Saturday, May 31, 2008

Crazy Elephant - Dark Part of My Mind

Grettings from Boston (Allston) Mass!!!

Crazy ass fucking B side here:

Anyone as old as me will remember the AM gold that was Crazy Elephants "Gimmie Gimmie Good Love" and while the below my be true. This here cut is a far cry from "Bubble Gum" music, more like a Blue Cheer bad acid trip...

Crazy Elephant was one of the seemingly endless aliases employed by the Kasenetz-Katz production duo to market their bubblegum hits of the late 1960s. Primarily a vehicle for session vocalist Robert Spencer — previously known for his performance with the Cadillacs' post "Speedo" — Crazy Elephant was the name appended to the Kasenetz-Katz production of the song "Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'"; after the master was rejected by Buddah Records, the Super K Productions duo's primary outlet, they instead shopped the track to the Bell label, for whom it fell just shy of the U.S. Top Ten in 1969. Despite the single's success, however, Crazy Elephant failed to reach the charts again, instead becoming yet another interchangeable cog in the Kasenetz-Katz hit machine.

Keep the lights "on" for this one.

Crazy Elephant - Dark Part of My Mind

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Tracers - She Said Yeah - Watch Me

Hey Mr. Red Blues Boy are you listening....???

Man-o-man what 45 this is!

Some serious 1966 Texas by way of North Dakota punk fuzz blasting on this thing.

Can you say ATTITUDE????

The Tracers - She Said Yeah

The Tracers - Watch Me

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Chambers Brothers - Funky

Happy mid week people. Things have been very busy for the good ol' devil here lately so i haven't had as much time to be a posting as much I'd like but please be sure to keep checking back often as i have a bunch of nice treats lined up!

I'm sending this one out to my man DJ Prestige over at Flea Market Funk for his most excellent post on another of one of my all time fave groovy funker's! When your done over here head over and check out Donny Hathaway's - The Slums. DJ Pres is LEGEND!

I'm going with a "funky" little cut by The Chambers Brothers. When I was a wee lad "time has come today" was one of my favorite songs back then. My Mom's had one of those Columbia records box set things from being in the record "club" and i must have played that song a thousand times, of course it was the edited version and i wouldn't hear the original LONG version for many years but i loved that song, still do. But way back then who knew these were some funky bothers bringing the psychedelic rock!

Like their West Coast contemporaries Sly and the Family Stone, the Chambers Brothers shattered racial and musical divides to forge an incendiary fusion of funk, gospel, blues, and psychedelia which reached its apex with the perennial 1968 song "Time Has Come Today."

The Chambers siblings — bassist George, guitarist Willie, harpist Lester, and guitarist Joe, all of whom contributed vocals — were born and raised in Lee County, MS; the products of an impoverished sharecropping family, the brothers first polished their vocal harmonies in the choir of their Baptist church, a collaboration which ended after George was drafted into the army in 1952. Following his discharge he relocated to Los Angeles, where the other Chambers brothers soon settled as well; the foursome began performing gospel and folk throughout Southern California in 1954, but remained virtually unknown until appearing in New York City in 1965. The addition of white drummer Brian Keenan not only made the Chambers Brothers an interracial group, but pushed their music closer to rock & roll; a well-received appearance at the Newport Folk Festival further enhanced their growing reputation, and they soon recorded their debut LP, People Get Ready.

As the Chambers Brothers toured rock clubs (including the famed Fillmore in San Francisco) and R&B; venues (most notably the Apollo Theatre) alike, their music increasingly embraced elements of both; after recording 1968's Shout! for the Vault label, the group signed to Columbia to issue Time Has Come Today, scoring a major pop hit with the title track, an 11-minute psychedelic soul epic in its original album incarnation. The follow-up, A New Time—A New Day, yielded another Top 40 hit, a cover of the Otis Redding's classic "I Can't Turn You Loose," but subsequent efforts including 1969's Love, Peace and Happiness and 1970's Live at Fillmore East failed to maintain the commercial momentum. Upon completing 1972's Oh My God!, the Chambers Brothers disbanded, only to reunite two years later for Unbonded. Right Move appeared in 1975, and although no new studio records were forthcoming, the group regularly performed live in the decades to follow, with the brothers also pursuing individual projects; the Chambers Family Choir, a gospel group including the siblings' own children, remained a priority as well.

