North Carolina’s Lt. Governor Is A Facebook Brawler Whose Posts Railed Against Gays, Blacks, And Jews

TPM Illustration/Mark Keith Robinson Facebook page
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Earlier this month, North Carolina Lieutenant Gov. Mark Robinson (R) delivered a pair of speeches that sparked speculation he might be running for governor next year. However, his remarks online are far more notable than any comments he’s made in his official capacity. 

Robinson, who was elected in 2020, likes to post on Facebook — a lot. His years of comments on the site include extreme attacks on the LGBT community, immigrants, Jews, and Black people. 

Robinson has also expressed support for the rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol in the January 6 attack, whom he dubbed “political prisoners.” He has shared posts suggesting shadowy “Satanic” and “occult” forces are plaguing society, along with multiple conspiracy theories about the “New World Order.” In many of his posts, Robinson made clear that he enjoyed offending those who disagreed with his extreme views. 

“Note to liberals; I’ll accept ‘Gay Pride’ when you accept ‘White Pride,’” Robinson wrote in a 2014 post. 

Since taking office in 2021, Robinson has made headlines with his prolific Facebook output, including last year when he shared baseless conspiracy theories about the attack on former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband. In 2021, Robinson sparked outrage from Jewish groups when he published a post filled with Yiddish slurs and references to Israeli currency wherein he declared the “Black Panther” superhero movie was based on a character that was created “​​by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxist” in an effort to “pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets.” Those comments that drew attention are not Robinson’s only controversial take on Jewish issues. Over the years, Robinson repeatedly questioned why criticism of Nazis was such a prominent part of political discourse. He argued that Nazism was defeated in World War II while the continued spread of communism was a more pressing problem. In one of these posts, which has not been reported before, Robinson seemed to veer into Holocaust denial.

“There is a REASON the liberal media fills the airwaves with programs about the NAZI and the ‘6 million Jews’ they murdered,” wrote Robinson. “There is also a REASON those same liberals DO NOT FILL the airwaves with programs about the Communist and the 100+ million PEOPLE they murdered throughout the 20th century.”

A devout Christian who is an outspoken pro-lifer, Robinson also wrote a post in 2012 admitting he once paid for an abortion. It, too, later received attention from the press

But there’s more. So much more. 

With speculation mounting that he might run for governor, TPM reviewed seven years of Robinson’s publicly viewable Facebook posts. The many hundreds of messages, which stretch back over a decade, are shocking, and include numerous statements that go well beyond anything that has previously been reported. Robinson and his office did not respond to multiple requests for comment. For this story, we are publishing Robinson’s own words in as close to their original format as possible, including typos, non-standard punctuation, and capitalization. 


Gay people are a particular focus for Robinson. He summed up his views on the matter in a 2014 post.

“I believe that homosexuality is a sin and that those people who are ‘proudly coming out of the closet’’ are standing in open rebellion against God…………….AND I DON”T CARE WHO KNOWS IT OR LIKES IT!!!!!” Robinson wrote.

In another message posted within a week of the June 2016 mass shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Florida, where 49 people were killed by a gunman, Robinson stressed that he would not be willing to share images of the rainbow Pride flag, which were a popular sign of support following the tragedy. 

“Okay here it is and it may make some folks mad, but oh well…… First, let me say that I pray for the souls of all those killed, healing for all those wounded, and comfort for the family members of the terrorist shooting in Orlando,” Robinson wrote, before adding, “However, homosexuality is STILL an abominable sin and I WILL NOT join in ‘celebrating gay pride’ nor will I fly their sacrilegious flag on my page. Sorry if this offends anyone.”

In other missives over the years, Robinson called same-sex relationships a “sin,” a “mass delusion,” a “FILTHY ABOMINATION,” and a “satanic cult of sexual perversion.” He made multiple posts expressing anger at the Gay Pride flag.

“The Rainbow is the beautiful symbol of God’ s promise to man. IT IS NOT the symbol of sickening homosexual perversion!!!!” Robinson wrote in 2013. 

Robinson also repeatedly raged at the trans community. In 2015, as Caitlyn Jenner’s transition made headlines, Robinson wrote that it was proof “the devil has a plan.” The next year, he wrote a brief post styled as a letter:

“Dear Transgender crowd, You CANNOT tran-sin GOD’S creation. Sincerely, A Bible Thumper.”

Even men who wore jewelry drew Robinson’s ire. 

“Nothing is more disgusting to me than effeminate males who carry purses and have ear rings in their ears. #stomachturningmadness,” Robinson wrote in August 2016.

In multiple posts, Robinson suggested he had used — or very much wanted to use — an anti-gay slur. On May 23, 2017, Robinson suggested he was annoyed that efforts to post the slur would be removed from Facebook. 

