On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

28 November 2023

Musick that Needs Work: M


In August I finally got back to a continuing project I've been working on since 2015, fixing up music that's piled up over time that for one reason or another was not quite ready to share. I'm going to try & be more conscientious (yeah, right) about finishing it all before new arrivals to this heap make the exercise prove pointless. Stuff just seems to sneak into the folder unbeknownst.

This time I'm finally to M & half way through the alphabet. Realized I have that bell curve weighted middle, more things in M that need work than any letter so far. Gonna tackle part of it now & finish it in follow-ups next month. (For some reason splitting an already interminable project into multiple parts seems like a good idea...not...but...)

Seven different bands make up this section of the folder. Six of them with one each which I'll get to in December, but one with such a jumble, I'm not even sure I've straightened it out. 


You all probably know you can't trust a junkie & this Motown Junkie is no different. This junkie is Edgar "Ed the Sampler" Matos hailing from Portugal.
Motown Junkie - Plagiarism Perversions, Test Tube tube 103, 2007.

Mister Night    
Moonlight in the Graveyard    
My Name is Sampler... Ed the Sampler    
It's on You    
Have No Time    
Floating Nightmare    
Son of the Jackal    
Jenna Cigarettes    
Some of My Stuff    
Cabaret Talavera (The Mulata Revenge)
Future (Time Machine)
Play it Again Lisa    
Smoking Barrel (DJ Sampler Blastbeat remix) [Long Desert Cowboy cover] 






Mo'Town Junkie - More, Phonotactics PHTC001, 2008.

Doped Night Drive
Farlopa Satanica
Run Away from Me

& finally, this Halloween special. 

Lord & Master
Emotive Suspence
Eles Comem Corales
Teoria e Ufologia
LSD Psych Powers
Oriental Sex Appeal
La Mente se Me Va
Prayers of Shiva
Imperial Hits
Da Buzz
Video Game Massacre

Enjoy & more M's to come,

26 November 2023

Rules to Live By---Weather All & Fair Play

In the name of fair play, I'm trying to finish up all my November thoughts before hittin' the Dec'. Threw in a few unexpected ones late in the game & playin' catch-up now. Didn't wanta short this one though...it's a home run. 


Another one from the fertile mind of Andrew Weatherall R.I.P,  here with Tim Fairplay. 


The Asphodells - Ruled by Passion, Destroyed by Lust, Rotters Golf Club, 2013.
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Never There    
Another Lonely City    
Late Flowering Lust
Late Flowering Dub
We Are the Axis    
One Minute's Silence
The Quiet Dignity (of Unwitnessed Lives)
A Love from Outer Space (Version 2)


25 November 2023

I Think I Caught the Bug

Longtime Frenz Jonder of jonderblog infamy commented on the recent Soul Coughing share that there were a few tunes he really liked if I was planning on a follow-up cough. Since I seem to have caught "The Bug", I'm coughing right now. 


Soul Coughing - Studio B-Sides, Soul Coughing self-released, 200?.
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I'm Livin' on Babyfood
Theme from Rachel's Sitcom
Buddha Rhubard Butter
The Brooklynites
Lemon Lime
Blow My Only
Murder of Lawyers
Unmarked Helicopters
The Bug
A Plane Scraped its Belly on a Sooty Yellow Moon (Soul Coughing & Roni Size)
Suzy Snowflakes
Rare Star Ball
These are the Reasons
Adolpha Zantziger
16 Horses
Never Gonna Come Back Down (BT [Brian Wayne Transeau]  featuring Mike Doughty)




For any die-hard, this one is pretty much filler. If you have their albums you have these except maybe the last two. If you're not already a true fan, this is a great place to dive into these yahoos. 


Bus to Beelzebub   
Sugar Free Jazz   
True Dreams of Wichita   
Screenwriter's Blues
Blueeyed Devil   
Buddha Rhubarb Butter   
Unmarked Helicopters   
Super Bon Bon   
Soundtrack to Mary   
The Idiot Kings   
St. Louise Is Listening   
Super Bon Bon (Propellerheads radio edit)
Casiotone Nation (live)


24 November 2023

Ménage à Trois


Precursive proponents of the 21st Century Dub soundz, Dubblestandart started in 1988 in a Vienna, Austria 2nd district basement that they fondly called The Controller Station. It was located just around the block from Flex, where legendary Dub Club took place.

