No "End" In Sight: On Cultivating Conflict with a World of Pandemics

A silhouette crowd wearing blue masks

It is currently September of 2023. Depending on who you ask we are either rounding out our fourth calendar year of a global pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a year or two removed from the ending of that global pandemic, or (for the most conspiratorially minded) over three years removed from a grand hoax that was so well orchestrated that it managed to kill 1.14 million (and counting) of our loved ones in the so-called United States alone. Much has changed over the last four years, but much more has stayed the same.

An Attempted Marxist-Anarchist Dialogue

by Wayne Price

A Review of Michael Lowy & Oliver Besancenot, Revolutionary Affinities: Toward a Marxist-Anarchist Solidarity

Michael Lowy and Oliver Besancenot, two Marxists from the Trotskyist tradition, have made an effort to discuss possible convergences and interactions between Marxism and anarchism. (The little book has been well translated from the French by David Campbell, an anarchist who did most of the work while in jail in New York City.)

Antti Rautiainen: Autonomous Action, Anarchy And Ukraine

From Avtonom

This video on YouTube channel "The Right Podcast" includes an overview of Autonomous Action and an interview with Antti Rautiainen who was exiled from Russia. Antti talks about the history of Autonomous Action, the current website that arose from the movement, events in Russia leading up to his exile, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, anarchist resistance to Russia, work with political prisoners and more.

Jumping Ship, or Why I'm Defecting from the Terrible Community

Submitted anonymously

I've suffered with this community, I've watched as numerous close friends from our community pass away and each time have felt a much needed warmth in the gentle embrace of these friends that I can only say are a deep part of myself.

Reflections on looting, black liberation and anarchism


From Philly Anti-Capitalist

"...Anarchists made an effort to add to the situation. Anarchists were not only present during the riots (albeit to a limited degree), some also carried out attacks. Although anarchists were largely late to the game in terms of intentionally participating, a good amount of anarchists showed up. Segregation and being in different social networks may have played a part in why our response as anarchists was delayed. A proposal of dispersed attacks was made and followed through on. That said, an opportunity to raise morale was missed by prioritizing atomized attack over group action. The anarchist space in Philadelphia is growing right now, and tempering cautious attitudes with encouragement and support can further encourage that growth."

TOTW: Checking in

how are you?

Topic of the Week: Mic check 1 2 3. Checking in (checking out) this week, we’re asking how you are feeling. It's a check in, like before your anarchist meeting starts or something like that. A larger spotlight and importance has been given to the idea of checking in on friends and loved ones during the pandemic to see how they are doing.

The Spook and the Spectre: When Black Anarchism Knocks at The Master’s Door

queer typwriter doing its thing

From Bash Back

We’re here to speak on the culture of black anarchism being discussed in some previous report backs. Very insightful and meaningful report backs but measuring the locality of Black anarchism seems to be a feat that has been left up to the petty bourgeois and/or biracial anarchists who either belong to and/or have proximity to the very same white sub-cultural anarchic spaces they critique and therefore have a very limited understanding concerning historical consciousness and relevancy of the Black Radical Tradition.

Boris’s wheelchair is on its way!

Via Indymedia Lille, Translated by Act for freedom now!

At the beginning of July, we urgently re-launched our appeal for financial support for the purchase of a custom-made electric wheelchair for Boris. [...] Now, thanks to anarchist solidarity, Boris can look forward to a much more autonomous return to the streets and the sun.


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