“So apparently, using the British word for cigarettes violates Facebook’s ‘community standards,’” he wrote. “LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!”

The following month, Robinson was once again chafing at efforts to censor the slur.

“Why does Facebook think it’s okay to insult God by using His rainbow as a symbol of perversion, but doesn’t think it’s okay to insult homosexuals by calling them fa…… Oooops. Better watch myself,” he wrote.

By September 2017, Robinson had apparently come up with a solution, which he used for a post criticizing proposed “targeting” rules that would penalize certain types of tackles in professional football.

“They might as well make this “f@g” uh-um I mean, flag football,” he wrote.

A Decade Of Extremely Online Anger

Robinson’s Facebook oeuvre is extensive. He often posted on the site multiple times in the same day. Robinson’s posts ranged from trash talking about sports to posting photos of nostalgic toys. 

Politics, however, was clearly his passion. For over a decade, he weighed in on all of the micro news cycles and outrages that dominated the conservative airwaves, from Barack Obama’s tan suit to Benghazi, from national anthem protests in the NFL to pop culture flare-ups to the endless stream of controversies during the administration of President Trump. During public debates around the Confederate flag and monuments, Robinson continuously expressed frustration with the removal of Confederate symbols and posted the flag on his page. 

Meme posted by Robinson in 2017.

Robinson’s library of posts is like a roadmap through the modern conservative radicalization cycle, with a mixture of old time religion, conservative punditry, digital misinformation, and an addictive level of engagement combining to produce a near constant stream of invective. 

As Robinson posted through the events of the past few years, he went from Trump skeptic to Trump supporter to standing and posing next to Trump at a rally. Robinson’s first four years of posts earned little engagement. As Trump took office, he seemed to be building a following and began posting home-made images that he stamped with the phrase “M. Robinson Memes.”

He also increasingly embraced conspiratorial ideas. On multiple occasions, Robinson posted about the “globalist agenda” that he believed was being enacted by “the socialist/communist agents and their globalist masters.” Robinson saw this hidden plot everywhere, including as he tried to watch sports on ESPN, which he believed featured “leftist new world order globalist[s].” The term “globalist” has anti-Semitic roots. It is often used in conjunction with conspiracy theories about the Jewish financier George Soros, which advocacy groups have criticized as also being steeped in anti-Semitism. Over the years, Robinson repeatedly posted about Soros including describing him as having “grand schemes and evil visions” aimed at “trying to destroy our nation.” At points, Robinson’s anti-gay posts also parroted claims that would go on to form the core of QAnon and “groomer” conspiracy theories which baselessly tie LGBT people to child abuse and trafficking networks. 

“We have pushed homosexuality over the top,” Robinson wrote in 2014. “Mark my words PEDOPHILLA is next, which will be closely followed by the END of civilization as we know it.”

A Politics Born From Social Media

Robinson’s ideology is very much a product of the right-wing internet. His political career was also essentially born online. Robinson first ran for office after a pro-gun speech he gave at a city council meeting in 2018 went viral. His public speaking has also included extremism that has made headlines, even though it seems to appeal to Republicans in his home state. However, the rhetoric in even his fiercest live remarks pales in comparison to what can be found deep in his massive Facebook archive. 

In particular, the Black community has been a major target for Robinson. In various posts over the years he referred to Black people as “muddle headed negroes,” “apes,” and “a monkey.” 

“February is Black History Month. I guess the shortest month of the year is all we need to learn about the separate but equal history of a people who have achieved so little,” Robinson wrote in 2014. 

Robinson also took issue with Kwanzaa, a holiday that celebrates African American heritage. 

“Random thought; (after Christmas edition),” Robinson wrote in early January 2018. “Kwanzaa is Hanukkah on food stamps.”

In one of the two speeches that sparked campaign buzz, which he delivered earlier this month, Robinson touted his status as the “first Black lieutenant governor of North Carolina.” However, on Facebook, Robinson indicated several times that he often doesn’t exactly see himself as part of that community.

Someone asked me if I considered myself part of the ‘African-American’ community.

“I told them NO!” Robinson wrote in 2017. “They asked me why and I said; ‘Why would I want to be part of a ‘community’ that devalues it’s fathers, overburdens it’s mothers, and murders its children by the millions? Why would I want to be part of a ‘community’ that sucks from the putrid tit of the government and then complains about getting sour milk?”

Robinson’s posts indicated he was intensely frustrated with the Black community. On many occasions, Robinson argued that the primary problems facing Black people were created by members of their own community and by access to abortion. 

“Crime ridden black neighborhood are that way because many of the people who live there would rather fight the police than fight crime,” Robinson wrote in one 2015 post.

