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Incredibly, I Face Investigation for Terrorism – Defence Funds Appeal October 24, 2023: - My phone is not being returned to me by police as, astonishingly, I am now formally under investigation for terrorism. Whether this relates to support for Palestine or for Wikileaks has currently not been made clear. What follows is, unspun and unvarnished, my account of my interview under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act as given to my lawyers: I arrived from Keflavik airport, Iceland to Glasgow airport at about 10am on Monday 16 October. After passport control I was stopped by three police officers, two male and one female, who asked me to accompany them to a detention room.…
Genocide Unfolding October 23, 2023: - Tonight has been the most violent bombardment of Gaza so far, notably concentrated on precisely the areas into which Israel ordered the population to evacuate. I find it almost impossible to believe that this genocide is under way with the active support of almost all western governments.   I want to look at two questions - what will happen internationally, and what is happening in western societies. Israel plainly is on the course of further escalation and intends to kill many thousands more Palestinians. More than 2,000 Palestinian children alone have now been killed by Israeli aerial attack in the…
Fascism in the West to Enable Genocide in Palestine October 13, 2023: - The UK and the US are both sending military assistance to Israel to commit a calculated and deliberate act of genocide, which is already underway. Over 500 children have been killed in Gaza in the last week and over 2,000 maimed, many with life changing injuries. Nobody can claim they do not know what is already happening or what is about to unfold. The cutting off of food and water to Gaza is a major international crime, which the western proponents of the "rules based order" universally refuse to condemn. In both the UK and the US there can be…
Now We Have Your Attention October 9, 2023: - There have been decades of photos of dead Palestinian women and children, and kids being beaten, humilated and imprisoned by Israeli soldiers. The historic killing rate in this "conflict" has been fairly consistent at about 40:1. None of this ever caused more than a raised eyebrow and a mild tut-tut from the western "liberal" Establishment. I can't recall camera crews ever pursuing any zionist politicians down the street demanding that they use the word "condemn" of the latest Israeli atrocity. The paroxysm of hatred in the political and media class, unleashed by a single day of the boot being on…
Death Wish 2023 October 5, 2023: - There can be few safer indicators of the views of the globalist "liberal" Establishment than reports of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which prefers to be known as Chatham House. Chatham House's principal funding comes from the UK, US, Canadian, German, Swiss, Japanese, Swedish and Norwegian governments, the World Bank and the EU, and from corporate "philanthropists" including IKEA, Bill Gates, George Soros, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, BP, Chevron, Shell, and ExxonMobil. I could go on. In other words, Chatham House is absolutely rolling in the dosh controlled by states and the super wealthy. It is headquartered in the…
Meanwhile, Back in Scotland September 30, 2023: - I flew back from Amsterdam yesterday after a month spent campaigning for Julian Assange, much of it organisational rather than public. Seeing Scotland with perspective after a month away really brings home the astonishing state of Scottish politics, particularly around the Independence movement. Support for Independence is as consistently high as it has ever been. Polls this last six months have varied between Yes lead and No lead, but almost all have been in the 48‒52 region for either side, i.e. a tie within the margin of error. The Unionist vote continues to be very heavily weighted by older people…
Grayzone Interview with Max Blumenthal September 19, 2023: - This covers a lot of ground - Assange, Ellsberg, Skripal, Salmond, Taiwan and more. My highlight was getting to point out that China cannot "invade" Taiwan. Taiwan is Chinese and you cannot invade your own territory. Even Taiwan accepts it is part of China, it merely thinks its side of the Chinese Civil War should be running all of it. On social media there have been very many comments on the poor sound quality. This is an interesting reflection on expectations. I hear no more than mild distortion. A decade ago this would have been normal internet sound quality. And…
The Slow Motion Execution of Julian Assange September 16, 2023: - Thanks entirely to the brilliance of Chris Hedges in leading me through the material, I think this is the most clear outline of the Assange case which I have ever given. I wish to address some social media attacks: Nobody is paying me to be here to campaign for Julian, other than the subscribers to this blog who fund in a wider sense all of my activity. Where there have been paid ticket events, the money is not for me. I have received some contributions towards expense, totaling about $850, which doesn't even meet my initial air ticket. I realise…
Defend Assange US Tour September 11, 2023: - I am currently in Minnesota where I am speaking tonight and doing several media interviews. The primary purpose of the whole US visit is not the public appearances, but preparation for the campaign and defence in the USA should extradition go ahead. That does not mean at all that the focus has in any way shifted from preventing extradition from the UK, and the legal defence remain fully engaged and optimistic about both the High Court and the European Court of Human Rights. But I am also very buoyed by the extraordinary depth and quality of the support in the…
Submission to the United Nations September 1, 2023: - The complaint to the United Nations against my imprisonment for contempt of court has now been submitted. This is the first time I have been able to state the case without the compulsory use of Scottish counsel, who were astonishingly timid of criticising Lady Dorrian or detailing Sturgeon's conspiracy, its personnel, and how it worked. Those who followed my earlier legal submissions will note a real change of tone and emphasis. At this stage my legal team advise I can only make public the first six pages of the forty four page complaint. These are below. The complaint also has…