They achieved breakthrough success in 1992 with the release of their debut Feel the Balance. The band has collaborated with Lee "Scratch" Perry, Ari Up from the Slits, & film director David Lynch among many others.

The band was originally made up of Paul Zasky, Robbie Ost, Johnny Heilig, & Operator Marek. Their latest configuration consists of two of the original members, Paul Zasky - bass guitar, vocals & Robbie Ost Dub mixer, studio production with the addition since 1993 of Ali Tersch on drums & since 2001, Herbert Pirker on guitar.

In the 21st Century they have fully embraced the new Dub soundz. They have released at least 12 full length discs on Collision: Cause of Chapter 3 & Echo Beach. 


In my Dub voyages, I have heard some great Dub reworkings of their music by Old Skool produce Dennis Bovell (@ Repulse "Reggae Classics" 2021) & New Skool producer Paolo Baldini (Dub Me Crazy 2020). 


Decided I'd make this set... 


Malcom X Dub
Malcom X Dub (Dennis Bovell mix)
Chrome Optimism
Chrome Optimism  (Paolo Baldini mix)
Babylon the Bandit
Babylon the Bandit (Dennis Bovell mix)
Babylon the Bandit (Paolo Baldini mix)
Fly Me to the Moon Dub
Fly Me to the Moon Dub(Paolo Baldini mix)
Fly Me to the Moon Dub (Dennis Bovell mix)
Island Girl featuring Ari Up
Island Girl featuring Ari Up (Paolo Baldini mix)
I'm No Robot Dub
I'm No Robot Dub (Dennis Bovell mix)
Hypocrite Dub
Hypocrite Dub (Dennis Bovell mix)


22 November 2023

It was 30 Years Ago Today that I Coughed my Soul Away

See, M. Doughty ain't the only one who can write stream-of-consciousness stuff. 

Been relistening to all my Soul Coughing material lately & decided to share this one today.
If you're not familiar with this crazee band, you're in for a treat, This is one of my top releases, right up there with Beefheart & Magic.

Soul Coughing was an American alternative rock band composed of vocalist/guitarist Mike Doughty, keyboardist/sampler Mark Degli Antoni, bassist Sebastian Steinberg, & drummer Yuval Gabay. Their sound is a idiosyncratic mix of improvisational jazz grooves, oddball samples, hip hop, electronics, & noisy experimentalism". 

Doughty himself sez: "This is deep slacker jazz". 


The group appropriately broke up in 2000. They could only have existed in the 90s (or the near future???). 


Soul Coughing - Ruby Vroom, Slash, 1994.
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Is Chicago, Is not Chicago   
Sugar Free Jazz   
Casiotone Nation
Blue-eyed Devil
Bus to Beelzebub
True Dreams of Wichita   
Screenwriter's Blues
Moon Sammy   
Supra Genius
City of Motors   
Uh, Zoom Zip
Down to This
Mr. Bitterness   
Janine (answering machine vocal – Rachel Benbow Murdy)

Happy Turkey day...Free the Turkeys,

21 November 2023

Without Any Introduction Other than Sally Peterson - vocals...

The Flying Lizards - Top Ten, Statik Records CDST 20, 1985.
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Tutti Frutti
Dizzy Miss Lizzie
Sex Machine
What's New Pussycat
Then He Kissed Me
Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
Purple Haze
Great Balls of Fire
Top Ten Again

''These songs are dedicated to Mälzel, inventor of the metronome, the motto is 'rhythm is not arithmetic' and the interpretation is innocent.''

Contians 8 page booklet, included here.


Voodoo Drum

American troops arrive in Haiti without incident. U.N. forces arrive & a new freedom comes to the island. An American soldier writes home to his family, perhaps the final words they'll ever hear from him. He has uncovered the truth about the whole 'peaceful' invasion. Mam'bo Magie, the most powerful Voudoun priestess in all of Haiti, adviser & aide to several generations of Haitian elite, Empress of the Vin' Bain-Ding (Blood, Pain & Excrement) sect, has awaited this present time for decades. She has decided to attempt her greatest feat, the creation of The Fevers, which will spread throughout the world by the returning troops & will destroy all but the Voudoun faithful.