The following year, Robinson shared a video of a group of mostly Black youth in Nashville, Tennessee fighting with a police officer. 

“And this my friends is why ‘the hood’ is steaming pile of human waste,” he wrote.

Robinson raged at leaders and activists who were concerned about racism and policing. In a 2014 post, he shared a picture of a controversial t-shirt attacking the NAACP civil rights organization that had been sold by a North Carolina Republican politician. The image showed a white man holding a Confederate flag and urinating on the letters “NAACP.”

“I think the shirt was completely unnecessary,” Robinson wrote. “The NAACP has done a fine job of pissing on itself and its legacy for many years now.”

According to Robinson, prominent Black leaders, the Democratic Party, and entertainers are all hurting the community by taking its focus off of important issues. 

“On the plantations of the southern United States, it was house servants and negro overseers who kept the master informed about ‘trouble makers’, and facilitated the ‘divide and conquer’ that kept the masses of slaves compliant and in control. Those house slaves and overseers did their dirty work for a few crumbs off the masters table and a spot on the floor (like a dog) in the ‘big house’. Today is no different, only now it’s ‘reverends’, and ‘senators’, and ‘rappers’, and ‘actors’, and their payment is fame along with money. They are parasites who love money and seek power,” Robinson wrote, adding, “Unfortunately, that money often comes at the the expense of those they claim to be fighting for, and the only real power they have is holding the chains that continue to keep many of those people in bondage. It’s time for PEOPLE, not just black people, ( for these types of parasites exist in all cultures ) to see these bastards for what they are; blood suckers who are sapping the strength out of our people.”

Robinson reiterated those arguments in a 2016 post that was written as a mocking letter from “liberals” to Black people:

Dear Negroes,

You are free to be anything you like. (i.e. ball player, rapper, comedian, garbage man, pimp, drug dealer etc..) EXCEPT a conservative Republican. If you are a conservative and run for office or become an outspoken critic of our liberal ideology, we will be forced to treat you like a black man at cross burning, and you know what that means boy.

Enjoy the rope burns on your neck.


The Open Minded Liberals of America

Robinson repeatedly used slavery as a point of reference for his arguments, particularly the mid-19th century novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” On multiple occasions, he used the names of two characters from the book — Sambo and Quimbo — to refer to Black people who he saw as problematic. Those two characters are slaves who work loyally with a cruel master. The name “Sambo” has been used as a derogatory epithet over the years. Robinson used it to refer to two civil rights activists, William Barber and Al Sharpton, among others. 

“I’d like to take this time to say thank you to Dr. William Barber (aka Sambo or is it Quimbo) for his tireless efforts in helping white liberals in there quest to keep blacks in North Carolina poor, dumb, and voting for the people who want them to stay that way,” Robinson wrote in 2014. 

That same year he called Sharpton “a racist, money-grubbing, scumbag, Sambo” while arguing with another Facebook poster. Martin Luther King also drew criticism from Robinson in one 2017 post.

“Thomas Jefferson and ‘Dr.’ Martin Luther King Jr. both had faults. Why is it only acceptable to talk about Jefferson’s?” Robinson asked. 


In his political speeches, Robinson has talked about his “long and difficult” journey from growing up the “ninth of ten children” in a home that was plagued by poverty and “filled with alcoholism and violence” to the heights of North Carolina politics. Based on his writings over the years, the experience seems to have left him frustrated with anyone who points to external forces — especially racism — as having a negative impact on their lives. Indeed, in one 2015 comment, Robinson argued that the idea white people enjoy advantages is a fallacy. 

“That whole ‘white privilege’ crap kills me,” Robinson said. “The red headed slaves of Rome would get a real chuckle out of that term. So would the miners of Ireland in the 1800s and the factory workers of London during the industrial revolution and the pilgrims, and…….”

In a 2013 post, Robinson expanded on this idea while arguing that white people had struggled to build an exceptional civilization. He made the point while arguing expressions of “WHITE PRIDE” are not racist.

“I’m gonna say this and I don’t give a FROGS FAT ASS who doesn’t like it or what you say about me. I am TIRED of blacks and mexicans running around shouting about being proud of their race but when a white person does it they call them a bigot. Look here people, white folks came here with N-O-T-H-I-N-G and and built the most powerful nation on Earth. And they did it by FORCE OF WILL,” wrote Robinson. “I’m not saying that Mexicans and Blacks should not be proud, but who do you think has the most to brag about, the folks who built Mexico, the folks who bulit the Nations in Africa, or the folks who built The United States.”

Robinson continued, writing, “if others can thump their chest and claim pride in their race, so can white people.” 

“If it offends you when white people say ‘WHITE PRIDE’ how do you think it feels when you say ‘Black POWER,’” Robinson wrote.

