Showing posts with label blogosphere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogosphere. Show all posts

Monday 11 August 2008

My blog comes to an end...

Well, all I'm doing is moving really. Don't get too disappointed yet!
I'm moving to I thought I'd create a new look ( well, with a little help from my friend at Webs Wonder Design) Please go there in future if you want to read my blog or take part in any discussions.

For those of you with blogs that have links to me already, or new ones that wish to link to me, please could you change the link?
Also, sorry to those of you who have commented recently, but my new blog does not show them.

In case bloggers complain that they do not see their blog on the link list, every time you refresh my blog, a differing list of blogs and websites come up. This was so as not to have a really long list of blogs on the side bar. So you are all still there, do not fret.

I've done over 500 blogs on this blog, so its a sad goodbye, but I'm looking forward to future discussions over at my new blog spot...


Wel yr oll rwy'n neud yw symud, rili. Paid a cholli gobaith eto. Rwy'n symud i O'n i'n meddwl o'dd e'n hen bryd i mi greu blog newydd, trawiadol ( wel, gyda help fy ffrind yn Webs Wonder Design wrth gwrs!) Plis ewch fan na yn y dyfodol os ydych am ddarllen fy mlog diweddara, ac os ydych am gyfrannu i'r drafodaeth.

I'r rheiny ohonoch sydd a chyswllt i'm blog yn barod, byddech chi cystal a newid y linc ar eich blogiau? Diolch mawr.

Hefyd, ymddiheuriadau i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu sylwad i'm blog yn ddiweddar, am nad oes modd i mi drosglwyddo'r cyfraniadau i'r blog newydd.

Rhag bod blogwyr yn cwyno nad oes gen i linc rhagor i'w blogs unigol, peidiwch a phoeni. Mae nhw oll yno, ond mae cysylltiadau i blogs wahanol yn newid bob tro rydych yn gwasgu 'refresh' ar y blog. Fe wnes i hwn er mwyn peidio cael rhestr hirfaeth o flogs ar hyd ochr y blog newydd.

Dwi wedi neud dros 500 o flogs nawr ar y blog penodol hwn, felly fe ddywedaf hwyl fawr trist, ond edrychaf ymlaen at lu o drafodaethau newydd ar y blog arall....

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Welsh women bloggers please stand up.

Everyone is starting to talk about who has the most political bloggers- is it Plaid, lib dems etc (its certainly not Labour in Wales that's for sure, although Labour are excellent at providing plenty of anonymous comments...)

Nevertheless, my plea is for more Welsh women to blog about Welsh politics. From scanning I can only identify seven women bloggers- Betsan Powys, Miss Wagstaff, Heledd Fychan, Leanne Wood AM, Jill Evans MEP, Valleys Mam, and me. If there are more then let me know. Perhaps some of the other bloggers with pseudonyms are women, but I don't think they are. Jane Davidson AM started a blog on her myspace page before the election but that has fallen by the wayside, and some of the other women candidates for the National Assembly stopped blogging very soon after the May result.

It would give a different angle on the blogosphere if more women decided to blog, but I think many are put off by the mainly male orientated vibe that the blogosphere exudes. The remarks which are left in some of the comment boxes of various blogs are sexist on occasions- one comment talked about the weight of female politicians in a negative way, for example. Yes, I know that you will say that we should take it with a pinch of salt- and believe me I do, otherwise I would never blog again, but there has to be a positive way in which we can attract more women to the world of the blogs. In other fields of interest, women have embraced the blogosphere (often to the detriment of their personal lives) but here in Wales the phenomenon hasn't really taken off.

Considering that there are so many female politicians at the Assembly we should encourage a campaign to get more women blogging and contributing to the debate online. Only then can we rival Glyn Davies's infamous wet t-shirt competition blog entry a while back...

Saturday 7 April 2007

Happy 10th birthday to the blog!

According to a Guardian article today, it's been 10 years since the first ever blog. There are now supposedly 70 million bloggers worldwide, with 1.5 million blogs being written a day! I'm a relative newcomer to the blogosphere, and I have to admit that I am something of a blogaholic! If I go at least a day without checking the blogs that I read frequently, I feel that I am being left out of the loop, and that I will miss out on a story. This may sound really sad to some, but to others no doubt the symptoms are well and clear!

Of course, blogging in most places is now a popular pastime, and a 'norm'. Although some bloggers have been unfortunate enough to be taken to court due to their blog content, others have reaped the benefits, and have become famous through the blogosphere alone. In many countries where blogging is not a norm as in Iraq, or where freedom of speech is suppressed, however, blogging is still a controversial hobby.

Before I started blogging I really did not see the benefits of it at all. My negative viewpoint stems from taking part in some web forums where, in my opinion, the voices of women were effectively ignored, and discussion was male dominated and cynical. Blogging is somewhat different in that you can create the story on your own agenda, shape it to how you would like it to sound, and engage in discussion on a far more equal playing field. It also sharpens your mind, and allows you to practise arguments (political in my case) that can be used in other areas of life.

I started blogging to air my opinions, not as a narcissist who likes the sound of my own voice. I want to engage with different people of different political persuasions, and hopefully encourage people to empathise with my way of thinking. As Glyn Davies has said on many occasions, blogging allows for you to become your own media, and highlight issues which other mainstream media channels may choose to ignore.

For now I will continue blogging. Nevertheless, my appetite for all things technological has grown, and I'm currently working on getting you tube films/ pod casts up and running, but that will be one for the future...