Dear Mom and Pop,
     Wanted to send off this letter while I still have a chance. Tomorrow the last of the U.N. Peacekeeping forces and the last of our troops, except for our Med-evac unit, will be pulling out of Port-au-Prince, turning things back over to the Haitians, so  I don’t know how easy it will be for me to get further mail out.
     Since I’ve been here, I’ve come to appreciate home in a new way...maybe absence does make the heart grow fonder...I just want you both to know I love you, just in case...
     When our unit heads into the hillsides day after tomorrow, I’m not going with them. I’ve made some friends here among the locals & I’m staking my life on them...
     Pop, I know what you’re thinking...AWOL...my son, haven’t I taught you better?..Pop, I remember all the lectures about Patriotism...all the speeches about the Korean Action you hammered into me as I was growing up...when Teddy was killed in ‘Nam...but please hear me out. That’s one thing you’ve always done...

Mam'bo Magie has constructed the perfect 'Disaster' lamp, a consecrated oil lamp containing raw unrefined castor oil to which is added lime juice & the ground gall bladder of a freshly sacrificed child mixed with soot from burned chicken bones. The 'Disaster' lamp has been placed in an old earthen pot at the bottom of a hole dug at the foot of a sacred tree in L'Cimetière. The 'Disaster' lamp is capable of channeling dire catastrophes.

     You remember I mentioned in my last letter that I ran into Bill Jackson down here...well, we spent some time filling each other in on what had happened since he moved away from town, and I guess we kinda just took up where we’d left off as kids...we started hanging out together on our free time...usually driving around the Haitian countryside...digging the primitive beauty of everything filtered through our jaded American senses...

In the principal cemetery in Port-au-Prince, a tree sacred to Manman Brigitte was cut down through the combined efforts of the police & clergy. The tree grew near to the cross of Baron Samedi, ruler of cemeteries. The tree's root gathered its sustenance from the graves. Voudoun hounsis canzos sprinkled raw clarin & wheaten flour, they preformed fertility rituals at the stump. One canzo, Puce Deebat, succeeded in sprouting a sapling, a sucker from the original tree. It was removed & planted in a rural, secret Voudoun Cimetière.

     Bill & I had been driving around in the hills north of Port-au-prince, winding our way slowly northward through peaceful hillsides and small villages. We were north of the second checkpoint, heading toward Cap Haitien and we got the crazy idea to go on to ‘the Bishop’s Bonnet’, to check out old Henri Christophe’s fortress Le Citadelle Laferriere. We stopped at the next town we came to, Carrefour (it means ‘the crossroads’, like where Robert Johnson met Legba)(synchronicity?), for lunch before heading on. All day the drums (the Manman, Grondez, and Katabou) had seemed louder than their usual constant background heartbeat,

At the foot of this new offspring of the great tree, said to have been smuggled into Haiti by cabrit thomazos (Congos & Ibos enchained) from Africa in the 1500s, is a sacred hole or reposoir. The cabrit thomazos had been brought as slaves by the Spanish to re-populate the island of La Espanola or Hispaniola after the Spanish exterminated the estimated 2,000,000 Arawak native population, before abandoning the cursed island to the French by the 1600s.

     We stopped at a small place called Le Vever, native as it gets. I guess we drank too much clarin (the native Rum) with our simple faire of yams, dried fish, red beans & cold blackened chicken...perhaps it was the serenity of the place or the ever so soothing drum rhythms that hypnotized us...perhaps it was fate...or something darker...I’ll never really know...whatever it was, we got on the wrong road out of Carrefour for Le Citadel and soon found ourselves following the growing darkness of dusk into the more easterly mountains, following the ever louder drum beats, until at nightfall we pulled into a seemingly deserted village of Terrier Noir...

Mam'bo Magie puts the 'Disaster' lamp beneath the resurrected tree reposoir. The Fevers. The music becomes your temple, your altar, your sacrifice.

     We pulled to a stop & killed the headlights and engine. There was an eerie silence beneath the hypnotic syncopation of the ever-present, ever louder drums. We were parked in front of the Church d’John D’Arqueville. Light behind the church drew us like somnambulists until, nearing the edge of a shadowy cemetery, we froze, nothing functioning but the movie cameras behind our eyes...