Along with his critical comments about Black people, Robinson had a series of negative posts about other minority groups. In 2016, he posted a meme that appeared to mock Asian accents. That same year, Robinson had a series of posts where he expressed annoyance with a Muslim fencer who wore a headscarf while representing the U.S. Olympic team at that summer’s games. Robinson derisively referred to her as “Miss hijab.” In other posts he shared memes suggesting mosques should not be allowed in the country and framed Muslims as a persistent threat.

“Why is it we NEVER EVER hear about anyone protesting against MUSLIMS praying in public. #coulditbefear?” Robinson wrote in 2014.

Robinson also posted a meme that was critical of Spanish being spoken in the country and he demeaned Mexico in a 2013 post.

“I keep seeing all these t-shirts, bumper stickers, and front plates that say things like ‘Mexico #1’, ‘I heart/love Mexico’ and ‘Viva la Mexico,’” Robinson wrote, adding, “My questions is; If you ‘love’ Mexico so much, why did you leave THERE and come HERE?!!!! p.s YEAH I SAID IT!!! #mexicomustbe#2causeyouleftupouttathere”

In 2018, as comments President Trump made calling Haiti and African nations “shithole” countries made headlines, Robinson leapt to the president’s defense while offering his own criticism. Robinson managed to simultaneously attack both the Caribbean island and gender non-conforming youth: 

“Most of the people who are angry about a miserably poor, corrupt nation full of Voodoo worshippers being insulted, are the same people who beam with “pride” looking at a 10 year old drag queen.”

‘Bigg Smoke’

Between his extreme attacks on various groups, Robinson sometimes shared more personal gripes. 

“Why is it that the nastiest, dirty looking, trailer trash, ghetto, bad breath and teeth having, not washing their hands after using the bathroom, pick their nose, digging in their behinds, nasty house having, funky butt fools ALWAYS be the most picky at work?” Robinson asked in a 2016 post. 

Robinson has also written about more esoteric beliefs. In 2016, as he watched the summer Olympics, along with being outraged about the Muslim fencer, Robinson was disturbed by the start of the games. 

“AND NOW IT’S TIME TO PLAY…………..How many occult symbols can you spot in the Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies!!!!!!!” he wrote. 

Many of Robinson’s posts indicate he believes dark forces are at work in our society. In 2016, when President Obama gave the Medal of Freedom to television personality Ellen DeGeneres, Robinson was troubled once again. He shared a meme that described Obama as a “top ranking demon” who was giving “a medal for proudly serving in Satan’s army.” 

Robinson also saw conspiracies behind organizations that provide abortions. 

“Planned Parenthood; Doing the devils work, with liberals support, for the New World Order.

#takedownplannedparenthood,” he wrote in 2015. 

That same year, Robinson’s belief in a massive conspiracy also led him to be skeptical of the myriad sexual assault allegations against comedian Bill Cosby. 

“The only ‘fact’ that has come out of this Bill Cosby story is that the Illuminati will destroy you if you piss them off,” Robinson wrote.

In an October 2017 post, Robinson described just how open he is to the idea of various conspiracy theories. 

“I don’t believe the Moon Landing was faked and I don’t believe 9/11 was an ‘inside job’ but if I found both were true…I wouldn’t be surprised,” he wrote.

Four days later, Robinson suggested there was nothing he didn’t see as a potential plot.

“I am SERIOUSLY skeptical of EVERYTHING I see and have seen on television. From the murder of JFK to 9/11 to Las Vegas,” Robinson wrote, adding, “EVERYTHING.”

Even reality television was evidence of spreading darkness for Robinson. 

“I know this may sound paranoid and crazy, but I truly believe that the ‘judgement’ format of these ‘reality’ competition shows ( i.e. American Idol, DWTS, Chopped, etc. ) is sign of things to come in the REALITY of the New World Order,” wrote Robinson in 2015, before adding an ominous hashtag, “#timewilltell”

Robinson’s Facebook posts were not all fire, brimstone, and political attacks. He also engaged in more lighthearted brawling. Along with his personal page, Robinson maintained a separate Facebook account for an alter ego modeled after professional wrestlers. Robinson called his wrestling persona “Bigg Smoke” and he made multiple posts over the years where he posed with a championship belt, appeared on mock magazine covers, and called out his rivals. As he is in politics and debate, Robinson was quite aggressive in his “Bigg Smoke” wrestling fantasies. 

“I took this bum OUT…….and I don’t mean on a date,” Robinson wrote in 2014. “I even took that BUMS shirt off his back and left him all beat and half naked on the floor. I AM the champion AND THERE AINT NO QUESTION ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 

Bigg Smoke page profile picture, posted in 2012.
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