eric king

Eric King and Josh Davidson

Eric King and Josh Davidson

From The Final Straw Radio

This week on the show, you’ll hear part of our conversation with Eric King and Josh Davidson. Josh has been on a few times to talk about collaborative inside-outside projects he works on such as the Certain Days calendar, the greeting cards he helped make of Indigenous political prisoner Oso Blanco’s artwork to benefit Zapatista schools in Chiapas, and the Rattling The Cages book that he co-edited with Eric King.


Via Unoffensive Animal

Vegan anarchist prisoner Eric King, incarcerated since 2014, will soon be released from prison, hopefully before/in February 2024. The fundraiser for Eric’s release has almost reached its goal. If you can help, all donations will go to Eric and help him get back on his feet outside the prison walls.

June 11 Statement from Eric King

From Mongoose Distro

Greetings comrades. Let me tell you about this prison, the federal supermax ADX [in Florence, Colorado]. In this joint there are different levels and units with varying levels of physical isolation and communication, but there are things we all experience. Everyone is locked down at least 21 hours a day, at max 24. When you have inside rec you are by yourself in a room without a pull up bar. Outside rec cages are 8 x 10 foot dog kennels surrounded by concrete walls and a chain link roof — a cage within a cage. Unless you are in the pre-release unit (K-A) or long-term elder unit (K-B), you will never be in the same room as another person. And even in those units you only come around your ‘group’ — which is one to four other people — for inside rec. The other 22 ½ hours are in your cell by yourself. I have been in C-unit, the discipline unit and K-A; there is one other person in my group.

This Is America #184: Eric King Prepares for Release

From It's Going Down

On this episode, we speak with two members of the support crew for anarchist political prisoner, Eric King, who talk about a current fundraiser to help Eric get back on his feet as his release at the end of the year nears. We discuss how Eric has been standing strong following his successful trial and how people can support him as he prepares for life after prison.

Update From Eric 11/6

Update From Eric 11/6

From Free Eric King

Eric has been on some form of commissary restriction or another for the last 4 years. He will never walk another yard again but his restrictions have finally been lifted! We would love to celebrate this and surprise him a bit. Basic small pleasures we often take for granted. Spoil him with sweets. Let him finally load up on enough stamps to respond to everybody. Lots and lots of peanut butter! If you drop a donation here we are going to group them together and send them via Western Union to surprise him”

Eric King has Been Moved to USP Lee: Calls and Emails Needed

Write and call-in for Eric King today!

from It's Going Down

Update on anarchist prisoner Eric King, who has now been transferred to USP Lee in Jonesville, Virginia.

Eric King has just arrived at USP Lee in Virginia. He cannot receive books, but please send him a letter of support.[...] It is imperative that we put pressure on the Bureau of Prisons and notify U.S. Senators and Congressional Reps about this today. Please urge the BOP to redesignate Eric to a low or medium security prison ASAP. They are already aware of threats made by white supremacists and long-term placement in the SHU is not an acceptable alternative to going into general population at USP Lee and being attacked by white supremacists. Please make calls, send faxes and emails today to help keep Eric safe.


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