Zan-dor! Li alle', Zan-dor!
Qui l'heu li ye'? Zan-dor!
Li alle', Zan-dor!

     Somehow...much later...we found ourselves parked at a wide spot along the mountain road not far from Port-au-Prince...the bitter memories of libations...drumbeats...vevers...sacrifices (I can still see the young soldier’s face...the knife...the blood...in my dreams...whether I’m asleep or awake)...possessions,,,the taste of clarin bitter in our mouths...

The virus is like a vast eye glittering. It drains into the city, mutating in protean forms: trembling like hungry shrews. Fevers: the Black Hate Fever, the victims rushing about, the subjects are focused on acting as agents for anything; a Gambling Fever, desperately looking for contacts, octopi through bodies of the Painless Ones; the Killing Fever; the Flying Fever; Fevers with a terrible eagerness. In all cases, the total energies signal the Activity Fever...infect one activity or objective - there is a frenzy organizing anything. The Money Fever sometimes prowling the streets...anybody?..money?

     Bill died two weeks later from an unknown and untreatable ‘tropical’ fever...one of only a handful of casualties in an otherwise successful mission...and I am afraid to come home...home...to bring the death I know I carry into your...my childhood...home...but it hardly matters...the rest have returned or are returning to all corners of the globe...with The Fever...I have seen reports from around the world...it is but the tip of the iceberg...remember...I saw it start...I remember...I have the movie in my head...when I go AWOL, I am going to try and get help from a powerful Hougan who opposes the Mam’bo...there may be a flicker of voodoo fire hope...

Some died while still in Haiti, causes unknown, as in Desert Storm or Vietnam...Legionnaires' disease??? Most went home to spread the virus, The Fever, to family & friends, to hamlet & home. I remain here in Port-au-Prince as one after another 'odd coincidence' keeps me from getting out of the city, which I now believe will keep me from ever leaving here with the awful truth, of what I saw & heard in a rural cemetery ceremony under the waning moon. The friends I had once counted on now offer little or no help nor hope. There is little reason to, because whatever their particular rider loa, things are going well for them, & I afterall am a representative of the Enemy.

     Pop, I remember all the lectures, the speeches on Patriotism. Yet I feel that the weight of slaver colonialist whiteman’s burden is crushing history down upon my head...I see myself as a castaway on the island of lost Arawak souls...I feel my own duplicity in the genocide of lost tribes...I cannot picture myself as the new Messiah of my race...I feel tainted and it weakens my resolve.

Your loving son,

This Vin' Bain-Ding sacrifice is dedicated to: Ogou Fer, a warrior among warriors; to Baron La Croix, Lord of Abominations; to Mange' Loa, the mass of entrails; to Ghede Ratalon, the perfume of Death, the Master of Cold; to Ogoun Ge-Rouge, excreted & sour, Loa of Ropes & Snares, who rides on a whispering He'vio-Zo south wind; to Erzulie Zandor, Dark Angel of Fevers & Plagues; to Ghede Nouvavou, the Unformed, rotting genitals from which he howls, Master of Ejaculation; to Baron Samedi over stricken cities; to Captain Zombi; to Familie Mavangou the Dangerous, who can not be summoned; to Dinbhalah We'do, the Great Old One; to Zogui, since they desire to Panic; to the nameless Loa who haunt the places of men; to Henri Christophe, Master of the Beds of men; to the artists & practitioners of Magick; to Que'bie'sou Dan Leh, raiser of storms, who has been manifested as brightness...;


to Aiyda We'do; to the unnatural fashion; to Ogoun Badagris, whose face is an early mist, whose breath is the stench of dung; to the Spider-Web-that-Catches-All; to Maitresse Erzulie, Dark Angel of All the Virgin Fire; to Ogou Bhathalah, Lord of Decay, Lord of the Future who Works in Fire; to Marinette Bras-Cheche, Mystere to those who hang themselves; to the Four Winds; to the Silent Ones, Marassah, twin brothers of sharpened teeth, Lords of Rebirth; to Danbahalah Houe'-Do, the Sleeping Serpent, who comes in phallic form, who sucks the blood of Ah Pook, the Destroyer of Zogui; to the Star Beast; to Pan, God of Panic; to Papa & Dame Houn'to, who invade, disperse with emptiness, whose children are born in the secret places of Assassins, who can fill the night sky; to all the Scribes, Lords of Change & Bravery; to Olo-Run Ti-te, whose number is 23, whose spirit kills...

