Friday 20 April 2007

Lib dem Councillor endorses BNP candidate

Chocking on my Bran flakes this morning( I'm trying to be healthy, not pretentious;-)), I read in the Independent that a Lib dem Councillor in Darlington has been waylaid- signing a nomination form of a BNP candidate for the local elections this May. All legitimate and mainstream political parties should unite against the BNP, in my opinion.

It shall be interesting to see whether Campbell expels the Councillor from the party. I certainly think that this would be the appropriate action to take.


Deleted said...

Hardly waylaid. Do you make it a habit to sign nomination papers for anyone who turns up on your doorstep ?

Porridge is better than bran flakes. Oats give a slow release of energy throughout the morning.

bethan said...

perhaps a moment of madness would have been the proper way of describing it!

porridge is good, yes. But takes time to make, which I have little of these days!

The Green Arrow said...

Hello Bethan,

Congratulations on your Blog. I see we have something in common. We both love music and hate racism.

However there we part. I support the B.N.P. and could I suggest before you condemn it outright that perhaps you visit their website and read their policies and letter pages. You might be surprised by what you find. Do not close your mind.

Faq. said...

A great website, the reason that google gives the bank and the S**** top in the search, even the S**** floats to the top , unfortunately.

Fortunately the BS will get less votes than the money they paid to stand, to get free publicity, can't get odds at the bookies , for all deposits to be lost.

How clever to keep the website clear of material that incites racial hatred, but the B** S***** do have past convictions, and seem to be pround of the convictions and prison sentences for violence.

Why did Nick Griffths parent leave the Tory party ?

Dewi said...

I think maybe green arrow you are telling a little white lie. The BNP is an extreme right wing, racist anti worker party. Come canvassing down my street and you'll know about it.

On the topic of Bran Flakes vs Porridge. Whilst it's true oats give a slow release of energy throuought the day. Bran gives a slow release of wind throuought the day.

So pros and cons.

Deleted said...

Then as someone who hates racism Green Arrow, how can you support a party lead by a man who the Times describes as follows:

Nick Griffin is leader of the whites-only British National Party and one of the most hated — and, to his many detractors, hateful — men in the country. He is a former National Front member, convicted of inciting racial hatred against Jews in 1998 and acquitted of similar charges against Muslims in two high-profile trials last year. He is a man who has called Britain a “multi-racial hellhole”, Islam a “wicked, vicious faith”, British Muslims “the most appalling, insufferable people to have to live with”, overt homosexuality “repulsive” and the Holocaust “the hoax of the 20th century”. He has declared that “nonwhites have no place here at all and [we] will not rest until every last one has left our land”.

By the way, thanks for linking to that article on your blog, or I might not have found it.

One thing I do agree with you on, is that their website is well worth a visit, if only to watch their Scottish Party Election Broadcast, described thus "Here is a man who can make even a Scottish lilt sound monotonic." You can also find it by searching on BNP Scottish on YouTube.

I loved the random shots of piles of rubbish, it was a great relief to the monotony of the dialogue.

Peter Black said...

The Councillor in question has now been suspended by the Liberal Democrats.

bethan said...

peter, thank you for that information.

Faq. said...

David Cameron got critised for sacking someone too quickly.

If it was the person's signature surely they should be ejected , not suspended ?

bethan said...

'If it was the person's signature surely they should be ejected , not suspended ? '

you have a point. This was a clear lack of judgement by the Lib dem Councillor in question.


This is not the first time Lib Dems have supported the BNP

in Calderdale they Tried to enlist BNP support to gain control of the council

in Burnley Lib Dem councilors backed a BNP candidate for a top council position

In Manchester a LIB Dem Councilor was accused of making a Nazi Salute
towards an ASIAN councilor

you can check all these out on the internet


Darren Reynolds said...

Hey, David Turner,

"in Burnley Lib Dem councilors backed a BNP candidate for a top council position"

With respect to the board of Padiham Life, I think the phrase "top council position" is something of an exaggeration. Could you try to be a little more accurate please?

The Lib Dem councillor involved has since written a leaflet slamming the BNP for their violent, criminal and overtly racist behaviour, highlighting two Burnley BNP councillors in particular. He hates their views just as much as the rest of the Lib Dems do.