Showing posts with label Any Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Any Questions. Show all posts

Friday 13 April 2007

Any Questions?

Mae Adam Price, AS Plaid ar rhaglen Radio 4 y BBC 'Any Questions?' heno yn fyw o Mumbles am 8 yr hwyr. Y pobl eraill ar y panel yw Cheryl Gillan, Peter Hain a Lembit Opik. Dylse fe fod yn drafodaeth ddiddorol felly. Cofiwch wrando! Pa mor sicr ydyw y bydd y Cheeky Girls yn cael ei drafod?...

Adam Price, Plaid MP is on the Radio 4 BBC programme 'Any Questions?' tonight which is live from Mumbles at 8pm. The other politicians on the panel are Cheryl Gillan, Peter Hain and Lembit Opik. Should be an interesting one. How sure can I be that the Cheeky Girls will be mentioned...?