While this cut is no "time has come today" it is a nice funky little nugget from their 1970 album called "New Generation".


Chambers Brothers - Funky

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Slim Whitman - Cattle Call

Warning! This is not a joke! I dig Slim!

Seriously, i do, not in a Johnny Cash kind of "I must own and hear all of his music" way but in a strange, wow man, this stuff is just so odd i really kinda dig it...

So file this one under "Guilty Pleasure".

There's a somewhat funny story about this record and how i came to dig it...

The year was probably around 1987 or so I was out on my own for the 1st time living in the shore town of "Seaside Hts". Now if ya know anything about "shore town" these towns are EMPTY for most of the year and PACKED during the summer with renters coming from the city and filling our beautiful beaches and boardwalks with their "Benny" asses. (Don't know what a Benny is? Look it up!)

Well what does this have to do with old Slim here?

After the summer is over and all the Bennies leave and go back to North Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania they usually live a lot of shit behind in the houses the just rented for insane amounts of $$$ and well opportunist that i am i would go and garbage pick the left overs and walking down the street checking out the trash what did i find laying on the top of a pile of junk? Old Slim here...

I kind of chuckled to myself "who the fuck was listening to this shit" but quietly tucked the album under my arm and took Old Slim here home with me for a laugh.

Well i was totally surprised when i put the 1st cut on and heard Old Slim here let out some serious "Yodelling"... and it was so strange because i liked it. I mean i actually liked it! Ha ha ha! There is no accounting for taste i guess...

If anyone out there ever saw our old band Godspeed open up for Black Sabbath back in 1994 they can tell you that we used to use old Slim here as our opening muisc on that tour! Pretty funny seeing a few thousand metal heads all geared up to see their heroes of metal and the light go out and along comes this jackass band from Jersey playing Slim Whitman before they hit the stage!

So dig on Old Slim Whitman and his major "Yodelling" skills!

Slim Whitman - Cattle Call

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Fuckin' Flyin' A-Heads - Swiss Cheese Back - Watching TV

1st off i have to thank my man Mullet over @ Cosmic for the turn on to this amazing masterpeice i am about to unfold into yer lap today. I had never heard of this record or band for that matter until he dropped the knowledge on me so thanks my man!

Not much i could dig up on "The Fuckin' Flyin' A-Heads" but what i can gather from the insert is that they were from Honolulu, Hawaii, which to me makes it even the more weird, but that's just me thinking that Hawaii couldn't possibly be as caught up with the times when this was recorded and was recorded live Jan 25, 1980 so i couldn't be more wrong. This was released on Otaro records and states to be played at HIGH VOLUME!! Screw Limitations!!! Screw limitations indeed!!!

The musicians consisted of:

Howard Nishioka - Guitar & Vocals, Eric "Sep" Ishii - Vocals, Pranks, and Dan Garrett - Drums, Bob wilson - Bass.

Behjan Mirhadi apparently wrote an Ugly Things article about them in issue 19 but i do not own nor can i find the article....

