and countering the state’s PR machines. From en masse illegal searches and preemptive raids to conspiracy charges and draconian bail conditions repression was ubiquitous. In the media and the courts, the G20 Integrated Security Unit (ISU) used everything they could get their hands on as evidence against protestors. Including our books. A copy of Upping the Anti 5 appeared in a police display of “weapons” seized from activists during the protests, alongside ropes, goggles, gas masks, and props seized from an unsuspecting enthusiast en route to a live action role playing game. The ISU’s audacity made us snicker, but we agree on one thing: Upping the Anti is a weapon in the struggle.

The G20’s promise of an era of austerity has sparked debates about how radicals should orient to this moment. As we near the end of 2010 (a proclaimed year of resistance for activists in Canada), we’re confronted with a clear challenge: we lack a plan for a long-term, broad-based, sustained resistance. We’ve gotten the bill for the bailout of global capitalism; will it invigorate our movements or foster right-wing populism? In Toronto, we’re bracing ourselves for the mayoralty of newly elected conservative Rob Ford, a longstanding city councilor known for his xenophobic and homophobic outbursts. Whatever plan we choose, we’re in for a serious fight.

Fights are best prepared for with a dose of critical reflection. Issue 11 opens with our thoughts about violence. Focusing on the events of the anti-G20 convergence, we use our editorial pages to account for the two situations of violence that framed the protests: that of the OPP’s Integrated Security Unit, and the actions of the black bloc on June 26th. We analyze the strategic implications of these violences by locating social democrats’ denunciation of the black bloc in the history of organized labor. From where do current conceptions of violence derive, and how do they shape our political terrain? We turn to the idea of “non-violent direct action” - what is it, and in what ways does it necessitate specific forms of organization and production among activists? Strategically, to whom does non-violent direct action appeal? When and how do we come to terms with the violence implied and inherent in non-violent direct action?

Chandra Kumar kicks off our interviews section in conversation with food sovereigntist Raj Patel. Patel argues that food sovereignty is one in a series of “overlapping sovereignties” required by true democracy, and describes lessons that can be learned from decentralized, autonomous farmers’ movements in the global south. Next, Shelley Tremain interviews Ladelle McWhorter, an anti-racist feminist scholar and activist living in Virginia. McWhorter analyses the relationship between race, gender, and normalization, and argues that genealogy is an important tool for understanding modern power relations. In our final interview, Benjamin Holtzman and Craig Hughes speak with scholar James C. Scott about his research on everyday peasant politics. Scott contends that subtle forms of resistance, shaped into a shared culture among the oppressed, have significant implications for large-scale social change.

Our articles section begins with Lesley Wood’s account of anti-capitalist struggle in Toronto, which she presents to contextualize and assess anti-G20 convergence organizing. She argues that the “reconfigured networks” of local community organizing in the past five years paved the way for the particular story anti-summit organizers told to fuel the recent mobilization – one with consequences they did not fully anticipate. Next, John Clarke provides a retrospective on the tenth anniversary of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty’s (OCAP) famous march on Queen’s Park. Clarke offers a detailed account of mobilization during the reign of Ontario’s former neoliberal Premier Mike Harris, illuminating the similarities and key differences between then and now. Clarke concludes with assessment of current forms of resistance – specifically the Toronto Workers Assembly and OCAP – and their hopes for achieving victory against austerity.

In our final article, Stacy Douglas offers an anti-racist analysis of queer activism in Britain. Douglas examines radical UK publisher Raw Nerve Books’ decision not to reprint an anthology of queer essays that included a piece that critiqued prominent gay rights activist Peter Tatchell’s alleged Islamophobia. She argues that Raw Nerve’s decision, and its subsequent defense by white queer activists, can be seen as an instance of white solidarity building – a dangerous political agenda that builds “good feeling,” by drawing upon legacies of racism and white supremacy. Douglas goes on to identify anti-racist agonism as a radical framework that might effectively intervene in such cases, while remaining mindful of the practical difficulties that such a framework entails.