Martin's letter returned to the island unopened, marked ADRESSEES DECEASED, NO FORWARDING INSTRUCTIONS. The letter was never picked up in Port-au-Prince. No information about Martin was found...but throughout the world, the underlying silence can be felt beneath the constant beating of the drums that is really only the beating of Ol' Mom Terra's heart of hearts. 

20 November 2023

Revisiting Skye & Co.


Last night I was listening to a remix of one of my favorite Skye Edwards tunes, "What's Wrong with Me (Phonique vocal mix)". I decided to gather up a bunch of remixes & rarities from Skye & Co. I put together another chapter in my love affair with Shirley Klarisse Yonavive Edwards. 


Sounds of Blue (Gui Boratto remix)
Even Though (f3inst4ub remix)
Cut My Heart Out (Jazznova remix)
Recipe for Disaster (FENN remix)
It's Summertime (Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas remix)
The Moon (Voyou remix)
On the Rhodes Again
What's Wrong with Me (Phonique vocal mix)
Oh Oh Yeah (Race Banyon remix)
I Believe (Quazzer & Fenner bootleg remix)
Feel Good Inc (Gorillaz cover)
Namaste (Orbital remix)
Undress Me Now (Nostre bootleg)
Never Undo (radio edit)
Sounds of Blue (Gui Boratto radio edit)





As a bonus to any other Morcheeba lovers here at NSS, a live set from 2014...


Make Believer
Never an Easy Way
Part of the Process
The Sea
Gimme Your Love
Shoulder Holster
Let's Dance
Trigger Hippie
Release Me Now
I'll Fall Apart
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
Face of Danger


18 November 2023

Hope Blisters Eternal

Dear friend of NSS Diego from down Tierra del Fuego way is always leaving insightful comments & fantastic links to music he knows will go over well here. On an August post of some live jams by the band Spirit he mentioned that he got acquainted with Spirit through a cover of "Natures Way" by This Mortal Coil. 


We discoursed about the incredible 4AD music label & its head honcho Ivo Watts-Russell, & his involvement in TMC. 


Apropos to TMC's Spirit cover & Ivo, I am sharing The Hope Blister as a shout-out to Diego. The Hope Blister was basically a continuation of the concept of This Mortal Coil. They focused on (so-called) cover versions so this seems to be the logical next step.

The Hope Blister - ...smiles OK, 4AD, 1998.
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Dagger (Slowdive cover)
Only Human (Heidi Berry cover)
The Outer Skin (Chris Knox cover)
Sweet Unknown (Cranes cover)
Let the Happiness In (David Sylvain cover)
Is Jesus Your Pal (Slowblow/GusGus cover)
Spider & I (Brian Eno cover)
Hanky Panky Nohow (John Cale cover)


16 November 2023

Scratch a Bongo, Wax a Bongo


Craig Weatherwax, Susan Mathewson, & cohorts were great supporters of our DIY music efforts back in the days of EAT POOP! 'zine. They sent us all there music for free. Craig sent me many artwork pieces in his inimitable style (check out their numerous release cover art). They drove all the way from Thousand Oaks in southern Cali just to grace the EAT POOP! "S" Show (along with Suckdolls, Sad Buy Sinister, & Slip).

Here they do "Wild about You" from that show...

Here's one of the first ones to grace our earholes...

Side A -
Pall Bearing Insurance Collecting Widows

Side B -
You’ll Want Me Back Someday.

Keep pounding those skins,

15 November 2023

The Big Cover-up Goes Bond

Yesterday Moe Zeke left a comment on the Big Cover-up Part III.

Moe Zeke sez: "Hey Nate, could yah do a Cover-up of some 007 themed sounds, or would that be foolish. You know the guy who wrote "Goldfinger" was married to Joan Collins. funny hah!!!"

I'm not a double-0 fan so I'm not that familiar with Bondage theme music, but I'm sure the covers will stink it up around here just as much as most of the previous Cover-ups.

This turned out to be a lot of fun. When I started checking out the various Bond themes from all the flix, I realized I already had quiet a few of these stinkers floating around, so I worked up this load & flushed it out. I definitely had no trouble starting this shebang off with a deuce bullet... 