Enjoy these out-of-time, out-of-their-element, outcast bunch of freaks from the island of Oahu (?) , making an unholy din & some wild-ass psychedelic punk rock in the late 1970s...(description courtesy of

I just found out that this 7 inch has just been reissued. Check it out here... De Stijl

also a cool interview w/ drummer Dan Garrett Here

The Fuckin' Flyin' A-Heads - Swiss Cheese Backback

The Fuckin' Flyin' A-Heads - Watching T.V.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Major Label Days: Godspeed - Houston St.

i stumbled upon this video from my major label days when i was in a band called "Godspeed" and we were signed to Atlantic records....

funny that it is on an MTV site because back in 94 they refused to play it because they said it promoted drug use! hahaha!!!

i think the only way anyone ever saw it was when it was on Beavis & Butthead....

enjoy the shitty video from yours truly playing the geetar.... (yep, if you wactually watched the video and you asked yerself is that 2 bass players? you are correct.)

Duke of Iron - Man Smart, Woman Smarter

I've moved up to Calypso lp's.....

One of today's thrift store scores for the mere sum of 25 cents....


Because i was asked in the comments to add some music here is the 1st track off this album and a little info!

The album is from 1957 and the Duke of Iron was born Cecil Anderson in Trinidad and was a master of the art of calypso music.
The Duke was stalwart in retaining Calypso as a true form of Trinidad culture. He says " Calypso has a different rhythm all of it's own, it may resemble this and that at times but it is in a class by itself where rhythm, style and delivery is concerned. Some singers are trying to change Calypso but I want to keep it as it is.

Dig it!

Duke of Iron - Man Smart, Woman Smarter

Eugene Church & The Fellows - Pretty Girls

Let's switch hit up today w/ some R&B; type Doo Wop or Doo-Wop inspired R&B; whatever you prefer:

Eugene Church (b. Jan. 23, 1938 - d. April 3, 1993, Los Angeles, California) and The Fellows (members Eugene Church, Bobby Day, Alex Hodge, Tommy Williams with Richard Berry and The Dreamers)

Church collaborated with Jesse Belvin in the 1950s as The Cliques, releasing singles on Modern Records. Late in the 1950s he released 4 singles of his own, as Eugene Church & the Fellows. The first two were U.S. hits: "Pretty Girls Everywhere" went #6 R&B; & #36 Pop, this cut is from 1959 and is another fave of the devil here at the devil's music so please enjoy!

Eugene Church & The Fellows - Pretty Girls

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Five By Five - Fire

Here is yet another installment from the "Hendrix" files:

In 1967, a group called Five By Five, from Magnolia, Arkansas, signed with Paula. They were typical of the "cover bands" that played in clubs, doing the R&B; dance songs popular at the time. Their first single was "Shake a Tail Feather" [Paula 261], issued in early 1967. They followed that with "Harlem Shuffle" [Paula 283] later that year. Although they were probably able to sell a number of copies to the folks who saw them appear live, there wasn't much interest outside the region. But in the summer of 1968, they covered a song, "Fire," off the Jimi Hendrix album Are You Experienced?. Since Hendrix' record company, Reprise, did not put the song out as a single, Five By Five was in luck. Theirs was the single version that was available when kids went to the store and asked for the song. The single entered the national charts in November, 1968 and made it up to #52. Like the group Underground Sunshine, who similarly filled a gap when they covered the Beatles' "Birthday," the cover version provided a short-term spotlight for the group, their so-called "15 minutes of fame." Today, their version of the song is rarely played as an oldie, because the original is usually played instead. As a cover band, they were certainly competent and their album is in some demand with collectors, but at best they're a footnote in rock and roll history, a band in the right place at the right time. The group was made up of Ronnie Plants (lead singer, guitar), Larry Andrew (guitar), Tim Milam (organ, vocals), Bill Merritt (bass), and Doug Green (drums). Five additional singles all failed to chart, and the group finally called it quits.

*edit: Per comments left.

Bill Merritt is listed as the bass player, and Larry Andrew is listed as the guitar player. While the album jacket has both Bill and Larry as simply 'Guitar', the actual listing should be Bill Merritt - Guitar, and Larry Andrew - Bass.

DK are you experienced?