In the first of our two roundtables, Sarita Ahooja, Fred Burrill and Cleve Higgins interview indigenous activists Joe Doem, Laura Norton, and Walter David, and non-native solidarity activist Carole Boucher, on the 20th anniversary of the “Oka Crisis.” Our second roundtable, convened by Thomas Nail, features four members of No One is Illegal-Toronto, who discuss the history, trajectory, and intent of their current Solidarity/Sanctuary City campaign, and the success of some sub-campaigns.

We are also pleased to bring you three timely book reviews. First, Tim McCaskell relates his own history of queer struggle to Gary Kinsman and Patrizia Gentile’s The Canadian War on Queers. Next, Chandra Kumar reviews Michael Keefer’s edited collection Antisemitism Real and Imagined, in which contributors analyze the motivations behind the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism. Etienne Turpin then unpacks Tiqqun’s An Introduction to Civil War, a book that has made waves across North America and Europe.

On the administrative side of things, we would like to thank Chandra Kumar for his work on our editorial committee as he moves over to our advisory board. We would also like to welcome Robyn Letson, Adrie Naylor, and Simon Wallace to our editorial committee and Eton Harris, Brett Story, and Elise Thorburn to our advisory board. Finally, we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to Caelie Frampton, Krisztina Kun, Emily van der Meulen, and Jessica Peart for their work on our advisory board as they move on to other projects.

Our introductory remarks would not be complete without our customary call for financial support. As you may know, Upping the Anti receives no external support from any government or educational institution, and is entirely funded by subscriptions, sales, and donations from our readers. Over the course of our first 10 issues, we have been able to squeak by in raising the $7000 that it costs to print and distribute each issue of the journal. Today, however, the compounding challenges of sustaining a purely volunteer project have led us to contemplate hiring a staff person.

The only way that we could pay a staff salary is through increasing the number of our monthly sustainers – people who pay $10 or $20 a month through PayPal or pre-authorized debit payments in support of the project. We are still short of our goal of signing up 100 sustainers; if this project is to grow beyond its current limits we need you more than ever. Please visit to sign up!

If you know other activists in your organization or community who would benefit from reading and contributing to UTA, please get in touch with us to receive bulk copies at a 50 percent discount. If you order ten or more (either back issues or the current issue) copies are only five dollars each. Get in touch at if you’re interested.

Finally, we’re looking for pitches for our next two issues. The deadline for pitches for UTA 12 is December 1, 2010, and the deadline for first drafts is January 6, 2011. The deadline for pitches for UTA 13 is May 1, 2011 and the deadline for article drafts is June 1, 2011. For more information, please visit our website at

We hope this new issue stimulates conversation and action, and we look forward to reading your pitches and letters.

In solidarity and struggle,

Kelly Fritsch, David Hugill, Tom Keefer,
Sharmeen Khan, Clare O’Connor, Robyn Letson,
Adrie Naylor, AK Thompson, Simon Wallace
Toronto, November 2010
998 Bloor St. West
P.O. Box 10571
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 4H9

If the articles in Upping The Anti inspire or enrage you, if they have been useful (or not) in your organizing work, or if you have something to contribute to an argument on our pages, please consider writing us a letter. We print letters up to 1,000 words and reserve to the right to edit for clarity, spelling, and grammar. Email letters to .

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Here's a neat new project being put on by the Toronto Community Mobilization Network in support of arrestees at the G20 summit last summer. No, this time around it is for real, an actual honest to God cookbook. Here's the details...

Send us your recipes!
We're making a RADICAL COOKBOOK!
Time Wednesday, October 20 at 7:00pm - Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 7:00pm

Location everywhere

Created By Community Solidarity Network

More Info
Do you have tasty recipes and a passion for helping people fundraise for legal fees?

Send us your recipes!!

The Community Solidarity Network is creating a cookbook with all kinds of delicious recipes.

All proceeds will go to the G20 Legal Defence Fund.

Send your submission to:

Submissions are due January 1st 2011

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Larry Gambone of the Porkupine Blog and Red Lion Publishing has been an anarchist activist and historian for many decades now. He has recently been interviewed about two of his new books, 'The View From Anarchist Mountain' and 'The Impossibilists' (along with other subjects) on Radio CHLY in Nanaimo BC. You can catch the interview at this link. Great stuff and highly recommended by the Winnipeg cat (guess who ?).