The Cyber Hymnal™

Dedicated to the Glory of God

Established 1996

This site has ov­er 15,900 Chris­tian hymns and Gos­pel songs from ma­ny de­no­mi­na­tions and lan­guag­es: Lyr­ics, sheet mu­sic, au­dio, pic­tures, bi­og­ra­phies, his­to­ry and more.

To hear the mu­sic, you’ll need speak­ers, head phones, or ear buds; a sound card; and soft­ware that can play MI­DI or OGG files.

To see the sheet mu­sic, you’ll need:

  1. Adobe Ac­ro­bat Read­er, or
  2. The free Note­Wor­thy Com­pos­er View­er, or
  3. The Note­Wor­thy Com­pos­er pro­gram, or
  4. Software that can read Music­XML files

Finally, Ja­va­Script must be en­a­bled in your brows­er.

This wor­ship and teach­ing re­source is pro­vid­ed as a pub­lic ser­vice. Click here for in­for­ma­tion on link­ing to the Cyber Hym­nal™.

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