Five By Five - Fire

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Egyptian Combo - Rockin' Little Egypt

I hope all had a good if not great mother's day? I did. a wonderful dinner at the Anchor Inn with family and friends (including a few drinks) was had by all and now were back to work here @ the devil's music:

This group has been around on the St. Louis music scene for something like half a century, with no sign of disappearing. The main members are guitarist Lloyd Rainey and the brothers Doug and Rick Linton, although some formations of the group have only featured one Linton. The group was first formed in 1961, and in three years time had recorded a song entitled "Gale Winds" which became first a breakaway regional hit, then wound up climbing as high as number seven on the Billboard charts. The single made hit parade charts throughout the Midwest, for example showing up right below Martha and the Vandellas and "Dancing in the Street" on a Chicago radio hit parade from the late spring of 1964. There was even a cover version of this song done by Quitman Dennis and the Escorts. The only other Egyptian Combo record to see any kind of chart action was "I Don't Care Anymore" featuring the vocal talents of saxophonist Kevin Cox. This record barely cracked the Top 100 in 1967. Many of the band's recordings were done at the same St. Louis studio. A label called Norman which has released much rock and jazz music from the St. Louis area pumped out singles by the band, but following the success in 1964, in stepped Dot with its larger circulation. The band signed on for gigs at a string of Playboy clubs around the country and appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. A new contract had just been inked with MGM when Uncle Sam came along with a different offer.

Much of the group's music fits under the loose label of instrumental rock, similar in some ways to bands such as the Ventures, but not devoted exclusively to the surf music sound. Founding member Rainey wrote music for the band, including the main hit. But it also recorded various instrumental themes of the day, coming out with its own version of "Watermelon Man" when that song soundtrack theme was popular, for example, or cutting the "Theme From Dr. Zhivago" when "Lara's Song" from that weepy film was a chart smash. The original incarnation of the group featured an instrumental lineup typical of a combo of this type in the '60s, including a rhythm section, dual electric guitars, and a pair of honking saxophones. The band tried to push a more science fiction angle with a single entitled "The Invaders Are Here," written for a 1965 television show The Invaders, but ultimately rejected. Frontman Mike Adkins joined the lineup by 1966 but didn't stay long. In 1967 there was an emphasis on brass, with Rick Linton switching to trumpet and the addition of Ellis McKenzie on trombone. In 1968 a smaller version of the band undertook a tour of army bases in Vietnam. The so-called Uncle Sam tour featured a slimmed-down quartet version of the combo, in other words, the four of them that happened to get drafted. The regional popularity of the band was so intense at this point that local television stations within a tri-state area actually broadcast the induction of the members into the army and reported on their activities overseas from time to time. Cox was the first to be sent home, due to spinal problems. The slimmed-down band was a harbinger of things to come. It also made for an unusual lineup: a simple rhythm team of electric guitar and drums providing back up for trombone and trumpet. Perhaps the music this group played sounded so strange the military decided to send them home early, although at first it seemed like the idea was to escalate, sending in more troops to perhaps fill out the rhythm section in the bargain. But thankfully the musicians all made it home safely. The original three members provided the nucleus for all further members of the band, and by the group's 40th anniversary, Egyptian Combo was again a quartet with the addition of multi-instrumentalist Chris Thornton. Repertoire has evolved into a collection of cover songs that rivals any bar band, including music from the '60s and '70s, expertly played, as well as numbers from some of the group's earlier singles. Bandmember Doug Linton also fronted a band named Prana in the '70s and got heavily into heavy metal and progressive rock. In 2001 he contributed wonderfully to an internet audio tribute to the classic heavy rock band Bloodrock, by dusting off a cover version of the group's song "Kool Aid Kids" that he had recorded back in the '70s with Prana...

The Egyptian Combo - Rockin' Little Egypt

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sun Dial - Bad Drug - Fairground

Today we have some modern heavy psych from Britain. These guys remind me of a more Detroit sounding Jesus & the Mary Chain. Buzzy, swirling and heavy guitar riffing on the 1st cut and some mellower action but still buzzy guitar on the 2nd. See, I have this thing with guitars....

lifted from wiki:

Sun Dial (occasionally spelled Sundial) is a British space rock band formed in 1990 by Gary Ramon.

