Showing posts with label Plaid Youth Manifesto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plaid Youth Manifesto. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Young people at heart of Plaid Manifesto

I must say that I am quite annoyed at the Greens for attacking Plaid in the Evening Post for our Youth Manifesto. Yes, the Youth Manifesto does re-iterate some of what is said in our main Manifesto- but surely this is a good thing, of repeating key election messages for the electorate? It is a sign that Plaid is putting youth issues at the top of the political agenda. Not only that, but the Greens criticise us, only to follow on with a quote on how they would do it differently- introduce voting at 16, a policy which we included in our Youth Manifesto!

Of our main 7 4 '07 policies, many are youth orientated- laptops for school children, first time buyers grants, addressing the student debt issue. Not only that, but Cymru X, our Youth Movement, has organised campaigns throughout the year, and has organised events over Wales for young people.

Of course we must get young people making decisions for young people. By encouraging more young people to stand for election, and to vote, this will be a way of starting the process of engagement. It won't happen over night! I also think that there needs to be a total re-think about how young people can feed in to policy on a local and National level. How this is done must be decided upon by politicians alongside young people, as young people are often sick of being patronized and told what to do.

I'm disappointed with the Greens because I thought that they had more to offer than negative comments with regards young people. At the end of the day, all parties need to take a hard look at themselves and ask why only 16 % of 18-25 year old's voted in the last Assembly election, and how we can improve on this disasterous percentage to make sure that politics is something which is central to their lives.