
Boris’s wheelchair is on its way!

Via Indymedia Lille, Translated by Act for freedom now!

At the beginning of July, we urgently re-launched our appeal for financial support for the purchase of a custom-made electric wheelchair for Boris. [...] Now, thanks to anarchist solidarity, Boris can look forward to a much more autonomous return to the streets and the sun.

News on anarchist political prisoners in Belarus, August 2023

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

From Anarchist Black Cross Belarus

Only in August we got to know the outcomes of a trial of Dzmitry Dubouski, which had taken place inside a penal institution on 27 June. The judge decided to transfer Dzmitry from a penal colony to a prison (with significantly harsher conditions), allegedly for “repeated disruption of order and breaking of regulations.” Upon the sentencing, Dzmitry was transferred to a prison nr. 4 in Mahilioŭ.

Update of final trial of 4 anarchists prosecuted for attack on traffic police

Write to soon to be released imprisoned anarchists today!

From Atherns Indymedia, via Act for freedom now!

Full title: Koridallos prison court ,Greece: Update of the final trial of the 4 imprisoned anarchist comrades Jason R., Fotis D., Panagiotis B. and Lambros B., prosecuted for the attack on the Piraeus traffic police.

Genoa, Italy: First-degree sentence of the Diamante trial

From Dark Nights

Evelin was acquitted of all accusations and Gianluca was convicted to 4 years and 6 months of prison (plus a fine of 15,000 euro) for ‘illegal possession of explosives’ (art. 1 and 2 of law 895/67) and ‘attempted crime’ (art. 56 c. p., Italian criminal code), while he was acquitted of the accusation of ‘manufacture or possession of explosive materials with the purpose of endangering public safety’ (art. 435 c. p.).

Alfredo Cospito was transferred to the Bancali prison in Sassari (6 June 2023)

Write to Alfredo and Anna in particular. But also write to any and all anarchist prisoners.

From La Nemesi (machine translation)

We learn that on Tuesday 6 June the anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito was transferred from the Opera prison in Milan (where he had been imprisoned again since 3 May in the department of the Intensified Assistance Service) to that of Bancali in Sassari, Sardinia.

Ivan Alocco released from prison (investigation remains open)

From La Nemesi (machine translation by Anarchist News)

We learn with joy of the release of the anarchist comrade Ivan Alocco! The comrade had been arrested a year ago, on June 11, 2022, by the Sous-Direction Anti-Terroriste (SDAT) of the Central Directorate of Police French for an investigation concerning some arson attacks, which took place in Paris and Montreuil between January and June of the same year, against vehicles of Enedis (dependent on EDF, Électricité de France), of the SFR (Société Française du Radiotéléphone), of the newspaper "Est Républicain", belonging to diplomatic corps and against a luxury car. We also recall that since October Ivan has undertaken two long hunger strikes in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito (the first, of 35 days, from October 27 to December 1 and the second, of 32 days, from December 22 to January 23).

Giannis Michailidis released on parole

From de.indymedia.org (english translation)

The comrade Giannis after an intense struggle where he put his body at a risk of 33 days of hunger strike and 4 days of thirst strike, managed to win what he was entitled to and had been demanding since last year: his conditional release on parole. Something that he had been forced to claim again with a 67-day hunger strike a year before, which he suspended after the verbal promises of the officials that his demand would be satisfied. Something that never happened and as a result, a year later, our comrade continued his struggle.

Update on the June 7-8 hearings of the Diamante trial

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

From La Nemesi

Prosecutor’s indictment and upcoming hearing for the sentence (Italy)

On June 7th and 8th, at the Court of Genoa, there was the prosecutor’s indictment and the defence lawyers’ discussion of the trial against anarchist comrades Evelin and Gianluca.


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