The precursor to Sun Dial was Ramon's the Modern Art, formed in the mid-'80s with a loose lineup that never played gigs but did see the release of two studio albums. Ramon disbanded the group out of a desire "to make a more live-sounding group that could go out and play".

The band gained prominence after the release of their first album, Other Way Out, which quickly sold out its initial run through word of mouth alone. The album was near-universally praised in the independent music press, winning several awards and accolades. However, the album saw little popularity among mainstream critics and radio stations as their authentic '60s psychedelic sound was out of fashion at the time.Other Way Out remains popular to this day in the psychedelic and prog rock communities, and has gone through eight reissues since its original release.

Subsequent albums have explored many branches of psychedelia, including space rock, acid rock, stoner rock, neo-psychedelia, and psych pop. Their music has been compared to, influenced, or praised by prominent artists such as Monster Magnet, Nirvana, Spiritualized, and Spacemen 3. Sun Dial in turn were influenced by the '60s and '70s psychedelia and hard rock of Jimi Hendrix, the Beatles, the Stooges , Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin, as well as the drug-influenced "Madchester" sound of the Stone Roses, Inspiral Carpets, and Happy Mondays

Sun Dial - Bad Drug

Sun Dial - Fairground

Friday, May 9, 2008

Forward to the Caves Play List 5/8/08

A trip to the Renault winery, a fine dinner, a problem with a gift card, locked out of the studio, a visit from G-force to let us in and some tunes played whilst drinking said winery wine w/ the JJJ for her 30-something B-day = a great day & night:

Here's what you missed:

Queen - Brighton Rock
Nazareth - Hair of the Dog
Melvins - Boris
Earthride - Grip the Wheel
Sundial - Bad Drug
Dinosaur Jr - Blowin It
Scab Cadillac - Explain This/Homeless
Abdullah - The Path to Enlightment

Boulder Damn - Find A Way
Truth & Janey - The Light
Poobah - Mr. Destroyer
Blackwater Park - Mental Block
Pink Fairies - St. Urchin
White Witch - Don't Close Your Mind
Pugsley Munion - Slumberland
Terry Knight & theh Pack - Got Love
The Thrid Rail - No Return
Tangerine Zoo - Trip to the Zoo
Shockin Blue - Love Machine
Kitchen Cinq - Determination
Skunks - Heart Teaser
Unchained - Mynds - Hole in my Shoe
Hirth - Be Everything

Ramses & Selket - Crazy One
Reign Ghost - Travels of the Blue Paradox
Christmas - Point Blank/Zephyr
Albion Band - Lay me Low
Daniel Johnson - Dont Play Cards with Satan/True Love Will Find you in the END/Got to get you into my Life/Funeral Home

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bertha Collins - Don't Forget I Love You - Just Us Two

OK, today I have something special for you all.

Now some of you may not care at all for what I’m about to lay on you but to me at least it’s very special and it is definitely some very rare stuff here. How rare? How about rare as in I own the only copies in existence? Now that may not mean that the monetary value on these is high as i highly doubt anyone would really want these but to me they are priceless.

See Bertha Collins is my Great Grandmother and what we have here are some of the songs she wrote and recorded. My Grandpa or “PeePa” as we have always called him recently gave these acetates to me and now I give them to you.

As far as I can tell and from what I’ve been told my Great Granny fancied herself a “song writer” and wrote these songs as far back as my Grandpa could remember. He was born in the 20’s and says he remembers them as far back as he can recall but there is no date listed on the acetates. As far as we know these are the only copies that exist of these two songs. She did write other songs as I have at least one hand written music sheets for a song called “Tomay” but no recording. And it looks as if only “Don’t Forget I Love You” was properly published as this is the only one that has sheet music. The sheet music has a date of 1952 but we think that is only the date it was finally “published” as I said before my Grandpa says he can remember her playing these records was he was a kid, and that was a LONG time ago.

