Tuesday 17 April 2007

Is Rhodri Morgan against Iraq War?

So I learn that Rhodri Morgan is 'probably' against the Iraq war. Well how very nice of him to let us share with him the trials and tribulations of his complex thoughts. You'd think that by now, after seeing thousands of Iraqi's dies, and 142 British soldiers, that he could have at least started to make up his mind before now.

Some commentators may say that Rhodri Morgan's view is irrelevant in this context, but I would beg to differ. Not because I believe that despite the war being a non-devolved issue that he should necessarily comment, but because Rhodri Morgan is Wales's Prime Minister, or Leader of Welsh Labour as is correct during election time;-)

The fact that he is a figurehead in Wales, a leading politician, means that he should communicate with the people of Wales his views on the most pressing issues of the day. As we all know, Rhodri Morgan has previously expressed opinions on numerous issues that are beyond his control, and his opinions on the Iraq War shouldn't be any different.

Had Rhodri Morgan said last year during Question Time that he found the issue complex and that supporting his wife through the debate in Westminster etc was testing, I think the audience might have given him an easier ride, might have empathised with him a little. But he chose to sit on the fence, and for that reason showed a clear lack of political leadership- leadership which Wales desperately needs.

This latest admission by Rhodri Morgan has come too late in my opinion. I'm not saying that because it's election time, and because all parties are competing for precious Assembly seats, but because Rhodri Morgan should have been ready to make a statement either for or against the war when he could have perhaps influenced decision makers in their London towers, and Labour colleagues, and when I, like thousands of other people in Wales protested against the war.

A statement now, when the Iraq war is quickly degenerating in to chaos, and when the Labour Party's legacy will be associated with this dreadful decision to enter an illegal war, is far too late.


Che Grav-ara said...

You beat me to posting about this one Bethan! I wont do it now as i think you've summed up the facts very well.

I dont know if Rhoddrez thinks that making this half hearted statement would put the issue to bed. personally i am ashamed that at a time when Wales needed a clear direction and leadership Rhodri Morgan refused to give his views. Now as the election looms he states that he would "proberly" have voted against it. Hardly a leader brimming with conviction eh!

bethan said...

I didn't know we were in competition, but bring it on!

I never thought Rhodri Morgan was a leader brimming with conviction, and his latest admission or non admission only confirms that! Just hope we don't have to put up with him after May the 3rd!

Deleted said...

As I said on the Miserable Old Fart blog, next week he'll be giving his opinion on whether Chamberlain was right ;)