James Bond Theme - The Selecter
Goldfinger - Leningrad Cowboys
You Only Live Twice - Alvarius B
Thunderbal - Mr Bungle
From Russia with Love - The Orobians
No Time to Die (007 mash-up medley) - The Dutch Tenors
Chicken Pot Pie - Weird Al Yankowich
The Man with the Golden Gun - Funkstar de Luxe
A View to a Kill - Skye Edwards
James Bond Theme - Art of Noise

Enjoy or die,

14 November 2023

Preserved in Ambar


Gathered these bits & bites for an end of August post but ended up just sharing a couple semi-official releases. These are various single tracks I had also accumulated.


Ambar Lucid - Lucid Tunes, NØ Comp., 2023.

Mar de Llanto
Dead Leaves UR so Pretty
La Torre
Ms. Moon


11 November 2023

More Noisy Boiys from Glasgow


Another band hailing from Glasgow, part of the avant-hardcore scene of this Scottish town back in the 90s. Friends with bands like Dawson, Archbishop Kebab, Stretchheads, & Keatons.

They play a crazy form of HC punk with shades of post punk mashed up with screams, acid guitars, unexplainable noises, powerful bass, & fast drums.

Let's start with this amazing cassette-only release. 


Whirling Pig Dervish - Out of Tune, Out of Time, & Out to Lunch with Hairy Stan,
Yummy Orgasm, 1989.
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Backside -
Fat Rich Spam & Stupid Spam
Bleedin' Belt
Baw Jaws

Spermicide -
King Tubby
Single Fish
Pig Out
Face Ache

These next two courtesy of Dawson main man Jer Reid's Gruff Wit label.
Whirling Pig Dervish - Full Feather Lovesuit 7", Gruff Wit Records GRUFF 004, 1991.

This Gruff -
A Question of Sport
Fatter Richer & Stupider

That Stan -
Erectile Projectile (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)

Otto Side -    
Elvis Ate a Loaf
Twat & Spout
Straight to the Head
God is in My Gullet
A Pyramid Song
Me & Mr Roy

Hamish Side -    
Don't Call Me Son, Pig
Stupid Little Island
Kerry Bishop
90 Seconds
Take the Money & Run
Tribute to the Man Scratchy
Born a Jakey


08 November 2023

I’d Give Anything to See You Right Now

Finished last month with Lisa Dal Bello.
Her return to music via the help of Mick Ronson prompted this. 

I've always really enjoyed all the guitar slinging that Ronno has done, with Bowie or Ian Hunter or hundreds more, it seems. I always thought his solo work fell into the shadows of other artists greatness. I've tried to share a bit to rectify that situation. I've shared Heaven & Hull & Play Don't Worry in previous posts.

This album is a studio album recorded in November & December 1976, intended to be Ronson's third solo album after Slaughter on 10th Avenue (1974) & Play Don't Worry (1975).  Record assholes executives from RCA refused to release it because of  "previous low sales numbers".

It was finally released in 1999, six years after Ronson's death on the Burning Airlines label. This is the limited edition 2xCD. 


Mick Ronson - Just Like This, Burning Airlies 2xCD, 1999.
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CD1 -
Just Like This    
I'd Give Anything to See You
Takin' a Train    
Hard Life    
(I'm Just a) Junkie for Your Love    
Crazy Love    
Hey Grandma    
Is That Any Way    
I've Got No Secrets    
Hard Headed Woman    
Roll like the River    
Angel No. 9

CD2 -

Crazy Love (demo)
I'd Give Anything to See You (Right Now) (demo)
Takin' the Next Train (demo)
Hard Life (ballad version)    
Junkie (demo)    
Hey Grandma (demo)    
Just Like This (demo)    
Ronno's Bar & Grill (studio outtake)


06 November 2023

The Naterock Album Dump Part 3

Continuing on with part three of a continuing series, 1970 - 1971

Remember, a .zip file marked simply Albums List will be included in each dump, so you can decide from that what you want or simply reference the list below (& with each posting).