Bertha wrote these songs and is playing the piano on the recordings but no one can remember who the male vocal accompaniment was supplied by (sorry fella) as nothing is listed on the records.

Well, I told you all this would be an eclectic ride. I guess this is where I get my modest musicianship and love of music from, genes man, genes…

Please enjoy a trip back in to my family vault with the following tracks from My Great Grandmother who I don’t ever remember meeting but whom without I would not exist…

Bertha Collins - Don't Forget I Love You

Bertha Collins - Just Us Two

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Devil's Music Devil Dick Mix - Vol. 2 - RAWK POWER!!!

Happy Friday/weekend people!!!

Wow! After Vincent's HEATER of a mix i thought i'd continue on with some more "RAWK POWER"!!! and bring some noise in the form of some nice guitar driven action!!! and of course as always brought to you on glorious original VINYL!!! (but i didn't have to tell you that did i?)

Here's a few new things i threw together for your ears, eyes, & mind, consisting of a few things i picked up recently along with a few of some of my fave rockers!!!

So strap in, hit the start switch & please enjoy The Devil's Music Mix - Ship on the Ocean, Time is Now! - RAWK POWER!!! Mix!!!!

1. Asterix - If I Could Fly: Asterix was a direct predecessor of Lucifer's Friend; released one (eponymous) album in 1970. Technically, this was the first Lucifer's Friend album, only under a different name. Also, one single was released featuring a slightly altered line-up. This cut is from that single. This a fairly new addition to the devil's archives and a cut i've been looking for for many years!

2. Jeronimo - Heya: German band Jeronimo was founded in 1969 and in '69/'70 they had their first two hits "He Ya" and "Na Na Hey Hey". With these two chartbreakers, Jeronimo climbed to the number 1 position in almost all European countries. This cut is from the 1st 45.

3. Groundhogs - Ship On The Ocean: One of my favorite songs of all time hence the sub or pre title of this mix: The Groundhogs were one of the finest of the British blues based rock bands of the 60’s & 70’s, this cut can be found on what IMHO is their finest moment, the awesome “Thank Christ for the Bomb” lp, however this particular cut is from the 45 and as above one of my all time faves.

4. Jericho Jones - Time Is Now: Jericho Jones were an Israeli band founded in 1965 under the name The Churchills , and was active until the mid-70s, later shortening the name to just Jericho. They were part of the rhythm bands scene that were active in Israel in the 70s, especially in Ramala. They played rock music in English, from psychedelic rock to hard rock. This is an awesome piece of Israeli hard rock!

5. Dust - Chasin' Ladies: At the dawn of the '70s, hard rock and early heavy metal were almost completely dominated by British innovators. Dust was one of the few American bands to try picking up the gauntlet, playing a progressive brand of proto-metal that was explicitly indebted to their British contemporaries. Formed around 1968, the group featured vocalist/guitarist Richie Wise and the teenaged rhythm section of bassist Kenny Aaronson (who also doubled on slide and steel guitars) and drummer Marc Bell, who would later become part of the New York punk scene, joining up with Richard Hell & the Voidoids and then moving on to the Ramones (adopting the name Marky Ramone). Some serious power trio action on this cut from the 1st self-titled lp.

6. Cactus - One Way Or Another: The plan was for the Vanilla Fudge rhythm section of bassist Tim Bogert and drummer Carmine Appice to join with guitar god Jeff Beck and his singer Rod Stewart in a supergroup of sorts. The plan was derailed when Beck had a motorcycle accident that incapacitated him for 18 months. Stewart then joined pal Ron Wood in the revamped Faces (and pursued a somewhat lucrative solo career), leaving Bogert and Appice to find alternates for their dream band. They recruited guitarist Jim McCarty from Mitch Ryder's disassembling Detroit Wheels, and singer Rusty Day from Ted Nugent's Amboy Dukes. And thus “Cactus” was born.