The Scottish Gestapo August 31, 2023: - On 28 July a gender critical woman demonstrator, Julie Marshall, was "punched in the face" by a political opponent in Aberdeen. The man who struck her was questioned and issued with a police caution not to punch people. He was neither arrested nor charged. A month later, Scottish Government minister Patrick Harvie was giving a TV interview at the scene of the forthcoming Rutherglen byelection when a man heckled him, calling him a "deviant". Harvie responded that the man was a "bigot". The heckler has now been arrested and charged, though when Stuart Campbell spoke with Police Scotland, they refused…
Government By Uncontrolled Lunatic Racists August 29, 2023: - As long term readers know, I often assist with refugee and immigration cases, including representing at immigration courts, and we have occasionally over the years housed refugee families in our home for a while. I have nowadays to add for the avoidance of trolling, no I do not get paid for any of this, by anyone. Yesterday I was introduced to a case unlike any other I have seen. A student arrived in the UK, with a new, valid and genuine student multiple visa in his passport. His course fees are paid and he had money to support himself. On…
Destitution Capitalism August 28, 2023: - I despair that there appears to be no discernible political debate over economic policy in the UK at all, outwith a few left websites and magazines with tiny readerships. The Labour Party has completely abandoned the mildly social democratic platform of Jeremy Corbyn, and now actively renounces public ownership of utilities, improved workers' rights giving greater job security, public spending to stimulate the economy and the use of taxation to redistribute wealth. Rachel Reeves, Labour's shadow chancellor, explicitly promotes the Thatcherite doctrine that taxation, public spending and all forms of regulation are detrimental to economic growth. She not only dismisses…
Where Has all the War Porn Gone? August 23, 2023: - UPDATE I no longer have a source with access to Putin's inner circle. I did not pretend to understand the astonishing episode of the Wagner march on Moscow at the time, and plainly it was impossible, if the Russian and Belarussian official narrative were remotely true, that Prigozhin could be allowed to carry on living. Well, at least I got that right. But I still am no closer to understanding the entire dynamic. Unless Prigozhin has been effectively a prisoner these last few months, it seems incomprehensible that he did not flee. To move from something I do not understand…
Alba Must Fight Rutherglen August 22, 2023: - This is one of those unusual occasions, where a little while ago I intended to write a post advocating the precise opposite, but events have changed my mind. After long and hard thought, I had come to the conclusion that pride had to be swallowed and personal animosity set aside. For the sake of Scottish independence we all had to reunite the movement and that could only be behind the SNP. I had a few attempts at starting an article on this. My mind was changed by Humza Yousaf stating that, unequivocally, Independence can only be achieved through a referendum…
When a CIA Asset Becomes a CIA Liability August 10, 2023: - Fernando Villavicencio, who with the Guardian's Luke Harding and Dan Collyns fabricated the notorious Guardian front page lie that Paul Manafort and Julian Assange held pro-Trump meetings in the Ecuadorean Embassy, has been shot dead in Ecuador. The appalling lie, which the Guardian's $700,000 a year editor has refused to retract or remove, despite criticism even from the Washington Post which named Villavicencio as the fabricator, was aimed to give support to Clinton's flagging "Russiagate" invention, which was crumbling fast. Here is a photo of CIA assets Collyns, Harding and Villavicencio together in Quito. Villavicencio's claim to be an anti-corruption…
Imran Khan August 7, 2023: - Given the large population in the UK of Pakistani origin, the lack of serious media coverage of the overthrow and incarceration of Imran Khan, and the mass imprisonment of his supporters, is truly extraordinary. Imran Khan was last week sentenced to three years in prison - and a five year ban from politics - for alleged embezzlement of official gifts. This follows his removal as Prime Minister in a CIA engineered coup, and a vicious campaign of violence and imprisonment against Khan and his supporters. It is currently illegal in Pakistan to publish or broadcast about Khan or the thousands…
Live on the Fly August 6, 2023: - Here is Friday's New York WBAI broadcast hosted by Randy Credico with Roger Waters, John Shipton, Alicia Castro, Ray McGovern and myself. I was slightly worried in retrospect we sounded like friends and campaigners having an internal conversation about strategy. But it appears people found that interesting to hear. Your browser does not support the audio tag. Alternatively, listen on the Live On The Fly website: Live On The Fly - Fri, Aug 4, 2023 15:00 PM     ------------------------------------------------ Forgive me for pointing out that my ability to provide this coverage is entirely dependent on your kind voluntary subscriptions…
Common Sense and Heat Pumps August 3, 2023: - In discussing government proposals to effectively enforce a mass public switch to heat pumps for home heating rather than gas boilers, I venture into an area where I have no expertise. I therefore intend to set out a series of numbered propositions which appear to me incontrovertible. I follow this by a series a) b) c) of policy propositions. (I have been trying to think of a word for enumerate when you are marking by alphabet, but can't come up with one). This is very much an invitation to debate, not an attempt to impose my view. I am reliant…
Modern Life August 1, 2023: - This is simply an anecdotal tale of my personal experience, but it seems to illustrate so much that is wrong with being an ordinary individual in modern late capitalist society, that I thought it was worth relating. I sit writing in my study. Water is dripping through the ceiling across the other side of the room. After a heavy storm about six weeks ago, there was a downpour from the ceiling. The water was very dark and smelly. I don't think I have any outflow pipes it could possibly come from, or I would have thought it was sewage. So…

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