Naterock Album Dump Part 3

01 - In Rock - Deep Purple
02 - Fun House - The Stooges
03 - Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus - Spirit
04 - Back in the USA - MC5
05 - American Woman - The Guess Who
06 - Lick My Decals Off, Baby - Captain Beefheart & his Magic Band
07 - The Man Who Sold the World - David Bowie
08 - James Gang Rides Again - James Gang

09 - There’s a Riot Goin’ On - Sly & the Family Stone
10 - Electric Warrior - T. Rex
11 - Love it to Death - Alice Cooper
12 - Maggot Brain - Funkadelic


04 November 2023

The Big Cover-up, Pt. III

The first part of this series appeared November 28, 2008. The Big Cover-up exposed a lot of shit going down the ole sewer.

For more of the story, The Big Cover-up, Pt. II was added to the same post on June 3, 2018.. 

As I sez at the time:"Time to pull the lid off another stinker."

Now presenting The Big Cover-up, Pt. III...

Various - The Big Cover-up, Pt. III, EP Records  EP069, 2023.

Slipping into Darkness - The Senior Allstars
Today - Marta & Tricky
7 & 7 Is - The Bags
Cat People - Electric 6
Crystal Blue Persuasion - Morcheeba
The Sound of Silence - Chromatics
Walk on Gilded Splinters - The Flowerpot Men
Satin Doll - Dr John
The Letter - Spirit
Comfortably Numb - Kimberly Freeman
Radio Ga Ga - Electric 6
Hello, I Love You - Missing Persons
Pop Muzik - Tricky
MacArthur Park - Wayne Kramer

Following the scent,

01 November 2023

Dia de Los Martinas

I'm always cookin' up too much music for a proper serving so I end up with Tupperware containers full of leftovers. These are leftovers from October's Tricky & some midnight snacks...two more items from Martina Topley-Bird & one more from the Trickster.


First up is a more rockin' Downtempo than usual from this (for some reason here unhyphenated) Bird. Nyuh uh uh, (Dis)Honest Jon... 


Martina Topley Bird - Some Place Simple, Honest Jon’s Records, 2010.
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Baby Blue
Da Da Da
Sandpaper Kisses
All Day
Too Tuff to Die
Kiss Kiss Kiss
Harpsichord Kiss

I couldn't ignore this Martina mix EP with vocal paring with the late great Mark Lanegan. 
No. 19 Music, 2013.

Side A -
Crystalised (Directors Cut Signature mix)
Crystalised (Directors Cut Unmarked Dub

Side B -
Crystalised (Agoria remix)
Crystalised (Deniz Kurtel remix)

bonus tracks -
Crystalised (original mix)
Crystalised (Agoria remix/Dixon vocal retouch

I decided that a lot of folks were liking the Tricky bits as well so I thought I'd share this, his 2020 Fall to Pieces as well as four bonus tracks from the 2021 Fall to Pieces Remixes & two from the 20,20 single. 
Tricky - Fall to Pieces, False Idols, 2020.

Thinking of   
Close Now.   
Running Off   
I'm in the Doorway   
Hate this Pain   
Chills Me to the Bone   
Fall Please   
Take Me Shopping    
Like a Stone   
Throws Me Around   
bonus tracks -
Like A Stone (Trentemøller remix)
Fall Please (Kahn remix)   
I'm in the Doorway (La Timpa remix)   
Vietnam (Lafawndah remix)
Lonely Dancer featuring Anika


Join Rebel Roots!!!


On 9/6/23 I received a message from Reb regarding joining a private Reggae/Dub/all things JA private file sharing site. I joined & so did FRENZ of NSS kostas.p. It has been a great time, still in its early stages but hundreds of fantastic files shared by the members, many things that I didn't already have. There are still openings for members so anyone interested, contact Reb.

Here is his original message:

Hi,  Reb here from reggae sharing site, Rebel Rootsmusic. We share all forms of reggae in FLAC or mp3 320. The site is just starting, it's a private site so limited to 100 people, so first come first served.

Anybody wishing to join, send me an email, with your name & your google email address so I can get back to you. Don't forget it's a sharing site, we expect every body to share something once a month.

email me @ rebel-roots-music@proton.me

Since that time, several folks who frequent this dump have joined in on the fun, There is still openings for more. There are hundreds of releases uploaded so far for everyone's listening enjoyment. If you love all things reggae or other JA sounds, it would behoove you to drop Reb a line.

Join up, you can't go wrong,