7. Savoy Brown - She's got a ring in his nose and a ring on her hand: Savoy Brown were another great British Blues based rock band from the 60's & 70's, with Lonesome Dave Peverett later of Foghat handling vocal duties on this snazy little ditty.

8. B. Lance - John The Rollin' Man: Here is some excellent rural, backwoods-vibed Folk-Rock to further ease you down from the heavy rock ledge!
This cut is from his one and only album from 1972 on Atlantic records called "Rollin' Man". The B. is short for Bob.

9. Plastic People - Dancin' & Drinkin': Plastic people formed in 1967 by Guitarist, lyricist, and vocalist John Earl Walker, three years later they changed the name of the band to “Plum Nelly” who recorded several albums for Capitol Records in the mid-'70s, and gained national exposure opening shows for B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Alice Cooper, and Iggy Pop, to name just a few.
Dancin' and Drinkin' - what better way to end this mix...???

The Devil's Music Mix - Vol. 2 - RAWK POWER!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Forward to the Caves & A Fufu Thanks!

1st off let me say thank you to Vincent/Fufu stew for the most awesome mix he laid on us over here this week!!! I hope some of you all enjoyed!?!?

Thank you kind sir!

2nd, not that anyone has been paying attention but we were back on the air tonight doing the "forward to the caves' radio show after a few weeks off and if you care to see here is what was played:

Forward to the Caves play List 5/1/08

Skullflower - Celestial Highway I III
Poogy Tales - In Spite of Everything
Awesome Color - Grown
Awesome Color - Ridin'

Green Machine - Burdens of Karma
Green Machine - Slug
Trephine - Devil's Advocate
Jerusalem - Kamikazi Moth
Jeronimo - Shades

The Secret Vinyl Conspiracy - The Monster Is Alive Mix!!!
Jane - Moving
Birth Control - Hoodo Man
Brainticket - Brainticket Pt.1
Neu! - Negativeland
Amon Duul II - Dehypnotized Toothpaste
Guru Guru - Ooga Booga

The Fuckin' Flying A-Heads - Swiss Cheese Back
Ministry - Stigmata
Silver Apples - Oscillations
Snake Finger - Smelly Tongues
Roxy Music - In Every Dream House a Heartache
Hyperjinx Tricycle - Reality - Seasons in the Sun
Morgen - Welcome to the Void

Someone Got Their head Kicked In - BYO Comp

Side A:

Youth Brigade - Violence
Aggression - Intense Energy
Battalion of Saints - Beefmaster
Jones - Pill Box
Bad Religion - In The Night
Aggression - Dear John Letter
Blades - Don't Wanna Dance With You
Battalion of Saints - No More Lies
Adolescents - Who Is Who

Side B:

Social Distortion - Mass Hysteria
Jones - Graveyard Rock
Youth Brigade - Boys in the Brigade
Blades - False Face
Aggression - Rat Race
Adolescence - Wrecking Crew
Blades - Had Enough
Youth Brigade - Look in the Mirror
Battalion of saints - Cops Are Out

E. E. Cummings - Plato Told Him - My Father Moved Through Dooms Of Love
Robinson Jeffers, Oh, Lovely rock, The Beaks of Eagles, Ossian's Grave
Theodore Spencer, The day, The Inflatable Globe, Problems with Immortality, The Phoenix,
John Crowe Ranson, Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter, Janet Waking, Here Lies a lady, Captain Carpenter: read behind a mix of Sunn0))) - Cursed Realms (Of Winterdemons) - Orthodox Caveman & Allaudin Mathieu, Listenin to the Evening & Skullflower, Celestial Highway IV, I II & William Ellwood: Solo Guitar....

Black Flag - My War

good night....